Westwood Studios, 1997
Windows 和 MS-DOS
Westwood Studios, 1997
Windows and MS-DOS

Westwood Studios 在 2D 美术上有着优良传统,《魔眼杀机(Eye of the Beholder)》和《大地传说(Lands of Lore)》中的美术令人印象深刻。但是 3D 狂热的时代和《命令与征服》(Command & Conquer)中全动态影像(FMV)过场的广受好评显然改变了一些事情,结果《命运守护者(Lands of Lore II: Guardians of Destiny)》成为了一款 3D 游戏。这款游戏使用了真人演员,全语音演出,还有大量的预渲染过场动画,足足填满了 4 张 CD。尽管制作组在这方面做了大量努力,但岁月并不饶人。时过境迁,和其他使用 FMV 技术的前辈们比起来,这款游戏的画面看上去更加老旧。
Westwood Studios had a strong tradition in 2D art, creating some impressive artwork in Eye of the Beholder and Lands of Lore. But the 3D craze and the popularity of the FMV scenes in Command & Conquer clearly changed something, and so Guardians of Destiny came as a 3D title, with real actors, full voice acting and many pre-rendered cutscenes – enough to fill four CDs. Despite the effort, time wouldn't be gentle, and the game's graphics have aged far worse than those of its predecessor.
Westwood Studios 在 1998 年被出售给 EA,1999 年他们发行了《大地传说 3(Lands of Lore III)》。这是系列中最差的一部游戏,因为过时的 3D 画面和乏味的游玩体验而广受批评。
Westwood Studios was sold to EA in 1998, and in 1999 they released Lands of Lore III. The worst game in the series, it was universally bashed for its outdated 3D graphics and bland gameplay.

Sometimes transformations will happen at the worst possible time, turning you into a small, fragile reptile right next to an angry skeleton.

The game never explicitly tells you this, but it offers a few alternatives, such as killing the King and stealing his treasure, instead of trying to persuade him.
更好的是,游戏提供了两条路线——善良路线与邪恶路线,每一条路线都有独特的事件和结局。游戏中没有对话选项,路线分支全都是通过直接的互动实现的,例如杀死 NPC,使用或者摧毁关键物品。
这些精致的细节会让我们想起《命运守护者》是由 Westwood Studios 所缔造,他们久经沙场,十分擅长制作这类游戏。尽管画面可能有些简陋,但这仍然是一款迷人的 RPG 游戏,有着富有魅力的主角、优秀的关卡设计和许多等待玩家揭开的秘密。
Guardians of Destiny puts you in control of Luther, son of Scotia – the evil witch defeated in Lands of Lore. However, Luther isn't a villain in search of revenge, but rather a wisecracking reluctant hero, who must find a cure for the ancient curse he bears.
This curse causes Luther to randomly (yes, it might happen at any time) transform into a tiny lizard – that can pass through small openings and cast powerful spells – or into a huge beast, strong and able to move large objects. Apart from that, however, the gameplay is very simple. There are no party members, no classes to choose from, level-ups are automatic and the real-time combat usually boils down to clicking the Attack and Magic buttons as fast as possible.
Luckily, combat and stats aren't the focus of the game. Guardians of Destiny features a design that clearly favours exploration instead of combat, with its well-designed levels populated by just a few enemies. Instead of monsters, the areas in the game are filled with alternative paths, for each of your transformations, and secrets – not only a few hidden rooms and treasures, but entire levels, items, spells and even lore-related cutscenes that players might not see. There are also various interactions with the environment, such as stacking boxes to climb a ledge, igniting oil or destroying pillars to cause a cave-in.
Better yet, the game features two paths – a good and an evil one – each offering a few unique events and endings. There are no dialogue choices in-game, everything is made through direct interactions, such as killing NPCs or using/destroying key objects.
These fine details remind you that Guardians of Destiny was made by Westwood Studios, long-time veterans of the genre. While it may look cheesy, it's still a charming RPG, with a charismatic main character, great level design and many secrets to uncover.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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