Apple II, C64, Atari 8-bit, DOS, Mac, 等
Richard Garriott, 1982
Apple II, C64, Atari 8-bit, DOS, Mac, etc

在 《创世纪》成功之后,理查德・加里奥特(Richard Garriott)花了一年的时间来制作续集。在这段时间里,他自学了如何使用汇编语言进行编程,从而在图形多样性和规模上有了一些改进。
在那同时,加里奥特看了特里・吉利姆(Terry Gilliam)的《时光大盗》(Time Bandits, 1981),这是一部轻松的幻想电影,讲述了一个小孩子遇到一群矮人并使用魔法地图穿越多个时间的故事。之后,加里奥特才真正定义了《创世纪 2》。
受电影启发,加里奥特将《创世纪 2》的故事从魔幻之地索萨里亚搬到了地球上。巫师 Mondain 在前作被击败之后,他的徒弟兼情人 Minax 学会了时间旅行,并用她的邪恶爪牙充斥着地球的过去、现在和未来。不列颠之王召唤一位新的英雄站出来,复原 Minax 的邪恶行为所造成的后果。
为了完成任务,英雄使用魔法门穿越了五个时空——这将成为《创世纪》系列的标志性特征。和电影中一样,一张地图显示了所有的门以及它们通向的地点和时间。这个地图实际上是包含在游戏盒子里的实体粗麻布地图。当时,大多数游戏仍在粗糙的拉链袋中销售,加里奥特的想法被几家出版商拒绝,直到遇到 Sierra Online,只有他们同意制作一个带有地图的包装盒。
如果时间旅行对你来说还不够,《创世纪 2》也可以进入太空,让你参观我们太阳系的九大行星(当时冥王星还是行星!)。遗憾的是,除了一些复活节彩蛋,所有这些地方几乎没有任何内容或故事,甚至第一人称的地牢探险也大多毫无意义。
事实上,你将花费游戏的大部分时间与怪物战斗,寻找随机掉落的关键物品,咒骂不平衡的角色系统,直到你有足够的力量攻击 Minax 的要塞。
After the success of Ultima I, Richard Garriott spent over a year working to create a sequel. During this time he taught himself how to program in assembly language, allowing for several improvements in graphical variety and scale.
But what really defined Ultima II was that in the meanwhile Garriott saw Terry Gilliam's Time Bandits (1981), a light-hearted fantasy movie about a kid who meets a group of dwarves and travels through several time periods by using a magic map.
Heavily inspired by the movie, Garriott moved Ultima II from the magical land of Sosaria to Earth. After the wizard Mondain was defeated in the previous game, his apprentice and lover Minax learns time travel and floods Earth's past, present and future with her evil minions. Lord British calls upon a new hero to step forward and undo Minax's wicked work.
To do so, the hero travels across five time periods using magical gates – which would become an iconic feature of the Ultima series. As in the movie, a map shows all the gates and where and when they lead to. This map was actually a physical cloth map, included in the game's box. Back then most games were still being sold inside crude ziplock bags, and Garriott was snubbed by several publishers until Sierra On-Line agreed on producing a box with the map.
If time travel isn't enough for you, Ultima II also goes into space, allowing you to visit the nine planets of our solar system (back when Pluto was a planet!). Sadly, all these areas have barely any content or story to them – apart from a few Easter eggs – and even the first-person dungeons are mostly pointless.
Truly, you'll spend most of the game battling monsters for key items that randomly drop, cursing the poorly balanced character system and grinding until you're strong enough to attack Minax's fortress.
1983 年,Sierra On-Line 在 VIC-20 平台发行了《创世纪- 逃离德拉什山》 它与 Ultima 系列无关,但加里奥特允许 Sierra 使用该系列的名称。
In 1983, Sierra On-Line published Ultima: Escape from Mt. Drash, a crude dungeon crawler for the VIC-20. It has nothing to do with the Ultima series, but Garriott allowed Sierra to use the series' name.
今天对《创世纪 2》的讨论不多的另一个原因是,在该系列的未来续作中它的一些事件被重构了——解决了为什么索萨里亚的角色在地球上的混乱局面,以及由时间线改变的事件所衍生的任何情节漏洞。
《创世纪 2》的伟大构想令当时的玩家印象深刻,但是重复的游戏玩法和缺乏有意义的内容使其成为该系列中最早过时的游戏。
Another reason why Ultima II isn't discussed much today is because its events were retconned in future games of the series. This solved the confusing mess of why Sosarian characters were on Earth and any plot holes derived from timeline-altering events.
Ultima II had great ideas that impressed gamers back then, but the repetitive gameplay and lack of meaningful content makes it the most dated game in the series. Still, greater things were yet to come.

在公元前 1423 年的欧洲与兽人作战。世界地图不是很大,但每个时间段都略有不同。
Fighting an Orc in 1423 BC Europe. The world map isn't very big, but it's slightly different in each time period.

虽然《创世纪 2》看起来很像第一部,但它包含了一些审慎的改进,如大城镇的探索和水的动画贴图。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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