虽然《铁血联盟 2(Jagged Alliance 2)》发售于遥远的 1999 年,但是作为一款高复杂度、战术细节极为丰富的游戏,它依旧岿然独存。时至今日粉丝们还是会反复游玩该作,而且不断涌现出的 mod 也保证了游戏的鲜活和持续发展。《铁血联盟 2》的模仿者也不算少,但是玩家们都认为没有一款可以和打了 mod 的《铁血联盟 2》相提并论,就算是最近发售的《铁血联盟:闪回(Jagged Alliance Flashback)》也不行。
实际上,在世界的另一个角落里还有一群《铁血联盟 2》的狂热粉丝,2005 年一款名叫《E5 旅:新铁血联合(Brigade E5: New Jagged Union)》的《铁血联盟 2》模仿作在俄罗斯问世了。这款游戏在专业评论家那里并没有拿到什么好评,不过还是打下了坚实的粉丝基础。两年后,一款名为《E6 旅(Brigade E6)》——在美国则名为《7.62 大口径部队》——的续作发售,带来了更加非线性的游戏体验以及大量其他改动。
游戏最有趣的部分就是它的战斗系统。不同于《铁血联盟 2》的回合制系统,《7.62 大口径部队》采用了一款独特的可暂停即时制系统。简单来说,游戏中的每一个行动都会耗时。例如,如果玩家需要转向,那么这个动作会消耗 0.2 秒的时间来完成;想要拿出口袋中的医疗包?要花上 0.89 秒呢!
Although it was released back in 1999, Jagged Alliance 2 still reigns alone – a highly complex and detailed tactical game that to this day is still played by fans, with many mods still being made to keep the game alive and going. Many JA2 wannabe games exist, but the consensus is that none can compare to what was achieved in JA2 with mods, not even the recently released Jagged Alliance Flashback.
It turns out JA2 also had a cult following in other corners of the world, and in 2005 a Jagged Alliance wannabe called Brigade E5: New Jagged Union was developed in Russia. It didn't do well with professional critics but developed a loyal fan base. Two years later, a sequel was released called Brigade E6 (known as 7.62 High Calibre in the US), featuring a more non-linear gameplay and other various changes.
By far the most interesting part of the game is its combat system. Instead of using turn-based combat like JA2, High Calibre features a unique real-time-with-pause system. The easiest way to explain it is that every single action takes time. For example, want to turn around? It will take you 0.20 seconds. Want to grab a med kit stored in your pockets? 0.89 seconds are used for that!
2008 年,Apeirion 公司发布了《7.62:重装上阵(7.62: Reloaded)》作为《7.62 大口径部队》的独立资料片,可惜的是,该作品只在俄罗斯发行,不过其中一部分内容包含在《艰难求生(Hard Life)》mod 中。
In 2008 Aperion released 7.62: Reloaded, a stand-alone expansion to High Calibre. Unfortunately, it's only available in Russia, but some of its content was included in the Hard Life mod.
除了战斗系统之外,可用的武器种类也值得称赞。从手枪到轻机枪再到狙击步枪,《7.62 大口径部队》配备了一百多种可用武器,甚至还能通过安装 mod 来进一步提高可用的武器数量。
武器具有准确率、弹匣容量、单发伤害和瞄准时间、可靠度等属性。像柯尔特 M16 这样不太靠谱的武器就需要经常维护保养,不然他们可能在最糟糕的时候卡壳,这也意味着某些玩家可能会采用可靠性已成传说的 AK47 作为替代。
Every action in the game takes time, including the most basic ones like changing stance, picking up objects and, of course, firing your weapon. While this may sound clunky and messy, it actually makes the combat really deep. The player must make intelligent choices and calculate its time to play effectively.
The amount of depth underneath the system is staggering – there are four shot types, six movement types, customisable firing modes, a locational damage system and multiple variables that alter the speed of each action. Even adrenaline plays a big role, making characters act faster, but less accurately.
Apart from the combat, another great feature is the number of weapons available. From pistols to light machine guns and sniper rifles, High Calibre features over a hundred weapons, a number of which can be further raised by installing mods.
Weapons have stats such as accuracy, magazine size and damage, but also other stats like the time it takes to aim them and their reliability. Unreliable weapons like the Colt M16 must be kept well-repaired and clean, or they might jam at the worst possible moment – meaning some players might prefer the legendary reliability of an AK-47 instead.

玩家可以从 8 个不同的雇佣兵中选择一个开始游戏,每个角色都有一套配点,不过技能是可以自定义的。
You can start as one of eight different mercenaries, each with a set of attributes, but with customisable skills.

It’s vital to carefully maintain your guns, consider your loadout and optimise your pockets for quick access.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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