Origin Systems, 1988
MS-DOS, Amiga, Apple II, Atari ST, NES, 等
Origin Systems, 1988
MS-DOS, Amiga, Apple II, Atari ST, NES, etc

整个《创世纪》系列都是我的心头之好,《创世纪 5(Ultima V)》更是我最喜爱的一部——我花了五年的时间,通过一个名为“拉撒路(Lazarus)”的《地牢围攻》mod 来重置了这个游戏。
是什么让《创世纪 5》如此特别?如果说《创世纪》最初的三个系列游戏为 CRPG 确立了基本设计原则,《创世纪 4》则在游戏中引入了道德的概念,那么《创世纪 5》则是第一个在游戏里模拟了真实世界!
虽然早先的《创世纪》系列游戏已经在游戏中加入了昼夜循环系统,玩家的视野可见性与怪物生成都会随着一天的时间不断变化。但《创世纪 5》则更进一步:游戏加入了 NPC 的活动——商家早起下榻,步行到商店来营业,守卫们为保持秩序则在夜幕降临时关闭城门,以防止四处游荡的怪物进行袭击。
The entire Ultima series is near and dear to my heart, but none more than Ultima V – a game I spent over five years of my life striving to recreate via a Dungeon Siege mod called “Lazarus”.
What makes Ultima V so special? While the first three Ultima games established foundational design tenets for CRPGs in general, and Ultima IV pioneered the concept of morality in games, Ultima V was the first RPG to introduce true world simulation.
By “world simulation” I mean the collection of systems which grant players the illusion of a living, breathing world that exists independent of their actions, rather than simply a game board upon which the player can stab monsters.
Earlier Ultimas had already introduced primitive day-and-night cycles where visibility and monster spawning varied based on time of day, but Ultima V took that a step further and introduced NPC scheduling – merchants get out of bed in the morning and walk to their shops to open for business, while guards close down city gates after nightfall to keep out wandering monsters.
《创世纪 5》继承了四代的光荣传统,在盒子里加入了一个对剧情有关键意义的实物饰品:这一次是法典硬币。
Ultima V carried on the proud tradition from U4 of including a physical trinket in the box that was key to the plot: in this case, the Codex coin.

从你可以坐的椅子到你可以偷的火把和你能移动的木桶,《创世纪 5》创造了一个活生生的世界。
From chairs you could sit in to torches you could steal and barrels you could move, Ultima V created a living world.
这就是它的绝妙之处——《创世纪 5》也许是游戏设计师第一次意识到通过有限的设计可以创造一个更能让玩家沉浸的世界,让玩家尽情享受,从而创造出更大的乐趣。这种理念所奠定的基础后来会(经过改进)出现在《GTA(Grand Theft Auto)》和《上古卷轴 5(Skyrim)》中。
除了在游戏世界设计方面取得的成就外,《创世纪 5》在剧情方面也有所突破,将《创世纪 4》对美德的关注颠倒过来,因为游戏的主要对手柏拉松勋爵(Lord Blackthorn)将前作的八项美德歪曲并编入了严苛的法律中。对与玩家所遇到的一些角色来说,柏拉松勋爵是一个卑鄙的篡位者,他的法律是不公正的;而其他人则从他的统治中获益,而且认为玩家的角色与他的朋友是危险的不法分子。
On top of that, environmental objects were actually recognised by the game for the first time each potted plant or bookshelf wasn't just a painted bit of the background, but a physical thing you could move around. Harpsichords could actually be played, and a careful look through the game's manual could teach the player how to play a specific tune with special effects in the game world. While this sometimes allowed for puzzle-solving, it mostly just served to make the game world feel more real and to give players more opportunities for interaction.
And that was the beauty of it – Ultima V was perhaps the first time a game designer realised he could generate a tremendous amount of fun by simply creating an immersive world with some limited agency and letting players run wild. The groundwork laid with this philosophy would later emerge (with improvements) in everything from Grand Theft Auto to Skyrim.
On top of its accomplishments in world design, Ultima V pushed forward on the narrative front, turning Ultima IV's focus on virtue upside-down as Lord Blackthorn – the primary antagonist of the game – codifies the eight virtues of Ultima IV into draconian laws. To some characters you meet, Lord Blackthorn is a vile usurper and his laws are unjust, while others are benefiting from his rule and see the player character and his friends as dangerous outlaws.
You play a Robin Hood-esque role, never entirely certain who you can trust and who might turn you in to the authorities. This situation leads to interesting questions like “does virtue still have meaning when compelled?” and introduces shades of grey to the moral equation of Ultima, creating situations where “what's right” isn't always readily apparent and keeping players on their toes.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明