Heroic Fantasy Games, 2009
Heroic Fantasy Games, 2009

时至今日,仍然有人在争论到底哪个游戏可以带来“究极的 3.5 版 DND (龙与地下城)游戏体验”。然而当各派人士还在进行无休止的战争时,善于思考的人早就知道,答案完全取决于用 3.5 版的哪一部分来评判。
想找角色系统应用最广泛的游戏,那么肯定没有竞争对手比 2006 年的《无冬之夜 2(Neverwinter Nights 2)》选项数量多;说到严格还原的规则和战斗,则是 2003 年的《灰鹰之元素邪恶神殿(Temple of Elemental Evil)》;如果你看重剧情和角色扮演,那么只有《异域镇魂曲(Planescape: Torment)》这样真正的经典才能与《背叛者的面具(Mask of the Betrayer)》媲美。
然而,如果你追求“金盒子”年代[1] 那种回味无穷的地牢探险,那么没有游戏能够挑战 2009 年精心制作的《圣杯骑士(Knights of the Chalice)》。这部游戏或许是那个时代最受忽视的 RPG 佳作,甚至称之为 3.5 版 DND 电子游戏的代表作之一也不为过。
To this day, the debate still rages over which game can rightfully be called “the ultimate Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 game experience”. While sectarians wage this endless war, the critical thinker will know that the answer depends entirely on which part of 3.5 you use to judge each game.
Looking for the most expansive implementation of the character system? Then surely no competitors can hold a candle to the amount of options in 2006's Neverwinter Nights 2. Are you instead looking for strictly correct rules and combat implementation? Then 2003's Temple of Elemental Evil is the game for you. If story and role-playing opportunities are what you crave, Mask of the Betrayer is rivalled only by true classics like Planescape: Torment.
If, however, what you want is a consuming dungeon-crawling experience that harkens back to the Gold Box days, then no games can challenge 2009's masterfully crafted Knights of the Chalice. Perhaps the most criminally overlooked RPG of its era, it is no overstatement to call it one of the defining D&D 3.5 video games.
《圣杯骑士》使用“开放游戏协议”,一份允许任何人免费基于 3.5 版或 5 版 DND 创作游戏的公共许可。
Knights of the Chalice uses the Open Game Licence, a public permission that allows anyone to freely create games based on Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 or 5th Edition.

玩家开始游戏前需要创建一个四人小队,通过投骰子确定属性点。角色创建遵循 3.5 版 DND 规则,不过职业和种族数量都被限制到了三个。
You begin the game by rolling a party of four characters using D&D 3.5 rules, here limited to three classes and three races.
《圣杯骑士》是一个回合制的策略战术模拟器,由 Pierre Beque 一人开发。游戏体量庞大,可探索的地牢和敌人数量都很多。游戏根据“开放游戏协议”开发,这份协议相当于 3.5 版 DND 的“免费版”,对核心规则的还原程度还不错。虽然可选种族和职业较少,但游戏里的魔法职业有名副其实的法术库可供使用,而战士可以擒抱(grapple),突进(bull-rush),还能选择大量的特性(feats)。
剧情方面,《圣杯骑士》只会对你的冒险作出最基本的讲解。游戏美术较为简约,但意外地讨喜。从游戏刚发售一直到今天,扁平化的俯视角一直是第一个劝退点,但不要让这种细节阻止你。这种视角完全不会影响游戏里的战斗,而玩家不消 30 分钟就能完全习惯。
战斗在网格地图上进行,使得玩家可以很快地沉浸到如线下跑团时移动微缩模型的感觉中去。法师必须为寒冰锥(Cone of Cold)法术正确定位;牧师必须小心翼翼地使用“正气如虹”(Righteous Might)以防在身体变大时被挡住;而战士必须在敌人法师召唤出致命的恶魔之前赶紧擒抱住他们。
Knights of the Chalice is a turn-based, tactical combat simulator developed single-handedly by Pierre Begue. It is a vast game with tons of dungeons to explore and foes to battle. The game was developed using the Open Game Licence – the “freeware” version of D&D 3.5 – and stays relatively true to the core rules. While you'll only find a small selection of races and classes, casters have a veritable library of spells at their disposal, while fighters can grapple, bull-rush and choose from a wide selection of feats.
In the story department, KotC offers only the most basic of explanations for your adventuring endeavours. The game's art assets are simplistic but incredibly endearing. The flat, top-down perspective was the most immediate turn-off for players when the game was released and remains so to this day, but do not let such details deter you. Within 30 minutes you'll be completely used to the camera, which will perfectly do its job in the fighting to come.
KotC is a dungeon crawler above all else, and as such presents your party of four with a run-of-the-mill adventuring quest, which soon turns into a sprawling epic throughout the land. As you fight Orcs, giants and dragons in increasingly exotic locations, encounters remain handcrafted and take advantage of the strengths of the systems on display here. More often than not, the game forces you to shake up previously solidified tactics to overcome new obstacles.
Combat is fought on tile-based terrain, which will soon imbue you with the sensation of moving miniatures during a pen-and-paper session. Mages must be positioned correctly for Cone of Cold spells, clerics must use their Righteous Might with care so as not to block themselves from proper positioning when they turn Large, and fighters must hurry to grapple the enemy mage before he summons a deadly demon.
1 译者注:“金盒子系列”指20世纪八九十年代一系列基于 DND 背景的电子游戏,平台为 DOS、FC 和 PC 等,因为使用统一引擎且包装都是金色而得名,包括《光芒之池(Pool of Radiance)》,《青之锁的诅咒(Curse of the Azure Bonds)》,《银色匕首之谜(Secret of the Silver Blades)》等多部作品,均被玩家奉为当年的硬核神作。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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