Project Aon, 2008
Windows, Mac 和 Linux
Project Aon, 2008
Windows, Mac and Linux

1984 年的七月份,互动游戏丛书系列《孤狼》的第一部《孤狼:逃离黑暗(Lone Wolf: Flight from the Dark)》正式出版,成为了一个迄今为止售出了超过一千万份的系列之开端。
游戏的设定很经典:你名叫孤狼,最后一个幸存的凯之勇士(Kai Lord)——被上天赐予了独特超能力以对抗黑魔王(Darklords)的战士联盟。故事是很简单的好人战胜坏人的故事,但游玩的过程却无比耐人寻味。
《孤狼》系列由年轻的音乐人 Joe Dever 以及他的艺术家朋友 Gary Chalk 一起创造,而这系列未来也会成为年轻一代心中魔幻世界的范本。可惜的是,上世纪 90 年代末,互动游戏丛书市场衰落了,使得《孤狼》系列过早地被迫终结。
不过近几年来多亏了 Project Aon,一个粉丝制作并用于重新免费在网上发布《孤狼》丛书的网站,这个系列得到了新的关注。这些发布也得到了 Joe Dever 的许可,并表示这是给粉丝的一份礼物。
而《第七感(Seventh Sense)》则是一个同人制作、用于游玩 Project Aon 网站上《孤狼》丛书的免费游玩助手。它帮助玩家自动化游戏流程,自动追踪属性、Roll 点、显示角色技能和物品,以及自动翻页;同时也给予了玩家很大的自主权,可以自如的修改游戏规则,艺术设定抑或寻求独特挑战。
整个丛书系列是设计成让玩家按照顺序游玩的,最终汇成了一段伟大的冒险。在第一本书里你将创建你的角色,开始 Roll 点,选择属性,选择技能(包括伪装、捕猎、武器熟练度、治疗以及精神攻击等)以及选择最初的装备。这些选择对未来探索中的各类选项将会有很大的影响。
In July of 1984 the first instalment of the Lone Wolf gamebook series, Flight from the Dark, was
published, spawning a franchise that would sell over ten million copies to date.
The setup is classic: you are Lone Wolf, the only surviving Kai Lord – an order of holy warriors blessed with psychic and physical powers that opposes the Darklords. It's a simple tale of good guys versus bad guys, but the implementation is masterful.
Created by young musician Joe Dever together with his artist friend, Gary Chalk, the series would stamp upon young minds a narrative, a look and an identity that would shape their idea of fantasy for years to come. Sadly, by the late 90s the gamebook market withered, prematurely ending the series.
In recent years however there has been renewed interest in the series thanks to Project Aon, a fan-created site that re-released the books in HTML, with permission from Joe Dever, who approved the free dissemination of his work online as a gift to the fans.
Seventh Sense is a free, fan-made playing aid for the Project Aon versions of the Lone Wolf gamebooks. It automates and aids the playthrough, tracking all stats, rolls, skills, items and page-jumping, while also allowing players to greatly customise the book's rules, art style and even seek special challenges.
The books are intended to be played in order, as one huge adventure. In the first one you create your character, rolling stats, choosing skills (Camouflage, Hunting, Weaponskill, Healing, Mind Blast, etc.) and your initial equipment. These choices will all greatly impact the options available during your quest.
Each subsequent book allows you to keep your current equipment and choose one extra skill, taking Lone Wolf all the way from an apprentice to a Grand Master with mythical weapons and powerful spells.
1998 年 Joe Dever 发布了第 28 本《孤狼》图书。在长达 18 年的沉寂之后,他于 2016 年回归,并自己发表了第 29 本图书。
In 1998, Joe Dever published the 28th Lone Wolf book. After an 18-year hiatus, he returned in 2016 with a self-published 29th book.
整个系列有 29 本图书,而在本文撰写时,《第七感》最多支持到第 17 本图书:《依西亚之死徒(The Deathlords of Ixia)》,并且《第七感》到现在还在进行着更新。
The series has 29 books, and at the time of writing Seventh Sense supports up to book 17, The Deathlords of Ixia, and it's regularly updated with more content.
To return to Lone Wolf after a few decades away is a pleasurable experience. The adventures of the last of the Kai Lords are short, sharp shocks: full of daring escapes, sudden deaths, exotic locales, crazy plots and fantastical elements that enchant young minds and cloud old ones with a perfect miasma of nostalgia.

Seventh Sense calculates and tracks all your rolls, skills, items and choices. This is especially useful as you carry your hero from one book to another.

Combat is solved by taking your Combat Skill, subtracting the enemy’s Combat Skill and rolling a dice. A chart then indicates the battle’s result.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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