Origin Systems, 1991
MS-DOS 和 Mac
Origin Systems, 1991
MS-DOS and Mac

1893 年,帕西瓦尔・罗威尔(Percival Lowell)[1] 建造了一门可以将一队训练有素的志愿者发射到火星上的太空大炮。然而在哥伦布世界博览会(Worlds Columbian Exposition)[2] 上,有人蓄意破坏,导致大炮被提前发射,而此时维多利亚时代中一半最伟大的人物都在飞船上。时间来到了 1991 年,贤者(Avatar)得到了一本神秘的书,书中解释了如何利用月球之球(Orb of the Moons)进行时间旅行,此书还急切地请求他加入维多利亚时代另一半伟人组织的营救计划。
《火星梦(Martian Dreams)》存在许多问题。大多数问题都是源于过时又难看的《创世纪 6》的引擎,剩下的问题中有多数是火星的视觉冲击力不足所导致的。然而它无疑是 Origin Systems 最棒的设计之一,充满了值得为其推出重制版的设计思路,比如真实历史和传统科幻的结合,此外还有几处效果极佳的《创世纪》系列的设定,以及诸如把吉普赛式的角色创建系统替换为西格蒙德・弗洛伊德(Sigmund Freud)[3] 的精神分析。(“对,对,我觉得你听起来像是一个伟大的魔法师。”)
除了常规的战斗流程以外,《火星梦》的流程极为线性,使得它既是一款 RPG,又像是一款冒险游戏。大多数情节围绕着火星人的命运展开,忽视了贤者曾在《创世纪 2》中到过火星的事实。游戏的故事相当出色,只是在对话系统上存在瑕疵,它不允许玩家同特斯拉、罗斯福和娜丽・布莱(Nellie Bly)[4] 等游戏真正需要的角色交互。
当剧情到达高潮时,出现了几处高光时刻,其中一处是游戏反派宣称即使贤者拥有从梦中召唤事物的新能力——本质上说,火星人处于一个做梦版本的《矩阵革命(The Matrix)》中——人类在未来的一百年甚至更久的时间里都无法在梦中想象出可以阻止他的武器。
It's 1893. Percival Lovell builds a space cannon to fire a team of trained volunteers to Mars. Instead, sabotage sees it fire during the World's Columbian Exposition, while half the Victorian era's greatest minds are aboard. Jump to 1991. The Avatar receives a mysterious book, explaining how the Orb of the Moons can also be used to travel through time, and a desperate plea to join the other half of the Victorian era's greatest minds on a rescue mission.
Martian Dreams has many problems, many of them the fault of the already clunky and ugly Ultima VI engine, and for most of the rest the fact that Mars isn't the most visually exciting of locations. It's easily one of Origin's best ideas though, and full of ideas deserving a remake. The combination of real history and classic sci-fi, with several drops of Ultima for good measure worked in superbly, even before the amusement of elements like the Gypsy character creation system replaced with psychoanalysis by Sigmund Freud. (“Ja, ja, I am thinking you are sounding like great mage…”)
Aside from its regular combat sequences, Martian Dreams is as much an adventure as it is an RPG, with a very linear path. Much of the plot revolves around the fate of the Martians, ignoring the fact that the Avatar actually went there already back in Ultima II, and it's a decent story, spoiled only by the fact that the limited dialogue system doesn't allow for working alongside the likes of Tesla and Roosevelt and Nelly Bly to have the character it really needed.
When it hits its peaks though, it offers some great moments. A definite highlight is when the game's villain declares that even with the Avatar's new ability to summon items from dreams – essentially, the Martians are in a dream version of The Matrix humanity won't be able to imagine a weapon capable of stopping him for a hundred years or more!
作为一名时间旅行者,准确地说,是一名来自得克萨斯州的时间旅行者,贤者花了很短的时间就随意地凭空造出了一架 M60 机关枪。
Being a time-traveller and a time-traveller from Texas at that, the Avatar wastes little time before casually whipping up an M60 machine gun out of thin air.
To some extent, this kind of moment almost makes trying to play Martian Dreams more frustrating. It was a good game in its time, but now it's hard to see past the gulf between what it is and what its ideas deserved. They're all there for the stealing though, and well worth a second outing.

Instead of creating your character with the Gypsy and her cards/potions, you answer questions from Sigmund Freud.

The Avatar will be joined by many great personalities from the Victorian Era, as well as the alter ego of a certain game developer.
1 译者注:帕西瓦尔・罗威尔(1855 – 1916),美国天文学家,著有《火星》(Mars, 1895)、《火星及其运河》(Mars and Its Canals, 1906)、《作为生命栖居地的火星》(Mars As the Abode of Life, 1908)等。
2 译者注:芝加哥哥伦布世界博览会,亦称芝加哥世界博览会,1893 年在美国芝加哥举办,目的是为了纪念哥伦布发现新大陆 400 周年。
3 译者注:西格蒙德・弗洛伊德(Sigmund Freud,1856-1939),奥地利精神病医师、心理学家、精神分析学派创始人。
4 译者注:娜丽・布莱(Nellie Bly, 1864-1922),原名伊丽莎白・简・科克伦(Elizabeth Jane Cochran),美国记者、小说家。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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