INOS, 1991
MS-DOS 和 PC-98
INOS, 1991
MS-DOS and PC-98

成人版的日式 RPG 可以追溯到 80 年代早期,它们甚至在《勇者斗恶龙(Dragon Quest)》和《最终幻想(Final Fantasy)》发布前就已经存在了。1983 年,《団地妻の誘惑(大意是“家庭主妇的诱惑”)》的游戏能让玩家扮演推销员,在公寓里扫楼、与歹徒搏斗,并尝试与各种女性“上三垒”得分。
《眼镜蛇任务(Cobra Mission: Panic in Cobra City)》的出名之处在于:它是第一款由 Megatech Software 完全翻译成英文并在美国发行的日本成人游戏,当然了,本作是在 ESRB 评级诞生前上市的,ESBR 的诞生始于《真人快打(Mortal Kombat)》与《午夜陷阱(Night Trap)》中的暴力和性元素引发的争议。可见,当时的游戏出版业还是一个缺乏管制的新生领域。
Erotic Japanese RPGs date back to the early 80s, before even Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy existed. Titles such as 団地妻の誘惑 (roughly “Housewife Temptation”) had players be a salesman, visiting apartment blocks, fighting gangsters and trying to “score” with the ladies, way back in 1983.
Cobra Mission's claim to fame is being the first erotic Japanese game to be fully translated into English and released in the US, courtesy of Megatech Software. This was before the violence and sex controversies surrounding Mortal Kombat and Night Trap which led to the ESRB being formed, when game publishing was still a wild, new frontier.
《眼镜蛇任务》于 1991 年在日本发售,并于 1992 由 Megatech Software 引进并英文化。
Cobra Mission was released in Japan in 1991, then localised into English by Megatech Software in 1992.

Battles require you to drag your weapon into the body part you want to attack, as many times as you can while the enemy attack charges.

Cobra City is divided into six main areas you can explore. You'll spend a lot of time aimlessly walking around and fighting random battles.
玩家将扮演 JR,一位在眼镜蛇城炙手可热的私家侦探。JR 受到了儿时玩伴费丝(Faythe)的委托,必须帮助她解决一起绑架案。游戏的城市被划分为六个需要逐步解锁的区域,玩家将调查这些区域内的犯罪行为,并打败当地的帮派头目。
《眼镜蛇任务》是一款粗糙地混合了“文字冒险”和 RPG 元素的游戏。玩家可以自上而下地探索这座城市、参观景点、与人们交谈,做一些简单的任务赚钱或者找个机会就去偷窥裸女(也可以拿望远镜窥望天体海滩借此达到“巅峰”状态)。
奇怪的是,日版的《眼镜蛇任务》使用的是一套标准的 JRPG 回合制战斗系统。也就是说 Megatech 的团队在引进时对游戏的战斗机制和其它方面做出了彻底的改革,增加了更多的敌人、支线任务、性感场面并重新绘制了许多角色。
不过,《眼镜蛇任务》的素质是非常平庸的。它对玩家的吸引力源自于新颖性——一款来自遥远东瀛的动漫色情游戏。对一个 1992 年的青少年来说,《眼镜蛇任务》是一种新颖的、带有异国情调的,并微微触及禁区的体验。
虽然现在的游戏标准提高了一些,但 JRPG 仍然是西方玩家所不习惯的游戏类型,不过《眼镜蛇任务》的那种“挺糟糕,但是你懂得”的魅力仍会让人认为这值得一玩。
You play as JR, a hotshot private eye visiting Cobra City. You meet with Faythe, a childhood friend, and must help her to solve a kidnapping. The game is divided into six city areas, which you must unlock one by one, investigating the crimes in the area and defeating the local gang leaders.
Cobra Mission is a rather crude Adventure/ RPG hybrid. You explore the city in a top-down perspective, visiting locations, talking to people, doing simple side-quests for money and searching for opportunities to ogle at naked ladies (such as peaking at a nude beach through a telescope).
The problem is that most of the time you'll be walking around aimlessly, with no clues whatsoever. And every few steps you'll be thrown into a random encounter. Moreover, some events must be done in an specific order or manner (including the sex scenes!), forcing retries and more aimless walking.
Combat is easy, but unique. To attack, you drag your cursor into the enemy part you want to hit each enemy has different weak points. You must do this repeatably and as fast as you can, while the enemy charges a power bar to execute his attack.
Oddly, the Japanese version has a standard JRPG turn-based combat. It was the team at Megatech who overhauled the combat and other parts of the game, adding more enemies, side-quests, sexy scenes and re-drawing many of the characters.
Still, Cobra Mission is very mediocre. Its appeal came from novelty – an erotic game drawn in anime style made in distant Japan. For a teenager in 1992, it was a new, exotic and slightly off-limits treat.
While standards are a bit higher today, it's still a style of game Western audiences aren't used to, and Cobra Mission's “so-bad-that-it-is-good” charm might just be enough to warrant a look.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明