Black Isle Studios, 2000
Windows 和 Mac
Black Isle Studios, 2000
Windows and Mac

玩一个基于《龙与地下城》规则的 CRPG 游戏,这件事本身就足以让我心情大好,而《冰风谷(Icewind Dale)》正是这样一部作品。与同用无限引擎(Infinity Engine)开发的许多游戏[1] 一样,它的质量奇高无比。
说到《冰风谷》就不得不提《博德之门(Baldur's Gate)》系列。第一次玩《冰风谷》的时候,我刚打完《博德之门》和《博德之门 2》。这两部作品彻底改变了我对游戏的标准,也让我彻底变成了一名游戏爱好者。要知道,如果你刚刚体验过两部在整个游戏史里都赫赫有名的传奇作品,这时再去玩一个“好游戏”,体验是截然不同的。不过,不要误会我的意思:虽然《冰风谷》确实被同年发布的《博德之门 2》以及同日发布的《暗黑破坏神 2(Diablo Ⅱ)》抢了风头,它仍有许多值得称道的地方。
《冰风谷》基于升级版的无限引擎进行开发。这一游戏引擎在之前就已大获成功,这次更是缔造了不少令人惊叹的地图和怪物。此外,游戏将《被遗忘的国度》的丰富设定精心运用其中,还允许玩家自定义创建整支冒险小队。《冰风谷》的游戏时长大约为 60 到 80 小时,其全新的随机掉落系统赋予玩家多周目的动力,繁复细致的剧情则令人赞叹,更有 Jeremy Soule 的配乐为其锦上添花——这批配乐在业内也属于是顶尖的。
Playing a CRPG based on Dungeons & Dragons is reason enough to make me smile. That's exactly the case with Icewind Dale, member of a great Infinity Engine family of outstanding games.
It's impossible to talk about Icewind Dale without mentioning the Baldur's Gate series. I first played IWD days after finishing BG and BG2, two games that completely changed my criteria and forged me as a gamer. Believe me, playing a good game shortly after experiencing two of the best games of all time makes a lot of difference. But make no mistake, despite being eclipsed by Baldur's Gate II, which was released in the same year (and by Diablo II, released on the exact same day), Icewind Dale manages to hold its own.
The game employs an enhanced version of the successful Infinity Engine – sporting some impressive areas and enemies – makes thoughtful use of the rich Forgotten Realms lore and offers players a full party to customise. The campaign lasts from 60 to 80 hours, with a new random loot system encouraging replays and an elaborate story gracefully ornated by Jeremy Soule's soundtrack – one of the best in gaming.
作家 R. A. Salvatore 著有同名小说《冰风谷》三部曲,主角为崔斯特·杜垩登(Drizzt Do'Urden)。尽管设定相同,但它与游戏《冰风谷》没有任何关联。
Despite having the same name, and setting, the game bears no relation with R.A. Salvatore's The Icewind Dale Trilogy novels staring Drizzt Do'Urden.

You'll visit many unique locations, from slave pens and a cursed fortress to a gnome village and a giant magical tree.
在《博德之门》中,玩家只需要为身为巴尔之子(Bhaal's child)的主角加点,而《冰风谷》与此截然不同:在这个游戏里,你可以自由创建一整支冒险者小队,人数上限同样是 6 人[2] 。这一改动看起来简单,实际上却对整个游戏有着或好或坏的深刻影响。最妙的是,你能按喜好随意搭配各个职业和种族,对战略型玩家来说,这简直是天堂。再说了,用一整队施法者[3] 来玩这个游戏,难道不是一种格外有趣(也格外令人头秃)的体验吗?
我们的故事发生在冰风谷中,这个与游戏标题同名的山谷坐落于北极圈边缘,是剑湾(Sword Coast)[4] 最北部的地区。冰风谷横卧在世界之脊(Spine of the World)附近,那是一座延绵千里的巨大山脉,常年为冰雪覆盖,险峻无比,其中更潜伏着无数的邪恶生物。你的小队会从在东流亡地(Easthaven)出生,随后加入一支远征队,前往位于东方的库达哈(Kuldahar)调查当地发生的怪异事件。
出发不久,旅途中的第一个“惊喜”就会找上门来:一群冰霜巨人(Storm Giants)早就埋伏在必经之路上。它们制造出一场雪崩,导致远征队全军覆没,仅有玩家控制的小队得以幸存。雪崩过后,返回东流亡地的路就被堵住了,这支小队只好继续向库达哈前进,并接下大德鲁伊(Archdruid)阿伦多(Arundel)授予的任务,由此开启游戏主线。
Instead of customising the main character and playing the role of Bhaal's child (like in Baldur's Gate), Icewind Dale gives you the opportunity to create and customise your entire group of adventurers – again a party of six characters. This apparently simple change has a deep impact on how the entire game flows sometimes for better, others for worse. The best thing is the freedom to combine any classes and races you want – for more strategic players, this is heaven. And come on, isn't it fun (and challenging) to play with an entire group of spellcasters?
However, there's a trade off. To offer this level of freedom the designers sacrificed the personal touch of playing a bigger role with the protagonist. Since the entire party plays the main role, there's no room for a single character stand in the centre of the storyline. Plus, the fun of finding new companions and trying to make them happy is also gone. Of course, this doesn't ruin the game at all, but is something to be aware of. The game is clearly more focused towards dungeon-crawling, and works beautifully in this regard.
The game's journey takes place at the eponymous Icewind Dale, a sub-arctic region on the northernmost part of the Sword Coast. It's located near the Spine of the World, a massive mountain range known as a cold, deadly and evil-creatures-infested place. Your party begins in the city of Easthaven, where you join an expedition to investigate some strange happenings in the eastern city of Kuldahar.
It doesn't take long for the first of many unpleasant surprises: the expedition is ambushed by Storm Giants, who create an avalanche that kills the entire company, except for the player's party. The path back to Easthaven is blocked, forcing the party to venture forth to Kuldahar and start the main quest, given by Arundel, an Archdruid.
1 译者注:无限引擎是 BioWare 制作的游戏开发系统,除《冰风谷》以外,基于该系统的游戏还有《博德之门》、《异域镇魂曲》等。
2 译者注:之所以说“同样”,是因为《博德之门》的队伍上限也是6人,但仅允许玩家创建 1 个角色,其他成员则需要在旅途中逐一招募。不过,在《博德之门:增强版》中,玩家也可以直接创建一支多人队伍了。
3 译者注:在《龙与地下城》中指术士、法师一类职业,往往是高输出的脆皮角色。
4 译者注:考虑到 2021 年初《冰风谷》才推出官方简体中文版,以下地点与角色的译名均参考玩家更熟悉的民间汉化版。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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