Nicolas “DarkGod” Casalini, 2012
Windows, Mac 和 Linux
Nicolas “DarkGod” Casalini, 2012
Windows, Mac and Linux

自打我头次听说类 Rogue 游戏,我就特别喜欢它们。具有无穷的随机冒险内容且极为复杂的 RPG 听上去就特别刺激,但是在游玩《神秘古域(ADOM)》,《迷宫骇客(NetHack)》,《安格班德(Angband)》,《Brogue》[1] 以及其他经典的类 Rogue 游戏时,我总觉得少了点什么。
我所期望的不仅仅是优美的图像或是友好的界面,而是一种“地域感”,换句话说,是在作者精心手制的种种细节的营造下,让游戏的地牢、城镇、任务以及 NPC 玩起来能有种独特的“风格”,从而可以在游戏里塞满各种有趣的奖励和巧妙隐藏起来的秘密以供玩家探寻。
幸运的是,我在《ToME》里找到了我所期待的一切。本游戏(又名《ToME 4》)的开发始于 1998 年,当时的名字还叫《中土传说》(Tales of Middle-Earth,或是简称为《ToME 1》)。作为经典类 Rogue 游戏《安格班德》游戏的一个变体,游戏持续更新了十多年,在 2012 年时,在开发组决定在发行第四个大版本的同时,将原有的托尔金式世界观替换为原创世界观,并将游戏更名为《马基埃亚尔的传说(Tales of Maj’ Eyal)》。
只要随便玩一下就能明显看出《ToME》和传统类 Rogue 游戏的一些差别,不同于经典的 ASCII 码图像显示,ToME 采用的是精美的 2D 图像显示以及方便好用的鼠标驱动 UI 设计。不过,最大的不同其实是游戏在类 Rogue 游戏的定式之中加入了更多传统 CRPG 的特点,如果非要分个清楚的话,应该说这游戏实际上是“RPG/Rogue 杂交”。
Since I first heard about roguelikes, I've always wanted to love them. The concept of highly complex RPGs with infinite randomly generated adventures was exciting, but I never felt fully satisfied by playing ADOM, NetHack, Angband, Brogue and other classic roguelikes. Something was missing.
More than nice graphics or a friendly interface, I missed a sense of place – all those carefully hand-placed details that give a special quality to dungeons, towns, quests and NPCs – that offer interesting goals and tease cleverly hidden secrets for players to pursue.
Luckily, I found all that I wanted in Tales of Maj'Eyal. Also know as ToME4, its development began back in 1998 as Tales of Middle-Earth (or ToME1). A variant of the classic roguelike Angband, it was constantly expanded for over a decade until 2012, when the team decided to release a fourth major version that replaced the Tolkien-based setting for an original one and changed the name to Tales of Maj'Eyal.
From a quick glance one can already see several differences from traditional roguelikes – instead of ASCII graphics, ToME uses charming 2D graphics and an accessible, mouse-driven interface. However, the biggest difference is how it blends the roguelike formula with more traditional CRPG bits, becoming an “RPG/Roguelike hybrid”, if that makes sense.
《ToME》是一款开源游戏,本体可以免费下载,不过他也登陆了 Steam 平台和 GOG 平台,若想要游玩它的两部资料片,则需要捐赠或是在平台上购买。
Tales of Maj'Eyal is open-source and freely available for download, but it's also for sale on Steam and GOG, with its two recent expansions requiring a donation or purchase.

There are six main stats and each class has its own unique skill trees, but extra skills (even from other classes) can be unlocked by performing special quests.
另外,《ToME》对随机机制的运用也是选择性的。游戏的世界地图、城镇、NPC 们以及任务都是固定的,这让游戏玩起来比传统的类 Rogue 游戏舒服了不少。游戏甚至还提供了一些选择与分支剧情:游戏中的一个派系由于过去发生的事件对魔法恨之入骨,并会攻击视线所及的魔法使用者,但是如果玩家的角色选择永久地放弃使用魔法,他们则会分享一些秘密的反魔法技能。而另一个选择则是与渴望复仇的法师们结盟并摧毁上述的派系。
地牢的设计则将随机的房间布局、敌人和宝物与固定的地牢主题、关键房间和 Boss 糅合在一起。这种设计让游戏中的地牢更有个性,玩家能够在巨大沙虫挖出的隧道中追踪他们,在太空中战斗,解放奴隶,潜入水下,与时间赛跑等。
游戏目前有 16 个种族和 35 个职业,各有各的游戏风格。每种职业都有一套随等级提高逐渐解锁的技能树,其中有主动技能也有被动的增益,另外也有不少通用能力:比如传送、转移伤害、升起墙壁、张开魔法盾等。与传统类 Rogue 游戏中完全随机的药物和卷轴系统不同的是,游戏有着一整套分类清楚,功能完备的道具系统,玩家必须合理分配这些道具的使用资源和冷却时间。
For example, there's still permadeath, but you can disable it or play in “Adventure mode”, where you can die a few times before your character is erased.
ToME also makes selective use of randomness.
Its world map, towns, NPCs and quests are fixed, allowing for a quality far beyond that of traditional roguelikes. It even offers choices and consequences: there's a faction that hates magic due to past events and will attack magic-users on sight – but also share secret anti-magic techniques if your character renounces magic forever. Another option is to ally yourself with renegade mages and destroy said faction.
Dungeons blend random layouts, enemies and treasures with fixed themes, key rooms and bosses. This gives them a lot of personality – you'll follow
giant sandworms as they dig tunnels, battle in space, free slaves, dive underwater, race against time, etc.
Another unusual mechanic is how most races and classes have unique starting points and quests, but must be unlocked first. Say you start as a Dwarf Berserker – you'll begin your adventures in the Dwarven kingdom, learn about their culture, do some race and class-specific quests then venture into the world map. If you're lucky, by the time you die you'll have done something special and unlocked a new race or class, and can now, for example, play as an Elven Archmage, which starts in a different area with different quests.
The game currently has 16 races and 35 classes, offering several widely different playstyles. Each class has a set of skill trees that slowly unlocks as you level up, providing direct damage skills and passive bonuses, but there's also many “utility” abilities: teleporting, redirecting damage, raising walls, magic shields, etc. Instead of random potions and scrolls, you're given a clearly defined set of versatile tools and must manage their resources and cooldowns wisely.
1 译者注:《Brogue》,是由Brian Walker创建的一个免费的Roguelike电脑视频游戏。其基本游戏玩法与《Rogue》类似。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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