Larian Studios, 2014
Windows, OS X, Linux, PS4 和 Xbox One
Larian Studios, 2014
Windows, OS X, Linux, PS4 and Xbox One

《神界(Divine Divinity)》系列不仅仅是关于一个原创世界的故事,其背后也是一个关于野心的故事。从 1999 年开始,Larian 工作室和它的 CEO Swen Vincke 就有了一个梦想:不再仅仅是追随《创世纪 7(Ultima VII)》的伟大脚步,而是要超越它。这是一条艰难的道路。2002 年的《神界》是一款野心超越了能力的游戏,而那些续作,尤其以那些精彩的巧思著称——例如与一位邪恶骑士的灵魂结合!或是变成龙!——却总是在一些基础的问题上拉胯,比如游戏的核心基础有缺陷,因此这些续作也仅仅是为了维持热度而存在。
而到了《神界:原罪(Divinity: Original Sin)》,所有的元素终于被捏合在了一起。Kickstarter 平台证明了玩家们对传统风格 RPG 的渴望,他们愿意为此掏腰包(尽管《神界:原罪》已远非老派 RPG 了) ,技术的进步为 Larian 那些更加疯狂的想法提供了支持,比如以元素为核心的战斗,可以瞬间将战场的任意区域转变为燃烧地狱;又或者是通过施法降雨做很多事情,例如扑灭一艘燃烧的船只和让敌人的炸弹哑火。
这一转折始于对多人模式的关注——不是像《无冬之夜》(Neverwinter Nights)那样,在成品游戏中将多人模式置于优先地位,而是借此让团队去创造可以满足玩家一切可能行为的系统和脚本。杀掉城镇里的所有人?滥用传送和其他法术?《神界:原罪》允许你这么做。举例来说,boss 不会对类似于被传送至你指定的区域的法术免疫。在另一种更酷的交互方式中,你可以用两名角色来实施多人诈骗,其中一名和 NPC 交谈,而另一名则在 NPC 背后进入潜行状态来偷东西。
游戏一经发售就大获成功。在评论家和翘首以盼的狂热粉丝眼中,《神界:原罪》很快就成为了 Larian 辛苦开发工作的最好证明。如果硬要挑刺的话,游戏的整体剧情稍显混乱,也缺少像《龙腾世纪》《创世纪》里那些我们熟悉的传奇角色。
The Divinity series isn't the story of a world, but an ambition. Since 1999, Larian Studios has had its sight on one thing – surpassing Ultima VII. It's been a bumpy road, with 2002's Divine Divinity biting off more than it could chew, and subsequent games being marked by fantastic, original ideas – be soulbound with an evil knight! Turn into a dragon! – often undercut by some shaky RPG foundations, and the ongoing battle to simply keep the lights on.
With Divinity: Original Sin, however, all the pieces finally came together. Kickstarter proved that the thirst and funding for classic-style RPGs was there, while a new approach to development provided a rock-solid foundation for Larian's crazier ideas, such as element-focused combat, chatting with rats in the dungeons, and – most ambitiously of all - giving players the power to not just explore the world, but try to break it.
The trick was to focus on multiplayer first – not purely with an eye to being a full multiplayer game, a la Neverwinter Nights, but also as a means of forcing the team to create systems and scripts capable of handling anything a chaotic player might try. Murder everyone in town? Abuse teleportation to skip a trigger? Divinity can handle it. Bosses, for instance, aren't immune to tricks like being teleported out of their arena. With the right spell, you can kill the final boss in one hit. In one of the best interactions, you can even run a two-man con on the NPCs by engaging one in conversation while your partner loots their stuff.
The result was a triumph. D:OS instantly validated Larian's hard work in the eyes of its critics, as well as delighting fans who'd been there for the long haul. The only major issue was the overall story, which was packed with fun moments but overall a bit of a mess, and lacking the instantly memorable characters we were used to from games like Dragon Age and Ultima.
2013 年,《神界:原罪》在 Kickstarter 平台的众筹大受欢迎,募集了超过 90 万美元。2015 年,游戏续作同样在 Kickstarter 平台发起众筹,募集了 200 万美元。
D:OS was crowd-funded on Kickstarter in 2013, raising $944,282 USD. The game came out in 2014, and its Enhanced Edition followed in 2015.
在经过一次免费大更新和重置后发行的《神界:原罪加强版》(Divinity: Original Sin the Enhanced Edition)中,这些问题得到了修复,此外还微调了剧情,使其更有逻辑,修改了结局,增加了控制器支持和完整的配音。
“击败”《创世纪 7》看上去对任何 RPG 来说都是一个不可能完成的任务,仅仅因为与其说它们是在挑战《创世纪 7》的真实感,不如说是在挑战《创世纪 7》这根植于这个世界记忆中的对于 RPG 游戏的柏拉图式理想。
Larian 工作室用《神界:原罪》证明他们已经准备好直面 RPG 世界中的里程碑,甚至将这些新技术传授给新一世代,在他们的下一部作品进化到至臻完美之境。
Many of these issues were subsequently addressed with a major free update/re-release, the Enhanced Edition, which tweaked the plot to make more sense, altered the ending, and added controller support and a full voice-over into the mix.
As for the big question of Ultima VII, it is of course an unfair challenge – any game going for that particular crown having to face not just the mundane reality of its code, but the Platonic ideal of it, spawned from decades of nostalgia.
With Divinity: Original Sin, however, Larian provided final proof that it was ready to go toe-to-toe with one of the RPG world's most sacred cows… and even teach the next generation a few new tricks of its own, perfecting the formula in their next game.

D:OS combines old and new ideas – a world where everything is interactive, like Ultima, but with two main characters, designed for co-op play.

D:OS’ turn-based combat allows you to use spells, objects and the environment to your advantage, teleporting enemies, igniting pools of oil or freezing wet creatures.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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