Spiderweb Software, 2001
Windows 和 Mac
Spiderweb Software, 2001
Windows and Mac

我觉得《基因制造(Geneforge)》正是 RPG 游戏应该有的模样:不起眼的小卒踏上旅途,主宰自己的命运;磨练技能,结识盟友,树立仇敌;你既可以成为忠诚的盟友,又可以扮演背后捅刀的无情叛徒,抑或是满脑子只剩下砍砍砍的莽夫。最终,玩家将会收获由所有选择汇聚而成的独特游戏体验。
Geneforge, to me, is what an RPG game should be about. A nameless protagonist walks into the world, and chooses their destiny. Skills are built, alliances formed, enemies made. You can be the loyal ally, the backstabbing traitor, or simply slaughter everyone before you have a chance to decide. At the end, what you have is a personal experience, something built by the choices you have made.
The first few steps in Geneforge did not grab my attention. Being from a small studio, the game is built with budget graphics, and the combat model is relatively simplistic. What first started to pique my interest was a well-crafted backstory.
The main premise of the game is a world in which a ruling clan, the Shapers, uses magical (genetic?) techniques to build servants, and retain tight control over those powers with the premise that abuse would be deadly. This creates, in essence, a ruling class, with complete dominance over their sentient creations. The moral questions raised by this situation continue throughout the series, and to my dissatisfaction, is never resolved in black-and-white fashion.

战斗模式基于回合制,而且有点简单了,但敌人的 AI 常常会惊艳到你。
Combat is turn-based and somewhat simplistic, but the enemy AI can often surprise you.
你会放弃从头陪了你一路的小家伙换取新发现的怪兽吗?你真的在乎吗?尽管战斗模式一成不变,但对 RPG 游戏而言,角色在游戏过程中逐渐获得成长是必要的。随着游戏流程逐渐推进,玩家对角色属性和技能的分配会极大影响后期的战斗。
The combat, while simple, can play out very differently based on character build and skill choices. You can focus on combat skills, magic skills, or shaping skills. Shaping skills tend to be my favourite, as eventually your character ends up with a group of creatures that gain strength as they survive combat.
Do you sacrifice the little guy, who has travelled with you from the beginning, in order to create the newest monster you discovered? Do you even care? While battles can get repetitive, there's a nice feeling of the progression which I feel an RPG needs. As the games progresses, the battles will play out differently depending on your character build.
Shaping is what differentiates Geneforge from a typical fantasy setting; you are creating and toying with life, and, as the series progresses, the story reveals a more technological approach to creating creatures. The “art” of shaping often blurs the line between scifi and fantasy. Shaping could be easily dismissed as another word for summoning, but regardless of the terminology, Geneforge allows for more control of “shaped” creatures than other games do.
Shaped creatures consume a certain amount of energy from your character, and an experienced creature can be a valuable companion. The balance between the energy used for maintaining old creatures, creating new ones, and maintaining a reserve for spellcasting can be more strategic than the actual battles.
This all sets the stage for a beautifully open-ended style of game. Your character, arriving on an abandoned island, meets different populations of humans and Shaper creations that have radically different views on the world of the Shapers. The world is yours to explore, at times limited by game events or necessary items, but mostly defined by the prowess of your character and the allies you have made.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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