inXile Entertainment, 2014
Windows, Linux, OS X, PS4 和 Xbox One
inXile Entertainment, 2014
Windows, Linux, OS X, PS4 and Xbox One

在那个率真的 2012 年,曾参与设计《烈火战车(Full Throttle)》、《意航员(Psychonauts)》、《冥界狂想曲(Grim Fandango)》等游戏的游戏设计师 Tim Schafer 通过一个鲜为人知的平台——Kickstarter,为开发一款新的电脑游戏而直接面向公众筹措资金。他希望以此能够规避本不可以避免的开发商监管,让开发者能完全听从自己的意愿,最大化地发挥创意。Schafer 众筹的目标是 40 万美元,但最终却筹集到了 330 万美元,至此彻底改写了众筹的模式。
在此番成就面前,游戏制作人 Brian Fargo 也看到了达成同样目的的机会,重启了一个在他脑海里挥之不去酝酿了近二十年的项目。《废土 2(Wasteland 2)》既是 Fargo 于 1988 年设计的俯视视角小队制 RPG——《废土(Wasteland)》的正统官方续作,同时也是经典的等距视角单人游戏《辐射(Fallout)》和《辐射 2(Fallout 2)》的非官方精神继承者。Fargo 给出的团队名单里个顶个都是重量级人物,如 Alan Pavlish[1] 、Jason Anderson[2] 、Ken St. Andre[3] 、Michael A. Stackpole[4] 、Liz Danforth[5] 等人,并且他们中的许多人都有参与过初代游戏的制作。
而比这些人名更重要的是 Fargo 的公司 inXile Entertainment 承诺要让这一类沉寂已久的游戏风格重振雄风。他们为此筹集到了三百多万美元,其中还有我贡献的三十美元。
In the innocent days of 2012, game designer Tim Schafer (Full Throttle, Psychonauts, Grim Fandango), using a little-known platform called Kickstarter, went directly to the public to raise funds for the development of a new computer game. His hope was to avoid the necessary evil of publisher oversight, freeing the developers to work their creative magic entirely by their own rules. Schafer asked for $400,000 but ended up raising 3.3 million dollars, changing crowdfunding forever.
On the heels of this accomplishment, producer Brian Fargo saw his opportunity to do the same thing, and revive a project that had been burning in the back of his mind for nigh 20 years. Wasteland 2 was to be both (officially) a sequel to Fargo's 1988 top-down party RPG, Wasteland, and (unofficially) a spiritual successor to Fallout and Fallout 2, the isometric single-character classics. Fargo's proposed team roster was filled with heavyweights: Alan Pavlish, Jason Anderson, Ken St. Andre, Michael Stackpole, Liz Danforth and others, many of whom worked on the original games.
More important than the names, Fargo's company, inXile Entertainment, promised to revive a style of game that had lain comatose for all that time. They raised over $3,000,000 – including an important $30 of my own.
《废土 2》Kickstarter 众筹活动于 2012 年 3 月启动,加上 Paypal 捐助共筹得 2933252 美元。
Wasteland 2's Kickstarter campaign launched on March 2012, raising $2,933,252 USD plus PayPal donations.

Character creation mixes stats, skills and perks to offer a lot of possibilities, but not all of them are viable. Some stats, like Strength, aren’t very useful, and there are stat thresholds which punish some builds.
所以,我们到底得到了什么?《废土 2》讲的是四位新征入伍的沙漠游骑兵(Desert Rangers)[6] 新人的故事,他们有点像是《疯狂的麦克斯(Mad Max)》里那种后末日时代的警察,但牛仔气息要更重些。
《废土 2》的一大卖点是有着丰富的分支选项,并且它也实至名归。加入一个准军事组织可以为动乱的贸易路线带来秩序,但会被迫与当前控制该地区的邪教战斗;也可以选择站在邪教一方,体验得则是一套完全不同的任务,或是让双方相互制衡,抑或与两边所有人为敌。这些决定都可能会对你的游戏产生重大的影响。
《废土 2》所作承诺中包括了会因为技能检定而失败的角色行动。例如当你试图拯救一名溺水的男孩时,最后却可能会把他给害死;当你去调查奴隶贸易活动并打算试图救下一名无辜的女孩时,你的行动很有可能会导致她自杀。在一个任务中取得了重大胜利可能意味着另一个任务会陷入死局或是变得无关紧要,你的选择造成了真正的影响。除非你的小队被全歼,否则搞砸了一个任务并不意味着游戏结束。
I grew up on Wasteland, and the announcement of this project represented a chance to relive an uncritical childhood joy. Ultimately, even filtered through the cynicism of adulthood, my gamble paid off.
So what did we get, exactly? Wasteland 2 is the story of a quartet of newly minted Desert Rangers, post-apocalypse cops somewhat in the vein of Mad Max, with a more cowboy feel.
Who are these Rangers? Wonderfully, that is up to you. Sincerely helpful protectors of the innocent? Disinterested mercenaries doing the bare minimum? Hardened killers who solve every problem by butchering both perps and victims? Professional soldiers in leather and fatigues? Drunken lunatics in gorilla suits and lingerie? There's even a path for players who don't want to be Desert Rangers at all. Blow off missions, attack the innocent, steal, raid, and kill your boss; you will find that there are scripted consequences there too, with a full alternate ending.
Wasteland 2 hangs its hat on substantial choices, and it delivers. Side with a paramilitary organisation intent on bringing order to a chaotic trade route, and you'll be forced to battle the cult that currently controls the region; or you can side with the cult and do a completely different set of missions, or play the two against each other, or fight them all. These decisions may have resounding effects on your game.
Part of W2's deep commitment to player agency includes the ability to fail. Try to save a drowning boy and you might end up killing him. Investigate slaver activity in an attempt to rescue an innocent girl and your actions might lead to her suicide. Resounding success in one mission might mean another becomes unsolvable or irrelevant, imbuing your choices with true consequences. Tanking a mission never means a “game over” unless your squad is wiped out entirely.
1 译者注:Alan Pavlish,初代《废土》开发小组的四位成员之一,主要负责程序脚本编写。
2 译者注:Jason Anderson,英国著名艺术家、插画师。
3 译者注:Ken St. Andre:初代《废土》开发小组的四位成员之一,和 Michael A. Stackpole 一同负责游戏设定和地图设计。
4 译者注:Michael A. Stackpole,初代《废土》开发小组的四位成员之一,和 Ken St. Andre 一同负责游戏设定和地图设计。
5 译者注:Liz Danforth,著名插画师,曾为《万智牌》(Magic The Gathering)系列绘制过卡面插画。
6 译者注:《废土》世界观中最有影响力的组织之一,其组织形象参考了现实中亚利桑那州和德克萨斯州的游骑兵,而他们的首要目标就是帮助那些和灾难后的幸存者重建文明,为了未来而努力。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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