Red Hook Studios, 2016
Windows, Linux, iOS,PS4, Xbox One 等
Red Hook Studios, 2016
Windows, Linux, iOS,PS4, Xbox One, etc

如果你只看网上人们对于《暗黑地牢》(Darkest Dungeon)的讨论,你可能会觉得这是一款专门为“那些”玩家设计的硬核游戏——你懂的,那种天天冲浪的中二网友们。尤其是因为网上有很多玩家一边无能狂怒一边砸电脑的游玩视频,你会产生远离这款游戏的想法也是正常的。但问题在于,《暗黑地牢》总体来说确实是一个非常好的游戏,而高难度只是它的特色之一。
游戏里的中心枢纽叫“哈姆雷特镇(The Hamlet)”,你可以在镇里招募英雄,向着领地内的各个区域出发远征。这些英雄各有不同的职业,有穿着中世纪铠甲、拿着大剑的十字军,也有《化身博士》[1] 风格、能变成野兽、被其他职业(尤其是宗教职业)排挤的咒缚者等等。
The online discourse around Darkest Dungeon sometimes makes it look like it's a hardcore game made for those people — you know the ones, the very edgy, very online people. Especially with all the videos of folk straight up breaking their computers and screaming in rage while playing it. So, of course, you'd want to stay as far away from the thing as possible. But the thing is, Darkest Dungeon is genuinely a very good game, and the fact that it is hard is just one aspect of it.
The basic plot is that you are the heir of a manor from a relative that killed himself after uncovering unspeakable horrors that made him lose his mind. Now you'll have to deal with this whole mess while your deceased relative makes passive-aggressive commentary as a narrator and scrutinizes your decisions.
Honestly, the plot is not Darkest Dungeon's main focus, so it ends up not being spotlighted, but that's not to say that the game is purely a mechanic experience, as the emerging narratives that it creates are pretty strong.
The game has a hub called “The Hamlet”, where you recruit heroes to make expeditions to different parts of the manor. Those heroes come in several different classes, ranging from the Crusader, with his medieval armour and big sword, to the Abomination, a Dr Jekyll/Mr. Hyde-esque man that turns into a beast and is hated by the other classes, especially the religious ones.
《暗黑地牢》于 2014 年 2 月开始在 Kickstarter 网站上众筹,共筹到 313337 美元。而游戏最终卖出了超过五百万份。
Darkest Dungeon was crowdfunded on Kickstarter on February 2014, raising $313,337 USD. It went out to sell over 5 million units.

While exploring the dungeons you will come across traps and obstacles that require special tools to avoid, as well as ambushes, curiosities and treasures.
游戏的强随机性也经常被人指摘。你可能会遇到连续失误 4 次的情况并因此丧命。本作的粉丝会说,你应该事先考虑到这种情况并有所准备。但这种事情确实非常令人气恼,部分玩家对这款游戏恨之入骨也是情有可原。
Darkest Dungeon, as the name suggests, is a dungeon crawler. The gameplay loop is basically hiring heroes, sending them to dungeons, fighting turn-based battles and then selling the treasures to heal the heroes who got out alive, upgrade them, improve your hamlet and finance more expeditions. This is repeated until you have heroes strong enough to go to the titular Darkest Dungeon itself and beat the game.
Saying it like that makes it look like it's just hours upon hours of grinding, and in way... yeah, that's kinda it. Yet, the game does have several systems in place that create an emerging narrative for you not to feel that way – they won't click for everyone, but that's okay.
Another fair criticism is the game's RNG. You might be faced with situations such as missing four hits in a row, dying because of it. Fans of the game will say that you must plan around that possibility, but it can be very frustrating and make people hate the game.
In my case, I really enjoyed how it had me at the edge of my seat most of the time. I was always struggling – dealing with things like trying to keep my heroes sane and alive, or saving enough money to get through the day and buy enough resources for the next expedition.
The way Darkest Dungeon cleverly handles risk management is also engaging, using a logic of high risk / high reward. I.e., your characters are low on HP but there's just one room left to clear, what you do?
If you choose to flee, your characters will get stressed (which will cost time and money to heal), and you will lose the extra rewards from completion – rewards that you might need for some essential stuff.
If you choose to enter the room, your characters might all die permanently in battle, making you lose all the progress and investment made in them. On the other hand, your characters might get positive traits and XP from the battle, and find valuable treasures.
1 译者注:《化身博士》(Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde),讲述了绅士亨利·杰基尔博士喝了自己配制的药剂,分裂出邪恶的海德先生人格的故事。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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