David Allen, 1995
David Allen, 1995

魔多:丹杰诺儿之幽(Mordor: Depths of Dejenol)是一个受 MUD[1] 启发的地牢探索游戏,由 David Allen 所创作。虽然它在最初发布时并未引起很大的关注,但此后便获得了忠实的拥趸,并衍生了一系列的精神续作,其中最新的是《崩溃:飞升(Demise: Ascension)》,在与《魔多》保持一脉相承的同时,带来更加仔细打磨和拓展过的游戏体验。
虽然游戏进程由一个乏善可陈的故事推动着,但它让你一直玩下去的核心在于,利用优缺点各不相同的游戏风格,去尝试解决一个散发着不祥气息的地牢迷宫的可能性。要想在《魔多》里充分获得收益,你需要提前规划你的进度,甚至当一些可有可无的角色在获得了属于自己的那份宝典和药水之后,你就可以毫不在意地放弃他们,来为后面打下基础[2] 。
Mordor: Depths of Dejenol is a MUD-inspired dungeon crawler created by David Allen. Having gone largely unnoticed at the time of its release, it has since attained cult status and spawned a series of reiterations, the latest of which is Demise: Ascension, a polished, expanded and refined experience with Mordor still deeply at heart.
Although a lacklustre story drives the game forward, the core principle that keeps you playing is the prospect of tackling a foreboding, labyrinthine dungeon complex in a number of diverse playstyle, all with their strengths and shortcomings. To get the most out of Mordor you need to plan your progression in advance, even lay the groundwork with disposable characters you don't mind abandoning once they've picked up their share of tomes and potions.
Starting up your first game is a daunting task the several races, stats, alignments and guilds all make a difference between a successful progression and an essentially flawed character that just won't cut it at the deeper levels. Mordor swiftly and mercilessly punishes the ignorant, cocky or unprepared adventurer.
Braindead's Mordor 网站的粉丝们为《魔多》创建了几个工具和 MOD,并且一直在制作一个重制版,名为《魔多 XP:丹杰诺儿之灭亡(Mordor XP: The Demise Of Dejenol)》。
Fans at Braindead's Mordor Site created several tools and mods for Mordor, and have also been working on a remake, named Mordor XP: The Demise Of Dejenol.

基于 Windows 的界面过时且不友好,但允许自定义设置和快速进行游戏,只要你对它足够熟悉。
The Windowsbased interface is dated and unfriendly, but allows for customisation and quick play once you're familiarised.
与其他作品的开始阶段不同,你最好在进入游戏之前先阅读一下手册[3] 。即使如此,死亡也常伴新手左右。尽管一开始公会可以帮忙解决复活的开销,但没有准备的玩家依然可能会发现自己投入了数十个小时的角色死了,却没有办法立即让他们回归。
《魔多》只有一个地牢,但它横跨 15 个层,每层大小是 30x30 格。包含反魔法区域和水下区域、传送门、身陷其中会遗失物品的流沙、消除 BUFF 的方块,当然,还有大量布置了陷阱的宝箱[4] ,这些陷阱会引发各种后果,从转移或毒害队伍成员,到直接杀死他们等等。对你来说这就是一片需要步步为营的场地。
《魔多》的主要玩法是其半自动的 RTwP[5] 战斗。其最基本的形式是观察战斗记录,直到任何一方死亡,不过更多和更强的敌人还是要更主动一些才行。当你暂停战斗,以便于施展正确的法术、指定不同的目标以及保护较弱的成员,那么那些本不可能通过击退和祈祷来赢下的战斗就会变得可以应付。
地牢中能遇到的敌人既有标准的幻想生物,也有像能量球(balls of energy)这样更鲜为人知的敌人——所有这些都以独特的艺术风格精美地展示出来。它们有些很胆小,有些能施放法术,或是可以通过斩首或投掷石块立即杀死你。甚至还有一些会与你交谈或者加入并成为同伴——这些同伴也可以作为奴隶在城里购买(和出售)。
Unlike with some other titles, you'd best read the manual before going in. Even then, death is a novice's companion. The guilds help with resurrection costs at the start, but unprepared players might find themselves with dead characters they've put dozens of hours into with no immediate means of getting them back.
Your adventures start in a town which provides equipment, levelling and questing opportunities as well as places to store your hard-earned gold, raise dead comrades and heal wounds. These only offer a brief respite, as you will be spending most of your time exploring the massive dungeon.
Mordor has only one dungeon, but it spans 15 large floors, each 30x30 squares wide. Add antimagic and underwater areas, teleporters, quicksand you can lose your items in, buff-stripping squares and, of course, a plethora of trapped chests that can do anything from displacing or poisoning party members to killing them outright, and you have a playing field that needs to be tread upon lightly.
The staple of Mordor's gameplay is its semiautomatic RTwP combat. Its most basic form consists of simply watching the battle log until either side dies. Bigger groups and harder foes require a more active approach however. Fights that would be impossible to win by hitting away and hoping for the best become manageable once you pause the combat in order to cast the right spells, assign different targets and defend weaker party members.
Encounters range from standard fantasy fare to more obscure foes like balls of energy – all beautifully illustrated in a unique art style. Some are timid, others cast spells or can instantly kill you by decapitation or stoning. There are even some that will talk to you or join and become companions – which can also be purchased (and sold) as slaves in town.
1 译者注:MUD 原指多用户地牢(Multi-User Dungeon),是一类以文字和指令为基础的多人虚拟游戏的总称。最早的 MUD 是 1978 年 Roy Trubshaw 和 Richard Bartle 所制作的 MUD1。受当年计算机存储空间、运算能力和网络带宽的限制,MUD1 以纯文字来叙述故事,玩家则通过输入简短的指令来进行游戏交互。另外,创作了 MUD1 的这位 Richard Bartle,就是后来用“巴图模型”对玩家进行分类的那位巴图。
2 译者注:在《魔多》中玩家最多可以控制四个角色,在利用某一角色获得特定道具之后就将其替换掉是常见的做法。
3 译者注:可以在 这里 找到。
4 译者注:地牢生物把自己的财宝藏在箱子里,并且用危险的陷阱守住,触发陷阱时,有些只影响开启者,有些则会殃及整个小队。
5 译者注:RTwP 即 Real-Time with Pause,这种模式下既可以进行实时输入,也可以暂停之后再向角色下达命令。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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