Obsidian Entertainment, 2018
Windows, Mac, Linux, PS4 和 Xbox One
Obsidian Entertainment, 2018
Windows, Mac, Linux, PS4 and Xbox One

《永恒之柱》系列标志着等距视角 RPG[1] 的转型点。长期以来,这种游戏风格被认为并不适合现代市场的口味,但通过众筹[2] 的结果可以证明《永恒之柱》依然能获得投资人的青睐。它与《废土 2》(Wasteland 2,2014)和《神界:原罪》(Divinity: Original Sin,2014)一起将等轴视距 RPG 带回公众视野,似曾相识的游玩体验让大家想起了那些用无限引擎制作的经典作品:比如大名鼎鼎的《博德之门》(Baldur’s Gate)和《异域镇魂曲》(Planescape: Torment)。
《永恒之柱 2:死火》(Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire)于等距视角 RPG 的“文艺复兴”末期发布。到那时为止,等距视角 RPG 正进一步地偏离过去的设计理念。和前作一样,《死火》也代表了 RPG 领域正在发生改变,游戏试图顺应玩家的新期待,并改进前作的不足之处。
《死火》的开篇非常直接。光明之神俄撒斯(Eothas)摧毁了一代里的努亚堡(Caed Nua),便动身去往了死火群岛,而在此期间主角不幸遇难。死神贝拉斯(Berath)表示可以复活主角,条件就是要去调查并阻止俄撒斯的神秘计划,故事主线就此开始。本作放弃了一代文艺复兴式的经典风格,而投身于大航海时代。这是个大胆的决策,但也给制作组带来了丰厚的回报,得益于此,《永恒之柱 2:死火》实现了自我的重大突破:非线性的探索流程和错综复杂的派系系统。
The original Pillars of Eternity marked a point of transition for isometric RPGs. Long thought to be a style of game not fit for the modern market, Pillars proved through crowdfunding that many were still invested in the genre. Together with Wasteland 2 (2014) and Divinity: Original Sin (2014), it revitalized the isometric RPG scene, bringing back the formula that had defined Infinity Engine classics like Baldur's Gate and Planescape: Torment.
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire was released at the tail-end of that revival period. By then, isometric RPGs were straying further away from the design philosophies of the past. Much like the original, it's a game representative of a shift in the RPG space. As such, it attempted to accommodate the new expectations of players and address the shortcomings of the first game.
The premise is pretty straightforward. Eothas, a rogue god, destroys your fortress from the first game, killing you in the process, and heads to the eponymous Deadfire Archipelago. The god of death, Berath, holds your life for ransom and tasks you with stopping Eothas' plans. Leaving the Renaissance-inspired setting of the first game in favor of an Age of Sail maritime adventure was a brave choice and it paid off. With it, Deadfire gained its greatest assets: non-linear exploration and an intricate faction system.
《永恒之柱 2:死火》在投资网站 Fig 上进行过众筹,截止 2017 年 2 月共筹到了 4407598 美元。
Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire was crowdfunded on Fig, an investment platform, raising $4,407,598 USD on February 2017.

前作中的几个角色回归,且支持继承存档,影响故事走向的选项也会一并保留,也可以直接游玩 2 代,但会错过许多重要的背景故事。
Several characters from Pillars 1 are back, and you can import your save files with your story choices. You can also start directly from Deadfire, but you will miss some important backstory.
抛弃了 1 代死板的线性流程,为构建《死火》的良性玩法循环提供了极大的帮助。在简短的教学后,玩家就可以用适合自己的方式自由探索。大多数岛屿都有一些值得探索的隐藏要素:支线任务、挑战性十足的遭遇战和独特的物品奖励。游戏的等级平衡系统(Level Scaling System)支持高度自定义,专注于探索获取大量的经验和道具后,也不会出现其它 RPG 游戏中主线任务的难度曲线变得不合理,进而丧失游戏体验的问题。在海上自由地航行着实满足了玩家的航海幻想,随着探索的深入,玩家逐步了解到各方势力的故事,他们为了群岛的控制权而陷入互相争斗的漩涡。
游戏中有四个主要势力:胡纳亚族(Huana)是群岛上的原住民,他们与帝国主义势力死火皇家商行(The Royal Deadfire Company)之间有直接的冲突;瓦利亚商行(The Vailian Trading Company)为了利润而开采群岛上的自然资源;流亡皇族(Príncipi sen Patrena)则是纠结于传统主义和无政府主义理想的海盗。对殖民主义的描写赋予了游戏具有深度的背景设定和明确的利害关系,是其最有力的叙事线索,而无处不在的各方势力总会影响玩家的行为。
众神殿是另一核心叙事线索,同样也是前作的故事核心。虽然众神已经失去了一些神秘感,但在本作的叙事中与玩家有了更加频繁的互动,使沉浸感大大加强,创造了绝佳的角色扮演体验。《死火》的三个拓展内容:《寒冬巨兽》(Beast of Winter)、《追猎者、杀戮者、求生者》(Seeker,Slayer,Survivor)和《被遗忘的圣所》(Forgotten Sanctum)都对这一线索进行了很好的补充与探索。每一个都围绕着一个特定的神展开,拓展了相关的故事,大大提升了《永恒之柱 2:死火》的完成度。
Abandoning the overt linearity of the original Pillars did wonders for the gameplay loop of Deadfire. After a short intro, the player is free to explore in any way they see fit. Most islands offer something worth uncovering, be it a side quest, a challenging encounter, or unique items. Thanks to a very customizable level scaling system, focusing on exploration will not warp the difficulty curve of the main quest, a common problem in RPGs. That freedom sells the seafaring fantasy and organically teaches the player about the groups fighting for control of the archipelago.
There are four major factions the player will meet throughout the story. The Huana, the native people of the Archipelago who are in direct conflict with The Royal Deadfire Company, an imperialist force; The Vailian Trading Company, who exploit the islands' natural resources for profit, and the Príncipi sen Patrena, pirates torn between traditionalist and anarchist ideals. The game's depiction of colonialism gives the setting depth as well as clear stakes and is its strongest narrative thread. The factions are ever-present and always inform the player's actions.
The other narrative linchpin is the pantheon of gods that defined the previous game's story. While they have lost some of their mystique, their more active role in the narrative allows for captivating roleplaying. The three expansions released for Deadfire - Beast of Winter; Seeker, Slayer, Survivor, and Forgotten Sanctum – are where this thematic thread is best explored. Each one focuses on a particular god, expanding their lore, and they represent the game at its best.
Unfortunately, the power struggle within the Deadfire Archipelago and the machinations of the gods end up being too disconnected from each other. As a result, the main story feels thematically incoherent.
1 译者注:这类游戏会从一个固定的角度显示画面(例如经典的斜45° 角,代表作为《暗黑破坏神 2》)。
2 译者注:众筹约在 2010 年前后在游戏领域中流行,这也是 CRPG 日渐式微的时期,众筹对于 CPRG 的复兴起到了关键的推动作用。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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