阿拉丁传奇:精灵的诅咒 - CRPG BOOK 翻译计划 | indienova 独立游戏

The Genie's Curse

Cyberlore Studios, 1994

Cyberlore Studios, 1994

阿拉丁传奇(Al-Qadim: The Genie's Curse)和你通常玩到的 RPG 可不一样。通常来说,CRPG 的特色就是经验点、属性、数值、技能、过剩的武器和大量的选项。虽然《精灵的诅咒》设定在一个以晦涩难懂的《高级龙与地下城(AD&D)》为蓝本的《阿拉丁传奇》世界设定之中,但两者的风格大相径庭。你的角色是预设好的,而且你压根没有查看属性的必要。然而,本作游戏确实是我体验过极致的角色扮演体验之一。你可能要问,为什么呢?

Al-Qadim is not your typical RPG. Usually, CRPGs are about experience points, stats, numbers, skills, plethora of weapons and huge amounts of choices. And although Genie's Curse is based on the obscure AD&D setting Al-Qadim, the game is nothing like that. You play a predefined character and you won't ever need to check your stats. Yet still this game is for me one of the best role-playing experiences I have ever tasted. Why, you might ask?

Cyberlore Studios 由先前在 SSI 任职的开发者们于 1992 年创建。后来,他们与老东家合作,推出了《阿拉丁传奇:精灵的诅咒》和《食人虫:黑暗之瘟疫(Entomorph)》。

Cyberlore Studios was founded in 1992 by ex-SSI developers. Later they partnered with their former employer to make Al-Qadim and Entomorph.

《阿拉丁传奇》的战斗和谜题都很简单,但制作精良,和那些 2D 版《塞尔达传说(Legend of Zelda)》系列游戏提供的内容很像。

Al-Qadim combat and puzzles are simple, but wellexecuted, similar to those on the 2D Legend of Zelda games.


The dialogues are interesting and well-written, but, despite the many choices, few of them have actual consequences.


你回家后会受到家族的热烈欢迎。然而,突如其来的悲剧令欢乐时光戛然而止——你们家族的精灵突然袭击了哈里发(Caliph)的船。你的父母锒铛入狱,而你则肩负找出真凶的责任。为了达成这一目的,你要以非常简化的实时战斗形式应对各路强敌,还要解开许多以机关和迷宫为主的谜题。在战斗和迷路之余,你还要和 NPC 在对话中斗智斗勇。

《阿拉丁神灯》的背景设定深深受到了《一千零一夜(The Arabian Nights)》故事的影响,所以在你的旅途之中,你将寻求女巫的建议、解开灯神提供的谜题、驾驶魔法之船出海远航、乘坐飞毯,经历诸如此类的许多奇幻冒险。游戏的图像十分精美,细节生动,让人仿佛置身童话世界。阿拉伯风格的 MIDI 音乐也进一步烘托了这样的氛围。

《阿拉丁传奇》有许多值得一试的理由。如果你看重好的故事情节,想要重温自己的童年,喜欢拥有纯洁心灵的传统童话主角,那你务必要试试这款游戏。不过,就不要期待它给你提供类似其他 SSI 出品的、着重于数值的传统 RPG 会有的那套体验了。

Al-Qadim puts you in the curly shoes of a corsair finishing his training. Note that you are not a corsair in the ordinary meaning – on the contrary, you are a law-upholding hero, part of a respected family, that adheres to a strict code of honour and is always helpful to anyone in distress. That's what I liked about the game, it moves away from statistics and numbers to what I find really important: character and storytelling. It's true, you don't have much choice in how to play the game, and the story tries to keep you very strictly on rails, but in exchange it gives you the opportunity to really create a connection with your character.

As you return home, you are joyously welcomed by your family. That time is, however, cut short due to a tragic event – your family's genie has attacked the ship of the Caliph. With your parents now in prison, it's your task is to find who is responsible for this. For that you'll battle foes with a very simplified real-time combat and overcome many puzzles, usually based on switches and maze navigation. When you are not fighting or getting lost, you'll be testing your wits during conversations with NPCs.

The Al-Qadim setting is heavily influenced by the Arabian Nights stories, so during your travels you'll seek advice from a sorceress, solve riddles from djinns, sail the seas on a magical ship, ride on flying carpets and other fantastical adventures. The game has beautifully drawn graphics, with vivid details, that give it a fairy-tale feeling. This atmosphere is further enhanced by its rich Arab-inspired MIDI music.

Al-Qadim is worth trying for various reasons. If you love good storytelling and you would like to relive your childhood, when the fairy tales were full of true heroes with pure heart, then it is definitely a game for you. Just don't come in expecting the complex, stat-heavy RPG experience of other SSI titles.

GameDB 相关游戏: 阿拉丁传奇:精灵的诅咒

《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息

英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)

这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。

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