唐纳德·布朗(Donald Brown),1980 年
Apple II(MS-DOS,Atari ST 和 Windows)
Donald Brown, 1980
Apple II (MS-DOS, Atari ST and Windows)*

《埃蒙》不仅仅是一个游戏,它是一个游戏系统——基于一套规则和工具来创建更多的游戏。最初它只是通过玩家们口口相传,后来通过美国计算机杂志《计算机娱乐(Recreational Computing)》才真正流行起来。于 1980 年 7 月发行的这期杂志整期主题是“幻想游戏(fantasy games)”,其中有关于如何创建这样的游戏、这种类型游戏的未来等方面的文章,还介绍了相关游戏(比如《埃蒙》和《巫师城堡 Wizard's Castle》),他们的作者解释了它们的工作原理,接下来的几页包含了游戏的基本代码。
You walk into the Adventurer's Guild, register your name and abilities, then buy a weapon and a piece of armour. After asking the nearby wizard to teach you some spells, you enter a hall lined with doors – each leading to a different adventure, in a different setting, written by a different person. Welcome to Eamon.
Eamon isn't just one game, it is a game system – a set of rules and tools for creating more games. Initially circulating by word of mouth, it became popular via Recreational Computing, an American computer magazine. Their July 1980 issue was entirely dedicated to “fantasy games”, with articles about how to create such games, their future as a genre and also a few games, such as Eamon and Wizard's Castle, with their authors explaining how they work and the next few pages containing the game's entire BASIC code.
Readers would type the code on their computers and then save it on a tape or disk in order to play. This was cheap way to distribute games before the Internet, but also an invaluable resource in helping aspiring programmers learn from other's code.
《埃蒙》被粉丝们移植到其他平台上,包括几个不同版本的 MS-DOS 。如果你想试试这个游戏,还有一个方便的浏览器版本。
Eamon was ported by fans to other platforms, including several different versions for MS-DOS. If you want to give the game a try, there's also a handy browser version.

The Main Hall, where your characters are created and come to rest between adventures. The shops offer only a few items, so you'll need to go out exploring to find the cool stuff.
由唐纳德・布朗创建,《埃蒙》的核心是它的“主厅”(Main Hall)程序,用来创建你的角色和加载冒险。你只需输入一个名字,游戏就会根据三个属性生成一个角色:坚韧,决定生命和重量;敏捷,用于战斗和激活陷阱;魅力,控制 NPC 的友好程度(主要是他们是否会攻击你)和商店价格。
大厅还包括一个名为“初学者的洞穴”(Beginner's Cave)的示例冒险,它能让玩家较好的对《埃蒙》进行初步了解。它的演示方式很像文字冒险,例如《巨洞探险(Colossal Cave)》(1976):游戏会描述您当前所在的房间,并且您可以通过键入命令(例如,NORTH(向北)或“GET SWORD”来拿起物品)来执行操作。《埃蒙》的新颖之处在于引入了 RPG 元素,战斗基于掷骰子,并且当您进行战斗时,您的属性和武器技能会逐渐增加。
这意味着您可以将初学者洞穴尽头的魔法剑带入太空冒险,用它来阻止外星人入侵,然后将新购买的爆破步枪带到古希腊与牛头怪战斗 - 或者你能设法在大学或工作中通过任何渠道获得的其他冒险的磁盘,可以通过邮件交易也可以自己创建——请记住,这是在互联网甚至 BBS 流行之前很久的事情了。
Created by Donald Brown, Eamon's heart is its “Main Hall” program, used to create your character and load adventures. You simply type a name and the game will generate a character based on three stats: Hardiness, which determines HP and carries weight; Agility, used in combat and when activating traps; and Charisma, which controls how friendly NPCs are (mostly if they'll attack you or not) and store prices.
You can buy weapons and armour at the store, as well as spells from the wizard. There are five weapons types, three armour categories and four spells – Heal, Blast, Speed and Power – which heal, deal damage, boost Agility or ask the gods for a favour, respectively.
The Main Hall also includes a sample adventure called Beginner's Cave, and it's a good taste of what Eamon is. It plays much like text adventures such as Colossal Cave (1976): the game gives a description of the room you're currently in and you act by typing commands, such as NORTH (or N) to head north, GET SWORD to grab a sword on the ground, etc. Eamon's novelty was introducing RPG elements, with combat being based on dice-rolls and your stats and weapon skills slowly increasing as you use them.
Furthermore, as soon as you finish the adventure you're returned to the Main Hall (given you survive) and can use your new weapons and skills in hundreds of brand-new adventures, all created by other players using Eamon's Dungeon Designer Diskette.
This means you can take the magical sword at the end of the Beginner's Cave into a space adventure, use it to stop an alien invasion and then bring your newly acquired blaster rifle to Ancient Greece to battle the Minotaur – or any other adventure whose disk you managed to get at college or at work, trade by mail or create yourself. Remember, this was long before the Internet or even BBSs became popular!
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明