Southern Software, 1981
Atari 8-bit, Apple II 和 Commodore PET
Southern Software, 1981
Atari 8-bit, Apple II and Commodore PET

在七十年代末八十年代初的几款“元祖 RPG” 诞生时,RPG 类型仍待定义,其中一种流行的游戏风格就是“探险寻宝”(gather treasures across the land)类游戏。
该类型直接受到了 Colossal Cave(1976)以及像是 Magic Realm(1979)这类桌游的启发,在这些游戏中玩家(通常是与其他玩家依次轮流玩)竞相探索一片区域并收集财宝,比赛看谁能得到更高的分数。
Among the several “proto-RPGs” made in the late 70s and early 80s while the RPG genre was still defining itself, a popular style was the “gather treasures across the land” games.
Directly inspired by Colossal Cave (1976) and board games like Magic Realm (1979), these were games where you (often alternating turns with other players) raced to explore an area and collect treasures, competing to see who can earn a higher score.

在战斗中,你可以执行一些动作,诸如跳跃、躲闪或者一连串攻击,但所有的行动都 会消耗你的力量。
In combat you can perform several actions, like leaping, dodging or executing a barrage of attacks, all which drain your strength meter.

有 40 个地点分为七大区域可供探索。你可以在两地之间快速移动,也可以缓慢挪步避免随机遭遇。
There are 40 locations to explore, divided into seven areas. You can travel quickly between them, or move slowly trying to avoid random encounters.
你可以通过在世界地图上移动来搜寻宝物和线索。取决于角色速度和天气等因数的限制,像是行走、搜索和休息这样的动作都需要一定的时间,但你可以使用疗伤(Cure Self)和传送术(Teleport)来帮助自己度过限制时间。
让《龙之眼》出彩的是它的战斗系统。当玩家遇敌时,画面会切换到 2D 侧视图,玩家可以像是格斗游戏那样控制自己的角色,只不过每回合你可以命令角色左右移动、劈砍、头顶攻击、跳跃、躲闪、格挡、使用道具、射箭等等。
有 40 个地点分为七大区域可供探索。你可以在两地之间快速移动,也可以缓慢挪步避免随机遭遇。
这种独特的 2D 格斗融合回合制 RPG 的系统再登场就要到 Windwalker(1989)了,并且后来像是 Wizards Wars (1988)以及 Moonstone: A Hard Days Knight (1991)这样的游戏都大大扩大了“寻宝”的概念,但是作为众多被遗忘帮助造就了电子游戏的先驱之一,《龙之眼》值得赞扬。
Being a very early title, still sold in cassette tapes, Dragon's Eye is a simple game, beatable in an hour or so. You start by naming your hero, then choosing a weapon and a title, after which you'll get a random selection of spells and be sent to the world map.
Your goal is to find the mythical Dragon Eye and return with it to the starting city within 21 days. Once you do so, you win the game and will be rated on how many battles you won and treasures you recovered.
You play by moving around the world map and searching locations for treasures or clues to their location. Actions like walking, searching and resting take a certain amount of time based on factors like your speed and weather, but you can use spells such as Cure Self or Teleport to help with the time limit.
Unlike other games of this kind, Dragon's Eye has no competing AI opponents, quests, special events or dungeons – you just walk around searching areas repeatedly, as there's a high percentage chance to find items.
What makes Dragon's Eye stand out is its combat. When you encounter an enemy, the screen goes to a 2D side-view and you control your character much like in a fighting game, but in turns: you can order it to move left or right, chop, do an overhead attack, leap, dodge, block, use an item, fire an arrow, etc.
Each action drains your strength, reducing the power of blows and forcing you to rest afterwards. It's primitive and unreliable but highly original, coming from a time before fighting games even existed.
This unique blend of 2D combat and turn-based RPG would be revisited in Windwalker (1989), and later games like Wizards Wars (1988) and Moonstone: A Hard Days Knight (1991) would greatly expand the “find all treasures” concept, but Dragon's Eye deserves its praise as one of the many forgotten pioneers that helped shape video games.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明