Gearbox Software, 2010
Windows, OS X, PS3 和 Xbox 360
Gearbox Software, 2010
Windows, OS X, PS3 and Xbox 360

在《无主之地》中,你会扮演四位秘藏猎人(Vault Hunters),也就是外太空寻宝人中的一位,在潘多拉(Pandora)星球中追求财富与荣誉。挡在你面前的,是一群永无止境的疯子强盗,本土动物和杀手机器人。每一个秘藏猎人都有自己的一套力量体系,适合不同的游戏风格。有些适合高风险的近战,有些适合使用远程武器,还有的则更擅长在联机中为队友提供辅助。
Ask someone to describe a Borderlands game and the first things they'll mention will probably be the comedy setting and the faux hand-drawn art style. These features set the series apart in the crowded shooter market and make Borderlands visually striking and unique.
The odd thing is that these attributes were basically last-minute additions. The original Borderlands began development as a grim game with a serious art style, and didn't become the Borderlands we know today until the last few months of development. This is a series where its defining attributes didn't take shape until the last possible moment, and it had to overcome a lot of internal pressure to do so.
In Borderlands, you play as one of four Vault Hunters (basically outer space treasure hunters) searching for fame and fortune in the world of Pandora. In your way stands a never-ending army of psycho bandits, indigenous wildlife, and killer robots. Each Vault Hunter has their own set of powers that favour a particular playstyle. Some will lend themselves to risky up-close engagements, some are suited to using long-range weapons, and others are stronger in support roles for those that want to play co-op with their friends.
《无主之地》的艺术风格在发售前几个月被彻底得改变了,变得与 2007 年的一部名为《密码猎人(Codehunters)》的短篇动画几乎相同。Gearbox 后来承认了这一灵感,但从未真正地把其归功于原作者。
Borderlands' art was changed months before release and became nearly identical to a 2007 short animation called Codehunters. Gearbox later acknowledged the inspiration, but never properly credited the original artist.

Each character has a particular playstyle and three unique skills trees. Mordecai, for example, can specialise in pistols, in sniper rifles, or improve his pet’s attacks and skills.
武器遵循《暗黑破坏神 2(Diablo II)》中传统的稀有度设定,其中一些传奇武器拥有更多的特殊能力。后坐力,伤害输出,装弹速度,弹夹容量,精准度和射速之间的有无限多种变化,所以每把枪都给人以独一无二的感受。除此之外,玩家的等级会逐渐提升,这意味着他们需求的枪支等级也在提高,因此就需要不断寻找更高等级的装备替换。
《无主之地》的一半内容来自于类似《暗黑破坏神(Diablo)》这样装备驱动的 ARPG 游戏。玩家在流程中击败一波又一波的敌人并寻找稀有物品。这样的游戏大部分时间都是在疯狂地点击着怪物,玩家只会在查看与整理战利品和卖掉不需要的物品的时候停下来。
As you gun down waves of enemies, they drop randomised weapons and gear. In a lot of shooters the gameplay can eventually get stuck in a rut, with the player eventually settling on one or two weapons that suit their playstyle, to the exclusion of all else. But in Borderlands the constant supply of absurd weapons can keep the gameplay fresh.
Maybe right now you're really attached to a shotgun that shoots explosive rounds, but an hour from now you'll find a pistol that sets people on fire and allows you to throw unused bullets like grenades if you reload prematurely. After that you might fall in love with an assault rifle that can melt through enemy armour with corrosive damage and has a scope attachment that allows you to use it like a sniper rifle.
They follow the traditional coloured rarity tiers of Diablo II, with some of the legendary weapons having more exotic abilities. The variations in recoil, damage output, reload speed, magazine size, accuracy, and fire rate are endless, so that every gun feels unique. On top of this, the player levels up on a regular basis, which means they're always gradually out-levelling their guns and thus need to be on the lookout for replacement gear of higher levels.
While the comedy and art style give Borderlands its unique personality, the gameplay is what sets the series apart and keeps players interested for hundreds of hours. The Borderlands formula is a marriage of two vastly different genres that combine to become more than the sum of their parts.
Half of Borderlands is derived from the loot-driven Action RPGs like Diablo, where the player cuts through waves of foes in search of rare items. Most of the game is spent furiously clicking on monsters, with the player stopping only to sort through their loot, look for interesting items, and sell off the rest in town.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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