New World Computing, 1986
MS-DOS, Amiga, Apple II, Mac, C64, 等*
New World Computing, 1986
MS-DOS, Amiga, Apple II, Mac, C64, etc*

魔法门 1(Might and Magic: Book I - Secret of the Inner Sanctum)是由 New World Computing (新世界电脑)公司创始人 John Van Caneghem 提案制作的以队伍组建为主题的“blobber” 系列 RPG 游戏中的第一部。该系列游戏并未拘泥于当时流行的主流玩法,而是开创了一个全新的游戏方式,一个基于《巫术(Wizardry)》的基本架构,再加上一个可探索开放世界的“真正的”回合制游戏。
在以往像是《巫术》或者《冰城传奇(The Bard's Tale)》这类游戏中,需要在每回合开始前输入大量的行动指令然后再一次性执行。然而在《魔法门》中无论是玩家还是怪物都会立即执行每一个命令,这让玩家有机会对事件的展开做出即时反应。
本作的开放式世界所带给玩家的那种自由感,在此之前是很少有游戏可以做到的。本作地图的创意以及开发前对于游戏内容的承诺保证吸引了一大票玩家进入了游戏的世界,很明显他们也确实兑现了当初的承诺。游戏世界中囊括了森林、 沙漠、沼泽、山脉、海洋和空灵界等诸多领域。
Might and Magic - Book I is the first of a long series of party-based “blobber” RPGs initiated by John Van Caneghem, founder of New World Computing. It offered a new take on the sub-genre then dominated by Wizardry, with a large outdoor open world and a “real” turn-based combat system, as opposed to the popular phased one.
In games like Wizardy and The Bard's Tale all commands were issued in bulk at the beginning of the turn, then played out. Might and Magic made every command be executed immediately, both for the player and the enemies, allowing players the opportunity to instantly react to how events unfold.
Preference for one or the other is a matter of taste, but this new way to handle a party in combat offered an interesting alternative.
The open world brought a sense of liberty few games had dared offer until then. The map lured the player in with promise of discovery and developments, and that the promise the game does keep. Environments include forests, deserts, swamps, mountains, oceans and ethereal realms.
*《魔法门》获得了巨大的成功并斩获多项大奖,后来也被移植到多个平台上,其中包括 NES 以及日本电脑上的重制版。
*Might and Magic was a huge hit, earning several awards and being ported to multiple systems, including later remakes for the NES and the Japanese computers.

Might and Magic's openworld structure was novel at the time, and a refreshing change from linear dungeon crawls.
The world is a large patchwork of puzzles. Forest mazes are not designed to appear natural, but rather offer a challenge to access secret areas that reap higher rewards, including keys to unlock areas you may have run into previously but were unable to enter.
The game's artful use of impenetrable forest, mountain walls, portals and secret passages make many areas a challenge that needs to be revisited repeatedly before you can confidently draw that last square and complete your own map.
Many will be shaken off by the necessity to draw the maps and keep notes. But these challenges to the player's rigour will make stepping out of the comfort zone worth it. Every challenge brings its lot of satisfaction when it is overcome, and carefully building your own maps is no exception.
The combat system, backed by dozens of tactical spells, is an experience in nail-biting suspense where one poor decision can often turn the tide against you and spell defeat. A good one can lead to a satisfying victory against apparently disastrous odds. Granted, not every battle offers these situations but they come around enough to make the game memorable.
While there is, to some extent, a bit of level scaling (as encounters adapt to the strength of your party), it only goes so far. Roaming the world therefore leads to encounters that inevitably lead to an untimely death. Even within the same map, accessing a remote area might lead to scripted encounters that offer an unexpected level of resistance, keeping you on your toes.
Another aspect that keeps you alert is the fact that the only way to save your progress is to return to the inn. This saves in a single slot, overwriting the previous entry, and can lead to intense frustration, but it also makes each battle more suspenseful.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明