Strategic Simulations Inc., 1993
Strategic Simulations Inc., 1993

游戏便是由创造队伍开始的。《浩劫残阳(Dark Sun)》属于是正经《高级龙与地下城(AD&D)》战役玩法,这种规则就很让人熟悉了。你可以选择角色以及种族、阵营、职业、以及调整力量、敏捷和智慧等基本属性。不过现如今的这些游戏有的技术、专长以及被动技能在这游戏里面都没有。
Athas, the world of Dark Sun, was once a planet full of life. It was turned into the desert by power-hungry and mad wizards thousands of years ago. Here we follow the story of four unlikely heroes. Slowly rotting away in a prison of city-state Draj, awaiting their death in the gladiator arena. Will they rise and change the face of unforgiving Athas? Or will they become more forgotten souls whose corpses will be buried under the never-ending sea of sand?
The game starts with party creation. Dark Sun is an AD&D campaign setting, so things should be quite familiar. You can choose the race of your characters, their alignment, their professions and adjust basic attributes like strength, dexterity or wisdom. There are no skills, feats or perks as we expect from the games of today.
There is, however, one thing that sets it apart from other RPG games of its time: Psionics. Each character has psionic abilities that allow them to disintegrate animate objects, absorb diseases or transform your arm into a weapon. Beware though, almost all intelligent creatures on Athas have such abilities, and they will not hesitate to use them.
《浩劫残阳》的设定深受广大美国狱友的喜爱,TSR 收到了很多狱友粉丝的来信,他们总觉得自己跟游戏中的角斗士惺惺相惜。
The Dark Sun setting was quite popular in American prisons. TSR received a lot of fan mail from prisoners, who identified themselves with the slave gladiators.

《浩劫残阳》的规则跟《高级龙与地下城》大抵一致,但是游戏允许选择一些有异国风情的种族和一些偏门的职业,像是螳螂人超能力者(Thri-Kreen Psionicist)、半巨人角斗士(Half-Giant Psionicist)以及半矮人守护者(Mul Preserver)。
Dark Sun is an AD&D campaign setting, but its ruleset allows you to play with some exotic races and classes, such as a Thri-Kreen Psionicist, a HalfGiant Gladiator or a Mul Preserver.
在逃离围栏之后主线任务便开始了:召集自由的村民并与强大的德拉基城邦作战。城邦正在准备一场战争,旨在消除所有所谓的前奴隶。这便是《浩劫残阳》的又一大闪光点:开放性以及非线性。你想帮助所有村庄一同并肩作战又或者你一个也不帮孤军奋战?没问题!想要调查一个偏远的洞穴,跟旅行商队打个照面亦或是深入一个疯狂巫师的住所?下一步该怎么走去哪儿都由你决定。游戏被分为 30 多个区域,每个区域都是巨大的开放世界,有丰富的任务和内容,为游戏增加了 40 多个小时的流程。
Your party begins as slave gladiators, forced to fight monsters to the death in the arena. The world of Dark Sun is presented in top-down, slightly isometric view, and fights are turn-based. The well-designed interface is entirely mouse-driven, presented with self-explanatory icons and is very easy to use.
In between the fights you wander around pens talking to their inhabitants, solving small puzzles and mini-quests. This is where you'll slowly notice some of the great elements of Dark Sun. The dialogues offer a great amount of text and options for the players, and most, if not all, of the quests have multiple solutions, allowing you to choose whichever approach you like.
Since you don't want to spend the rest of your days counting hay straws and occasionally fighting for the amusement of Average Joe, you need to escape. If you want to use the brute-force approach you can hack your way out, even teaming up with another gang; or if you want to avoid confrontation altogether you can try to bribe the Templars. This gives the game an enormous amount of replayability. You can play Dark Sun over and over and you will always find new quests and new ways how to complete them.
After escaping the pens, the main quest begins: to rally the free villages in a fight against the mighty army of city-state Draj. They are preparing a military campaign that is supposed to wipe out all ex-slaves. This is another example where Dark Sun shines: its openness and non-linearity. You want to help all villages or none at all and face the army by yourself? You can! Want to investigate a remote cave, visit the travelling caravan or go deep into the lair of a mad wizard? It's up to you where to start and where to go next. The game is divided into over 30 areas, each a huge open space with many quests, adding to nice 40+ hours of gameplay.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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