Defiant Development, 2015
Windows, Linux, OS X, PS4 和 Xbox One
Defiant Development, 2015
Windows, Linux, OS X, PS4 and Xbox One

《命运之手(Hand of Fate)》是一款相当奇特的 roguelike 作品。不仅仅是因为它的场景,物体和角色都是从卡牌中抽取的,也不是因为地牢的形式是由正面朝下的卡牌组成的地图。玩家要不断在卡牌中移动,并且注意着迅速减少的食物储备。
《命运之手》是一款非常特别的游戏,因为它从字面意义上,将玩家置于发牌人(game master[1] )面前。游戏的发牌人是一个魔法物品包围的奇怪的蒙面巫师,但他为这个游戏赋予了魅力。通过他戏剧性的表现手法,把本是一个中世纪奇幻冒险的故事变成了一场史诗般的传说。他用他那富有激情的声音,对你的行为娴熟地评头论足,让整个游戏都更加富有深度。《命运之手》并不是一系列随机的事件和遭遇——它是一场坚韧不拔的决斗,是两种意志的碰撞。
为了打败发牌人,你必须要主宰这个游戏的战斗系统,虽然它是整个游戏设计的最差的机制。战斗会由你做出的一个错误选项而触发,或者被某些卡牌自动触发。游戏的战斗可以说是《蝙蝠侠:阿卡姆疯人院(Batman: Arkham Asylum)》系列战斗的简化版,基于敲打鼠标而击败对手,同时与游戏的其他部分的水平相差甚远。然而,如果因为《命运之手》的战斗系统而错过了它,那就太可惜了。
Hand of Fate is a rather peculiar roguelike. Not only because its places, objects and characters are drawn from a deck of cards. Nor is it because the dungeon takes the form of a tortuous path made of these face-down cards, where one moves card after card while keeping an eye on a quickly diminishing stock of food.
Hand of Fate is very special because it puts the player in front of a game master – literally. It is this odd, masked wizard surrounded by magical objects who gives the game its edge. With his melodramatic gestures, he turns into an epic narrative what would otherwise be nothing more than yet another medieval fantasy adventure. With his sizzling, masterfully voiced comments, he gives depth to each game. A Hand of Fate playthrough is not a series of random events and encounters – it is a duel of resilience, the clash of two wills that collide.
In this fight, the player's only weapons are the new cards he earns and adds to his deck when he solves a situation in an optimal way – for instance, saving an old man attacked by Lava Golems grants a new event card that will be advantageous to come across in the dungeon. As the stock of cards increases, the player can therefore build a deck to suit his needs, made of the most beneficial encounters possible. And threaten the game master's supremacy.
To beat the game, you also have to master what is perhaps its weakest mechanic: its combat system – either triggered by a bad choice or automatically by certain cards. This simplified imitation of the battles of the Batman: Arkham Asylum series is based on beating your opponents by clubbing the mouse button, and remains far inferior to the rest of the game. It would be a shame, however, to give Hand of Fate a miss because of its combat system.
在 2013 年 11 月,《命运之手》在 Kickstarter 上开启了众筹,并募集了 54,095 澳元。
Hand of Fate was crowd-funded on Kickstarter in November 2013, raising AU$ 54,095.
虽然在 2017 年发售的续作《命运之手 2(Hands of Fate 2)》并没有改进战斗系统,但它大大扩展了战役,增加了更长、更多样的支线任务。不幸的是,这一作回归后的发牌人变得更加克制。它不再像原来一样威胁玩家,使得玩家变得只是想完成任务,而失去了对胜利的极度渴望。
Persevering leads to terrific moments: a narrative that gets closer and closer to perfection (thanks to quality music, meticulous writing and a darkening atmosphere), cards that turn out to be complex quests (completing the first card grants the second one, to be added to the deck), and a game master who is thrown into a foul mood at the prospect of defeat.
While the sequel, Hand of Fate 2 (2017), doesn't improve the combat system, it expands the campaign considerably, adding longer and more diverse sub-intrigues. Unfortunately, the returning game master is a little more restrained. The almost total absence of his threatening figure turns the game into something that one simply wants to complete, rather than a duel of egos that one is desperate to win.

Each card has multiple options, and solving it correctly provides rewards and possibly a new card that advances its quest.

Combat is the weakest part of the game, forcing you fight in a Batman: Arkham Asylum-like manner using the equipment cards you own.
1 译者注:在实际游戏中,这个 npc 应该叫 The Dealer,即为庄家。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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