DECK13 Interactive, 2009
Windows, Xbox 360 和 PS3
DECK13 Interactive, 2009
Windows, Xbox 360 and PS3

《女死神》可以看成是一款具有轻度动作要素的《神鬼寓言(Fable)》,一如后者有许多支线任务,任务中也需要做出艰难的道德选择,不过整体游玩更注重叙事和探索。游戏的主要舞台设定在充满幻想色彩的 16 世纪的威尼斯,城市被分成了五大区域。要说对意大利城邦的还原,游戏可能不及《刺客信条 2(Assassin’s Creed II)》,但制作组仍然将其自然风光呈现得美轮美奂,也加进了一些可供探索的曲径暗道。尽管预算有限,色彩丰富的美术风格仍然带来了不错的视觉感受。
而作为死神之女,斯嘉丽也有一些非常利于战斗的特殊能力。第一个自然是死而复生,只要斯嘉丽持有充足的暮色能量(Twilight Energy),她就能在血量归零的时候复活。随着游戏进度,你还能获得与死者对话、利用渡鸦之眼以及在生者和死者国度之间来回穿梭等能力。
Venetica begins with a rather unique premise: you are Scarlet, a young girl from the small town of San Pasquale. Suddenly, the town is attacked by assassins, your fiancée is killed and you meet with Death himself – who reveals that he is your father, and that you must help him save the world.
The game is a light Action RPG in the veins of Fable, filled with side-quests to take and moral choices to make, but more focused on story and exploration. Most of the game is spent in a fantasy version of 16th-century Venice, divided into five large districts. Venetica is no Assassin's Creed II, but the team did a great job, filling the city with stunning sights and a few hidden side-paths, while using a colourful art style to compensate for the small budget.
The combat is simple to a fault. There are four weapon types – swords, spears, hammers and the undead-slaying Moonblade. Each one comes with different damage types, combat skills and combos you create by timing your attacks right. Or at least that's the theory, as it's too easy to get behind enemies and stun-lock them by quickly mashing the attack button.
As the daughter of Death, Scarlet also has access to some handy powers. First of those is the ability to come back from the dead. As long as she has enough Twilight Energy, she'll always revive when slain.
As the game advances, you'll unlock new powers, such as the ability to speak with the deceased, see through the eyes of ravens and briefly warp between the land of the living and the realm of the dead.
It's fascinating in concept and occasionally the game allows you to make great use of these powers – like casually letting a robber cut your throat, then reviving and killing him. Sadly, those are very rare; Venetica fails to explore its immortal character and some powers are used only once during the story.
不过,尽管《女死神》在设计上有局限性,战斗也不尽如人意,对于类似《神鬼寓言》的游戏的粉丝来说,它仍然是一款值得一玩的休闲而有趣的动作 RPG。
Scarlet is the main attraction of Venetica, being a strong and charismatic character while still allowing room for players to role-play her. You'll be able to choose Good, Neutral or Evil paths, as well as join one of the three guilds in Venice: Warriors, Messengers and Necromancers, each with a unique set of quests.
Unfortunately, while the game works as a whole, its parts feel constrained and rushed. Elements such as the combat, the interface, Scarlet's powers and the consequences for her choices all could use a few more months of polish, and I can't shake the feeling that features were cut nearly at the end of development.
Despite these limitations and the poor combat, Venetica is still a charming, casual Action RPG and definitely worth a play for fans of games like Fable.

Venetica has a morality and a reputation system, and even tracks how many people you killed, but rarely uses those in interesting ways.

Combat is simple and exploitable, but the game doesn’t overstay its welcome or tire players with endless filler fights.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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