Big Huge Games, 2012
Windows, PS3 和 Xbox 360*
Big Huge Games, 2012
Windows, PS3 and Xbox 360*

在当今风险较低,资源高度整合的 3A 开发环境中,游戏公司往新 IP 上投资的机会变得越来越少。撇开那些中小项目不谈,现如今绝大多数的 3A 级游戏都是些续作、重启作、外传或是精神续作。
《阿玛拉王国:惩罚(Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning)》就在这样的情况下横空出世。它不仅仅是一个原创 IP,同时其制作团队更是由《上古卷轴 3:晨风(The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind)》和《上古卷轴 4:湮灭(The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion)》的首席设计师 Ken Rolston ,影像漫画(Image Comics)的创始人和《再生侠》(Spawn)的缔造者 Todd McFarlane 还有以《崔斯特 杜垩登(Drizzt Do’Urden)》系列小说[1] 闻名的畅销奇幻作家 R.A. Salvatore 所组成的“梦之队”。
这个雄心勃勃的超级项目的背后则是退役棒球运动员 Curt Schilling,他创立了自己的游戏开发公司——38 工作室(38 Studios),从 THQ 手中收购了 Big Huge Games,然后从美国罗德岛(US state of Rhode Island)那获得了 7500 万美元的贷款,开发了《阿玛拉王国:惩罚》和一款与之相关的 MMORPG。
在 R.A. Salvatore 创造出的独创世界观和 McFarlane 对美术风格的指导帮助下,Rolston 开始着手打造一个崭新的开放世界 RPG 品牌。他所设想的游戏将囊括贝赛斯达(Bethesda)[2] 的开放世界,生软(BioWare)[3] 的叙事和暴雪(Blizzard)那令人上瘾的养成系统,同时还会把重点放在受到《战神(God of War)》等游戏启发的快节奏战斗系统。
In the current low-risk, heavily consolidated AAA development scenario, it's becoming increasingly rare for companies to invest in new IPs. Small projects aside, nowadays most AAA titles are sequels, reboots, spin-offs or spiritual successors.
As such, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning took the world by surprise. Not only was it an original IP, but it was helmed by a dream team: Ken Rolston (lead designer on Morrowind and Oblivion), Todd McFarlane (founder of Image Comics and creator of Spawn) and R.A. Salvatore, the best-selling fantasy author famous for his Drizzt Do'Urden novels.
Behind this ambitious super-project was retired baseball player Curt Schilling, who founded his own game development company (38 Studios), purchased Big Huge Games from THQ and then secured a loan of 75 million dollars from the US state of Rhode Island to develop Amalur and a tie-in MMORPG.
With R.A. Salvatore creating an original setting and McFarlane directing the art style, Rolston set out to create a new brand of open-world RPG. He envisioned a game that offered Bethesda's expansive worlds, BioWare's narratives and Blizzard's addictive progression systems, but focused on fast-paced action combat inspired by games like God of War.
*游戏在 2020 年以《阿玛拉王国:惩罚复刻版(Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning)》重新发售,包括了画面升级、一些平衡性调整,移植到了 PS4、Xbox One、Switch 平台。
*The game was re-released in 2020 as Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning, with upgraded graphics, a few balance changes and new ports for PS4, Xbox One and Switch.

Amalur is very reminiscent of Fable, especially in the art style. But the camera has a narrow FOV and tilts down, focusing more on the floor than on the environment.
游戏一上来你的角色就死了,但之后他(她)会起死回生。这点和《异域镇魂曲(Planescape: Torment)》的开头颇为相似:在这之后的你将不再受命运的摆布并有权利去涉足他人的命运。但不要期望会遇到深刻的哲学困境,因为基本上你都会在人们命定要死的那天前就收拾掉他们。
作为游戏的核心内容,其战斗系统完美地将街机式动作战斗与 RPG 进行了融合。你可以同时装备两种武器,每一把武器都能分配到一个按键(建议使用手柄游玩),发动攻击时可以自由的把两把武器混搭起来使用。游戏中的九种武器玩法各不相同,你可以使用闪避、格挡、即时格挡、三连击、冲锋攻击、迟缓攻击、攻击性法术、持续增益、埋设陷阱、召唤等等千奇百怪的技能。你也可以偷袭从背后捅敌人一刀,尽管这招通常不是很有用。
The game begins with your character dead. Then he/she gets better. This rather Planescape: Torment-ish event removes you from the Wheel of Fate and allows you to interfere with other people's destiny. But don't expect deep philosophical dilemmas – you basically can kill people before they were fated to die.
To do so, Amalur offers a variety of weapons, spells and skills, divided into three classic archetypes – Might, Finesse and Sorcery. Every level-up, you get three points to spend on the archetypal skill trees. You can mix them however you wish, and the game reacts to that by unlocking “destiny” bonuses you can equip. For example, investing six points in Might and six points in Sorcery gives you the Guardian destiny, which boosts defence and converts damage into mana.
Combat is really the meat of the game, and it's a satisfying blend of arcade action and RPG. You equip two weapons at once, each assigned to a button
(a controller is advised), and you can freely mix their attacks. The nine weapon types all play very differently and there are several moves at your disposal – dodges, parries, timed blocks, 3-hit combos, charge attacks, delayed attacks, damage spells, sustained buff, traps, summons, etc... You can also sneak and backstab unsuspecting foes, though it isn't often useful.
The enemy variety isn't big, but they all have very distinct moves and skills. And, to seal the deal, Amalur uses a Diablo-like loot system, with random items of several qualities, legendary unique, item sets, gems and even a salvage and crafting system. It isn't deep, as the item bonus lack diversity, but it's addictive.
Sadly, the game's balance is severely lacking. Combat is a cakewalk unless you play on Hard, and even then the respawning monsters and huge amount of side-quests means you'll eventually become too powerful and breeze through it. A shame, really.
1 译者注:实际上这是以 TRPG 规则《龙与地下城》(Dungeons & Dragons)为背景,以其中知名角色暗精灵崔斯杜垩登作为主角登场的奇幻小说系列,其中具有代表性的作品有《破晓之路》以及“猎人之刃”三部曲:《千兽人》、《孤身卓尔》、《双剑》。
2 译者注:一家美国游戏发行商,并且为 Zenimax Media 的子公司。代表作《上古卷轴》系列。
3 译者注:Elevation Partners公司旗下的一个子公司,总部位于加拿大埃尔伯塔省省会埃德蒙顿市的游戏开发公司,成立于 1995,主营游戏引擎开发。曾开发过一些著名的 RPG 游戏,例如《无冬之夜》(Neverwinter Nights)、《星球大战之旧共和国武士》(Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic)等。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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