Team Ninja & Kou Shibusawa, 2017
Windows, PS4 和 PS5
Team Ninja & Kou Shibusawa, 2017
Windows, PS4 and PS5

2004 年,《仁王》(Nioh)作为一个多媒体项目开始了研发,基础是一部黑泽明未完成的剧本。多年过后,这个项目没有任何消息,游戏项目也慢慢从公众视野消失,可能是陷入了开发困境。然而当《仁王》最终在 2017 年亮相时,它惊艳地成为了 Koei Tecmo 最火爆的新 IP 之一。
这些年的开发历程中,涩泽光(Kou Shibusawa)和 Team Ninja 放弃了制作传统 RPG 的计划,转向辨识度高、吸引力强的动作 RPG。他们借鉴了 From Software 魂系列游戏的基本框架,并融入了暗黑破坏神的风格、按稀有度区分的战利品系统。
这些借鉴的元素和看似脑洞枯竭的选择可能表明,《仁王》在艰难寻找自身定位。但事实并非如此:抛开模板化的部分,就会发现战斗系统灵活多变,加上部分还原 17 世纪日本的黑暗背景设定,游戏其实有相当丰富的新内容。
游戏将真实的历史人物置于一个令人着迷的背景设定当中。主人公威廉 · 亚当斯(William Adams)为了寻找名叫精华(《仁王》中的经验值)的神秘资源,来到了战国末期妖怪横行的日本。一个西方人穿着武士的装束——游戏系统也有这种二元性,这不是很相称吗?
Back in 2004, Nioh started out as a multimedia project based on an unfinished script by Akira Kurosawa. Years have passed without any news, and the game has slowly disappeared, presumably into development hell. It was then a pleasant surprise that Nioh became one of Koei Tecmo's hottest new IP when it finally made its debut in 2017.
In these years of development Kou Shibusawa and Team Ninja scrapped a planned traditional RPG and produced a recognizable, attractive new action-RPG instead, by taking the basic formula of From Software's Souls series and fusing it with a Diablo-style rarity-based loot system.
These borrowed elements and seemingly desperate creative choices might indicate that Nioh struggles to carve out its own identity, but that's not the case: the slick and versatile combat system and the dark, semi-historical setting of 1600's Japan has plenty new to offer once we look past the game's formulaic solutions.
The story puts real historical figures into a fantastic milieu, the protagonist being William Adams who travels to a yōkai-infested Japan in the late Sengoku period, looking for a mysterious resource called Amrita (Nioh's experience points). A Western man in the boots of a samurai – isn't it fitting that there is a duality in the game's systems as well?
《仁王》开发组在 2016 年通过游戏试玩版和调查问卷收集了玩家意见。超过 85 万名玩家游玩了 demo,为游戏带来了诸如增加关卡内的捷径、取消武器耐久度等改动。
Nioh's developers used a demo with a survey in 2016 to gather player feedback. It was played by over 850,000 people, and led to changes like adding more shortcuts to levels and removing weapon degradation.

主线任务负责推进故事剧情,支线任务可以获得稀有装备,并通过击败特殊 Boss、完成特殊事件来挑战你的技巧。
The main missions offer large levels that advance the story, while side missions allow you to hunt for rare loot and test your skills against special bosses and encounters.
当然在游戏初期,快节奏的动作和频繁的微操之间有一点脱节,但这些系统可以很好地互补。玩家刚进入游戏就要面对险恶的环境和凶残的敌人,他们会在死亡时随机掉落大量装备(大多数都忠于历史设定)。寻找更好的装备是明智的选择——这里危机四伏,敌人反应迅速,威廉在战斗中途可能还要停下来以获得喘息之机,因为攻击、格挡和闪避都要消耗“气”(Ki,精力)。然而,反应迅速的玩家可以在战斗合适的时机使出“残心”(Ki pulse),恢复一些消耗的精力。
远程武器(弓箭、步枪和手炮)是近战武器的补充。有趣的是,远程武器爆头可以造成惊人的伤害,但弹药稀少。每种武器都有对应的被动技能(Mystic arts),为玩家提供独特 Buff。游戏同时还有熟练度系统,通过使用武器提升。
升级可以提升属性,并在武士、忍术和阴阳术三个技能树上解锁新技能。威廉还可以使用消耗品或符咒来暂时提升能力,或者清除“常世”(yokai realm),在“常世”中,精力消耗速度变快,敌人更加危险。
And yes, there is a slight disconnect between the frantic movement and the constant micromanagement of equipment at first, but these systems complement each other quite well. The player immediately faces a menacing atmosphere and unforgiving soldiers who randomly drop heaps of (mostly historically accurate) equipment upon death. Finding better gear is certainly a good option to have – danger is everywhere, enemies are quick to react, and William might even stop mid-fight to catch his breath, since attacking, blocking and dodging deplete Ki (stamina). However, players with a good sense of timing can perform a quick “Ki pulse” during combat to recover some of that lost stamina.
There is room for stylish self-expression here: Nioh has a wide variety of weapons, each of them offering a noticeably different playstyle. Katanas, dual swords and axes require different pacing, whereas more exotic weapons like the kusarigama, the spear or the odachi demand careful calculation of distance and attack timing. The three stances (high, medium, low) add another layer of complexity when choosing between an aggressive or defensive playstyle, with weapon skills allowing you to chain multiple stances in a combo.
Melee weapons are complemented by ranged weapons (bows, rifles and hand cannons). Interestingly, they deal a staggering amount of damage with headshots, but ammunition is scarce. Each weapon has their corresponding mystic arts, providing unique buffs, and there is also a proficiency system which improves efficiency of a weapon by use.
Leveling up offers the chance to improve stats and new unlockable abilities on the Samurai, Ninja and Onmyo skill trees. William can also use various consumables and magic talismans to temporarily boost his abilities or purge “yōkai realm” spots where Ki depletes rapidly, and demons become more dangerous.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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