Troika, 2003
Windows 和 Mac
Troika, 2003
Windows and Mac

邪恶元素神殿(Temple of Elemental Evil,以下简称 ToEE)基于同名的经典桌面模组制作,1985 年 Gary Gygax 和 Frank Mentzer 为第一版 D&D 编写了最初的版本,现在这个模组被引入到了 D&D 3.5 版系统之中。除此之外,我们可以用这样一句话来评价 Troika:无论结果如何,他们都竭尽全力还原了桌面模组的内容与战术丰富的 D&D 回合制系统。
如果说 ToEE 有哪一项出类拔萃的话,那一定是战斗系统——开发者们几乎完美地完成了这个系统。你需要掷骰子决定队伍成员的基础属性,然后用多达 11 种高度还原的系统基础职业来完成人物卡。
与之配套的是你可以用浩如烟海的专长来定制角色,游戏一半的乐趣来自构思冒险小队的成员:也许你可以制作一个擅长召唤的德鲁伊(Druid),或是精通摔绊的灵敏战士(Fighter);你还可以制作一个近乎隐形的游荡者(Rogue)弓箭手,他可以前出侦查,在隐蔽中使出致命的偷袭;又或者说制作一个擅长塑能(Evocation)法术的法师(Wizard)——那么我要放弃哪个法术学派[1] 呢?决策,全是决策。
The Temple of Elemental Evil (aka ToEE) is based on the namesake classic pen-and-paper module – written back in 1985 by Gary Gygax and Frank Mentzer for the first edition of Dungeons & Dragons – now translated to the 3.5E D&D system. Aside from that, you can say one thing about Troika: they did their darnedest to stay faithful both to the P&P module and to the tactical turn-based D&D system – for better and worse.
If there's one thing ToEE excels at, it's the combat system – they nailed it almost perfectly. You get to roll up your party, and deck them out with high-fidelity renditions of the system's basic classes – 11 in total.
Couple that with the myriad feats available to customise characters and half the fun of the game becomes concepting the members of your band of adventurers: maybe create a Druid who specialises in augmented summoning; an agile trip-focused Fighter; a near-invisible Rogue archer who scouts ahead and lands devastating sneak attacks while cloaked; or perhaps an Evocation specialist Wizard (which spell schools should I sacrifice? Decisions, decisions).
Troika 曾计划以超大型模组《蜘蛛神后(Queen of Spiders)》为基础为 ToEE 制作一个续作,还计划把游戏引擎授权给 Obsidian 以供他们制作《博德之门 3(Baldur’s Gate III)》。遗憾的是 Atari 两项计划都没有跟进。
Troika proposed a sequel to ToEE based on the Queen of the Spiders super module, as well as licensing the game's engine to Obsidian so they could create Baldur's Gate III.
Sadly, Atari never followed up on any of these proposals.

从不受网格限制的移动方式,到浩如烟海的可用战斗策略,ToEE 提供了极多的战术选择。
From its gridless movement to the myriad of combat manoeuvres available, ToEE offers plenty of tactical choices.
等到正式进入游戏后,你就要面对更广泛的战术决策:你可以调整先攻来改变队伍的攻击顺序,以便挤出一次额外的借机攻击(Attack of Opportunity)机会;你需要灵活地调整角色站位来获得夹击奖励(或者破除 AI 的夹击);当你预见敌人会从某个方向攻击,为了防止你的脆皮法师被击中,打断这个攻击时你是要选择准备一个动作还是走近敌人呢?大量繁复的机制允许你通过牺牲某些东西来把精力集中在另一方面上——我要不要在这一轮承受护甲等级(Armor Class,简称 AC)[2] 惩罚,用冲锋攻击快速切入到近战交火之中呢?还是我应该牺牲命中率,采取防御式战斗(Fight Defensively)来提高 AC 并保持阵线呢?
在这些之上,还有庞大的法术列表来完善你的战术:对战士使用人类变巨术(Enlarge Person)让他更容易成功摔绊敌人,增大的触及范围也能让顺势斩(Cleave)专长造成额外攻击,真是美滋滋。再想想你能用那些强力法术造成的巨大破坏吧,真是爽爆了!
不幸的是,ToEE 同时也具有巨大的缺陷。比如说,刚发售时本游戏充满了 bug,需要足足两个官方补丁和玩家社区的多年修补游戏才终于被修正和打磨好。然而,最令人失望的还是角色扮演要素的缺失。
直到做出这款游戏之前,Troika 一直因为构建璀璨的 RPG 世界而名声在外:他们的游戏巨大,开放,有血有肉,主线和支线剧情丰富,再加上经过深思熟虑的历史和传说,以及与居民之间的互动。毕竟这些人曾经为我们带来了《奥秘(Arcanum)》和《辐射(Fallout)》啊!
但结果是 ToEE 在这方面毫无建树,乏味的主线故事在游戏中盘就已经几乎消失殆尽,剩下的就只有“你看那儿有个神殿,嗯……拆了它或者随便怎么样吧”。
Once cast into the game itself, you are provided with a wide variety of tactical manoeuvres: you can play with your initiative to tailor your party's attack sequence, so you can milk that extra Attack of Opportunity. Efficiently position characters to obtain flanking bonuses (or negate the AI's). Ready an action vs. Approach as you anticipate and interrupt an oncoming attack from a particular vector (before they get to your squishy Wizard). Various levers and pulleys that help you shift focus to something at the expense of another – do I use Charge Attack to swiftly engage in melee, at the expense of an Armour Class penalty in that round? Or do I hold the line and Fight Defensively, boosting my AC at the expense of my to-hit chance?
On top of that, you have the game's vast library of spells to complement your strategies: Enlarge Person on that fighter so the chances of tripping opponents become more favourable, not to mention that increased reach which affords you those sweet extra attacks from that Cleave feat. And the havok you can wreak with those overpowered charm spells! YES!
Unfortunately, ToEE is also a very flawed game. For one, it was very buggy on release – it took two official patches and years' worth of fan-made patches to fix up and polish the game. The biggest disappointment, however, is in the role-playing department.
Troika had, up until that point, a reputation for brilliant RPG worlds: vast, open, fleshed out, rife with plots and subplots and well-thought-out interaction with the inhabitants, history and lore. These were the guys who brought us Arcanum and Fallout, after all!
As it turned out, ToEE had very little of that, and the threadbare story it did have pretty much dissolved at the mid-game stage, when you were left with not much to go on beyond “there's this Temple here, uh, kill it or something”.
1 译者注:D&D 中将法术分为八个类别,即为魔法学派。八个学派分别是防护(Abjuration)、咒法(Conjuration)、预言(Divination)、附魔(Enchantment)、塑能(Evocation)、幻术(Illusion)、死灵(Necromancy)和变化(Transmutation)。塑能法术将魔法能量塑造成想要的效应,例如火焰或闪电,或者使用正能量治疗伤口。
2 译者注:D&D 规则中,发动攻击时需要进行攻击检定来决定是否命中。其流程是掷一颗 20 面骰,取其结果加上适用的调整值,如果总数大于或等于目标的护甲等级,攻击即为命中。《暗黑破坏神 2》中的防御值实际上就是这里的 AC。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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