TaleWorlds Entertainment, 2008
TaleWorlds Entertainment, 2008

如果你痴迷于类似《骑士精神:中世纪战争(Chivalry: Medieval Warfare)》中的砍杀战斗,加上和《中世纪:全面战争(Medieval: Total War)》(Medieval: Total War)相比规模更小、更加个人化的战斗指挥,再把它们全部囊括进一个含有 RPG 元素的中世纪沙盒世界,那么你的终极答案就是这款包罗万象的迷人游戏,它的名字叫做《骑马与砍杀(Mount & Blade)》。
If you take visceral hack-and-slash combat akin to that found in Chivalry: Medieval Warfare, add in a smaller scale, more intimate taste of battle management à la Medieval: Total War, and wrap it all in the trappings of a medieval sandbox world with RPG elements, your end result is the multifaceted and engaging game named Mount & Blade.
You start by creating your character, answering questions about his/her background and ambitions, which will affect your stats, items and social standing. Then the game begins, and you're in Calradia, a large medieval world, free to do whatever you wish – hunt bandits, recruit villagers for your army, fight nobles in tournaments, offer your services for a king, etc.
But truly, the soul of Mount & Blade is its battles. Whether you are a general charging the enemy's army from a snow-covered hill or just a soldier taking part in a castle siege, the game just comes to life: the landscapes, character, weapon and armour models, sound of hooves, clash of blades and cries of battle all work together to immerse you in that moment.
Combat is deceptively simple: by pressing the left button and moving your mouse you attack from left, right, overhead or thrust. Doing the same with the other button leads to a block, but there are parries, shields, weapon types, momentum and other nuances.
TaleWorlds 是一家土耳其独立游戏工作室。2005 年,工作室成立并发布了《骑马与砍杀》的 Alpha 版本。这个版本给他们带来了一定的粉丝基础,支持他们把游戏做完的资金,以及和 Paradox Interactive 签订的发行合约。
TaleWorlds is an indie games studio based in Turkey. In 2005 they were founded and released an alpha of Mount & Blade. From that alpha they gathered a fan base, funding for the full game and a publishing deal with Paradox.

While travelling in the world map, you’ll often come across nobles, villagers, caravans, bandits and armies, each with their own objectives and behaviours.
当你在卡拉迪亚大陆上漫游时,不论你是在大地图上,还是探索散布在地图上的一个城镇或城堡,你都可以停下来,休整队伍,思考在这个群雄逐鹿的乱世中的下一步计划。在这里,你所有的战斗都像是一个大轮子中的小齿轮——因为当你和 NPC 对话或是挑衅他时,你周围的其他 NPC 单位也同样在追逐他们的目标。
You may also issue instructions for your army – if you manage to keep a sharp mind as battle erupts around you. Clashing with targets of opportunity and making snap decisions as the unpredictableness of battle unfolds to achieve victory is deeply satisfying.
While roaming the lands of Calradia either, as an avatar on the game map or while exploring one of the towns or castles that dot its surface, you are able to stop, rest your troops, and plan your next move amongst all the chaos of a land contested by multiple factions. This is when the sense of all of your battles being small cogs in a larger wheel sets in – as you interact with NPCs either through dialogue or at the tip of a sword, other NPC units are likewise pursuing their own objectives all around you.
Faction relations and interactions are ever-shifting, and the armies are constantly on the move. Fortunately, significant events you don't encounter yourself while roaming the land are flashed to you in text and logged into the game's bank of reference material, providing general glimpses on the state of the land when needed.
The lands of Caraldia are alive with more than just the faction forces: army deserters, manhunters tracking them down, sea raiders, villagers, trade caravans and more all move about and interact, making the otherwise sparse land come alive with the simulated life of the population.
Conflicts, either small skirmishes or all-out battles with hundreds of troops, are always occurring throughout the land, and your role in it all is up to you. At night, sight lines are reduced, and it may come as a shock to find just how close an enemy force is when dawn strikes. Fortunately, everything on the land freezes when your force is stopped, giving you time to plan your next move.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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