Sir-Tech, 1992
MS-DOS, Windows, Mac, Saturn 和 PS1
Sir-Tech, 1992
MS-DOS, Windows, Mac, Saturn and PS1

我在第一次游玩《巫术 7(Wizardry: Crusaders of the Dark Savant)》和几年后的第二次游玩中都没能打通它。在 1992 年该作发售后我就进行了游玩尝试,当时我对摇身一变成为电脑游戏的该作仍然一头雾水,因为那会儿我在电脑上还没玩过什么大作。《巫术 7》好比一次天启,一只巨大无朋,匍匐于地的比蒙巨兽(Behemoth[1] ),让人很容易就流连忘返,无论是游戏中的地理描写还是其中云遮雾罩的种种谜题都是如此。
作为 D.W. Bradley 的智慧结晶,《巫术 7》继续了上一作由 Bradley 引领的变革。如果没有系列之前游戏的游玩经历,我们仍然能够找到在 Greenberg/Woodhead[2] 时期为《巫术》系列打下的根基:主角仍然是在一块块儿的地砖,也就是整个世界或地城的建筑地块上慢慢移动的。
I didn't finish Wizardry VII on my first try, or my second a few years later. That first attempt was right after it was published in 1992, when I was still relatively wet behind the ears when it came to computer games, having not played anything really big. Wizardry VII was a revelation, a massive, sprawling behemoth of a game that made it easy to get lost in, both in terms of its geography as well as its more opaque mysteries.
The second try was an attempt to brute-force the game by sheer will, even though I wasn't enjoying myself all that much. I just wanted to beat the damn game. As the Internet (and its easily available guides) were still a year or so away, I was stopped by some of the more obstructionist puzzles. As they say, third time's the charm.
Almost entirely the brainchild of D.W. Bradley, Wizardry VII continued the transformation Bradley had started with its predecessor. The roots of the Greenberg/Woodhead Wizardry can still be seen: movement is by discrete steps from square to square – the building blocks of the world and its dungeons.
《巫术黄金版(Wizardry Gold)》作为《巫术 7》的 Windows 和 Mac 重制版,于 1996 年发行,不过这个版本被广泛的认为是粗制滥造的低级重制,因为它的图像显示并不稳定,音乐表现也非常差劲,更别提还有非常多的 bug。
Wizardry Gold, a new version of Wizardry VII for Windows and Mac was released in 1996. This version is widely considered to be inferior, due to its inconsistent graphics, poor music and frequent bugs.

Characters can change classes at any time if they have the required stats, and skills are now divided into three categories – Weaponry, Physical and Academia.
Bradley 巧妙地将已经十分凝练的地牢冒险游戏公式转置成了巨大的手作开放世界游戏,在这之前,这是非常不可思议的。
在《巫术 7》之中,你可以探索整个星球。另外与其他游戏不同的是,在完成任务的路上你并不孤单。其他派别也会加入故事当中,比如由黑暗学者(Dark Savant)率领的机械兵团正翻天覆地般地追寻星辰夫人(Astral Dominae)——一件威力强大的远古神器。
为了能够和新机制相匹配,游戏引入了外交技能并扩张了 NPC 的交互选项,允许你与之结盟并交换物品和情报。这也就是说,当我对游戏中的敌对派系和拓展后的交互选项赞不绝口时,他们对这些概念的实现却是浅薄而善变的,这无疑让世界的交互性变得虚幻了起来。
Battles are still phase-based and mostly randomly triggered, apart from a few fixed ones. A few new spells and skills were added, lock-picking and trap-disarming were overhauled but, overall, the core system remained the same.
What Bradley ingeniously did was to transpose this refined dungeon-crawling formula to a huge, handcrafted open world, long before this was a thing.
In Wizardry VII, you have an entire planet to explore. And, unlike most games, you're not alone on your quest. Various other factions have joined the fray, including the eponymous Dark Savant and his robot legions, in a wild scavenger hunt for the Astral Dominae – a powerful ancient artefact.
Your objective is to find various map pieces spread all over the planet that, in theory, should help you solve various puzzles and reach your final goal. Though, in practice, some of these puzzles are almost impossible to solve without the help of a guide. This is not helped by a keyword-based dialogue system that makes it easy to miss crucial hints. And there's no journal, so expect to make a copious amount of notes.
The game has six major factions you can ally with, but much more interesting are rival parties made up of individuals from those factions. Like you, they roam the planet, collecting map pieces, befriending, antagonising and fighting each other or you – giving an overall sense of urgency and of a living game world.
To facilitate this new mechanic, the game introduced a Diplomacy skill and expanded NPC interaction options, allowing you befriend them and trade items and information. That said, while I love the concept of rival parties and expanded interactions, their implementations are far too insubstantial and fickle to be more than an illusion of world reactivity.
1 译者注:一种西方神话生物,意为“群兽”,暗指它体型庞大。
2 译者注:在Bradley接手巫术项目前的两位制作人。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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