Owlcat Games, 2018
Windows, Mac, Xbox One 和 PS4
Owlcat Games, 2018
Windows, Mac, Xbox One and PS4

《拥王者》的故事从上流社会的一场宴会开始。宴会的举办者发起了一场竞赛:无论是谁,只要能夺回那片神秘而荒芜的失窃之地(Stolen Lands),就能获封男爵,在其上建立全新的国家[1] 。一系列变故后,宾客们分为两队来进行这个任务,玩家担任其中一队的队长,另一支队伍的领袖则是主角的对手。接下来,你需要完成几个教学关卡、经历几场战斗,最后,一支队伍成为胜者,占领了失窃之地。不过,到了这里,故事才刚刚开始。
在《开拓者:拥王者(Pathfinder: Kingmaker)》中,你将踏上一趟传奇之旅,身份既是冒险者,亦是统治者。游戏不乏传统 CRPG 以小队为基础的探索体验,在这个精心打造的巨大世界里,聚落、地城和森林随处可见,你随时可能遭遇伏击,也可能会遇到随机事件;但在此之外,你还需要作出许多与王座相关的抉择。与很多有类似设定的游戏不同的是,《拥王者》的这两部分都非常有趣。你可能会先花六个小时专心探索一片片沼泽和地城,然后再花六个小时来巩固那让你心欢但又岌岌可危的男爵之位。
《拥王者》由 Owlcat Games 制作,这个工作室的高层大多在 Nival Interactive 工作过,后者的作品包括俄国早期的战略 RPG 《愤怒的魔法师》(Rage of Mages,1998)及其 3D 续作《恶魔岛》(Evil Islands,2001),颇为小众的优质经典战略游戏《寂静风暴》(Silent Storm,2003),以及《魔法门之英雄无敌 5》(Heroes of Might & Magic V,2005)。
Kingmaker starts off at a high society party, where the host declares a competition: the one who is able to take back the mysterious and wild Stolen Lands shall be proclaimed as baron of the newly established kingdom. After a few incidents, the guests split into two groups – led by the player character and a rival – with possible party members choosing their leader based on your choices. Following a few more tutorial sequences and clashes, the winner takes over the land. But, even then, the best is yet to come.
In Pathfinder: Kingmaker you're on an epic journey – both as an adventurer and as a ruler. There's the classic CRPG party-based exploration of a huge hand-made world filled with settlements, dungeons, forests, ambushes and random encounters, as well as a lot of throne-bound decision-making. Contrary to many similar games, both of these parts are interesting. You can spend six hours straight venturing through swamps and dungeons, and then sit back for another six hours looking after your adorable yet unstable barony.
Kingmaker was made by Owlcat Games, a studio lead mostly by former employees of Nival Interactive, which was responsible for early Russian strategy/RPG Rage of Mages (1998), its 3D successor Evil Islands (2001), the cult classic tactical gem Silent Storm (2003) and Heroes of Might & Magic V (2005).
《开拓者:拥王者》是 2017 年发起的众筹项目,一共筹集了 909057 美元;续作《正义之怒》在 2020 年发起众筹,共筹集 2054399 美元。
Pathfinder: Kingmaker was crowdfunded in 2017, raising $909,057 USD. Its sequel, Wrath of the Righteous, raised $2,054,339 USD in 2020.

The kingdom management aspect has multiple layers, from selecting advisors and dealing with requests to managing buildings and expanding your influence.
《拥王者》于 2017 年发起众筹。游戏基于同名战役[2] 《拥王者》改编,这一战役包含六个冒险故事,运用了《开拓者》这套颇受欢迎、可以代替 D&D 的 TRPG 规则。
游戏《拥王者》的整体结构和原战役基本一致:收复失窃之地后,你需要处理王国里大大小小的各种事务。在顾问(advisor)[3] 的帮助下,有些问题不用离开王座半步就能解决,但许多事情还是需要你亲力亲为。这片土地上的人民会向你寻求帮助,例如寻找失踪的亲人、解除诅咒;你还要时常担任“青天大老爷”的角色,为民执法。
大多数时候,关键在于找到合适的 NPC,并将其安排到合适的官职上。在王国管理这方面,你的队友也拥有不同的性格特点。了解他们的秉性十分重要,毕竟,同样是牧师,一个厌世倾向严重、郁郁寡欢,另一个满腔热忱、积极乐观,他们的行事方式必定大相径庭。有时候,游戏也允许你介入顾问的工作,而无论是干涉还是把决定权交到对方手上,你的选择都会影响团队关系。
游戏主线是一段传统的严肃奇幻(high fantasy)冒险故事(你的抉择可能让其成为一款暗黑游戏),以及一个以对话为基础的“种田游戏”。不过支线剧情也一样优秀,有些支线看似微不足道,实则引人入胜。每一个地点都让人感觉鲜活灵动,而且总能给你带来一点惊喜,比如获得一件宝藏——它的周遭可能是危险,可能是谜团,也可能是欢声笑语,甚至可能是莫名其妙的状况;比如破解有趣的谜题;再比如从细节之处一窥背后的宏大故事。
Kickstarted by the studio in 2017, Kingmaker is based on the Kingmaker campaign, a collection of six adventure books for the Pathfinder tabletop RPG – a popular alternative to the Dungeons & Dragons rules.
Kingmaker, the video game, follows the same overall structure as the books: after taking control of the Stolen Lands, you'll have to resolve many different problems in your kingdom. Some of the situations can be solved from the throne with the help of your advisors, but many of them will require your personal involvement. People of the land will come to the baron to seek help, find missing relatives, lift curses and, basically, enforce the law manually.
While in the capital city, your party members take their seats as advisors. Some tasks can be solved by just appointing the right advisor to a problem he can solve. For example, the regent will address general problems of your fellow citizens, while the high priest will solve cases related to religion.
Most of the time the trick is to find the right NPC and set him into the right governing position. Here as well your followers will show their personalities, which is important because the methods of a priest with dark suicidal thoughts will heavily differ from those of an enthusiastic and upbeat cleric. Sometimes the game allows you to interfere with your advisor's job, and your choice whether to do it or to let the advisor make his own decision will also affect your party relations, too.
While the main story is a traditional (although possibly evil) high-fantasy adventure combined with a dialogue-based city builder, the tiny side stories are just as good, and sometimes extremely intriguing. Every location feels alive and has something to offer – a treasure surrounded by a dangerous, mysterious, humorous or even confusing circumstances; some pleasant puzzles; or a scratch of a bigger story.
1 译者注:这句话背后的信息其实比较复杂。宴会举办者是布雷沃的一位要人,“剑爵”嘉曼蒂 · 阿尔多瑞(Jamandi Aldori),而失窃之地与布雷沃毗邻,多年来其归属一直有争议,目前正被以“鹿王”为首的一伙强盗势力占领。为了争取盟友、保持周边地区稳定,嘉曼蒂希望在这片土地上扶植一位新王,并且保证不干预后者对这片土地的治理。
2 译者注:在TRPG(Table-top RPG,桌面角色扮演游戏,也即现在常说的“跑团”)中,战役(campaign)指篇幅较长的冒险故事集,通常包含多个相对独立的章节。
3 译者注:“顾问”在游戏中包括多个职位,如摄政官、议员、财政官、高阶祭司、魔法顾问等等。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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