Toby Fox, 2015
Windows, PS4, PS Vita, Linux 和 Mac
Toby Fox, 2015
Windows, PS4, PS Vita, Linux and Mac

《传说之下(Undertale)》最初是在 Kickstarter 上,以“没有人受伤的世界”作为卖点而提出众筹的一款 RPG 游戏。你身为人类小孩,要独自进入一个充满敌对怪物的地下世界,但游戏却给你了一个宽恕他们,而不是杀死他们的选择。
Undertale was originally pitched on Kickstarter as an RPG “where no one has to get hurt". It drops you, a human child, alone into an underground world of hostile monsters, but gives you the choice to spare them instead of killing them.
And the game makes a strong case for it – the monsters are endearing, with simple desires like being a pet, or some laughs for their bad stand-up comedy. If you give them what they want, they'll leave you alone.
《传说之下》2013 年,在 Kickstarter 上筹集了 5.1 万美元。它后来销量超过了两百五十万份。
Undertale raised $51k on Kickstarter in 2013. It went on to sell over two and a half million copies.

Undertale uses the medium itself as a narrative tool. Battles, UI, music and even the save files are used for characterisation and storytelling.

Dialogue with the charismatic cast of monsters is easily Undertale’s strongest point – it’s consistently funny and well-timed.
虽然有些 RPG 游戏会在对话分支中添加非暴力的选项来让玩家避开战斗,但是《传说之下》却把这些选项整合到回合制战斗中去了。你可以攻击敌人,也可以对每个怪物执行各种额外的动作,例如赞美或者威胁,这些都有助于安抚怪物。
在敌人的回合中,你将会控制一颗小小的红心,那代表着你的灵魂。你必须在极短的时间内躲避来自怪物的弹幕射击。在 Boss 战中,你的灵魂有可能会被 Boss 染上不同的颜色,从而需要你改变躲避的方式。比如,当灵魂被染成蓝色的时候,它就会受到重力的影响,让你可以通过跳跃的方式躲避弹幕。这个系统十分简单,但却能让玩家在整个游戏中保持新鲜感。
虽然游戏的图像和画面相对简单,但是音乐却相当出色。游戏的背景音乐混合了芯片音乐[1] 和钢琴,令人印象深刻、旋律十分好记,不同的曲目风格各异,串联起各部分的主题。Toby Fox 独自制作了这个游戏,他充分把握了每一个听觉、视觉和技术的细节,来达到最完美的叙事和氛围效果。
事先被剧透会破坏游戏的体验。《传说之下》不是一个很长的游戏,你大约会在五个小时内通关。但它是一个构思精巧的游戏,并且旅途中充满着惊喜,绝对值得重玩一遍又一遍。这款游戏深受《地球冒险(Earthbound)》[2] 系列的影响,并且是它当之无愧的继承者。同时,我也迫不及待地想知道,在《传说之下》一鸣惊人之后,什么样的游戏会继承它的影响。
While some RPGs present nonviolence as a series of choices in a text tree which might let you sidestep combat, Undertale integrates them into its turn-based battles. You can attack, but for each monster you can instead perform various actions, like “Compliment” and "Threat", which might help pacify them.
During the enemy's turns you control your Soul, a tiny red heart, and must dodge monster attacks in a brief bullet-hell sequence. Boss battles often change the mechanics of dodging by painting your Soul a different colour – when it's blue, for example, your Soul is subject to gravity and can jump. It's a simple enough system, but manages to stay fresh for the whole game.
The morality of Undertale leaves no room for ambiguity or nuance, but the game's dedication to it is what stands out. Forming deeper friendships with the strange and entertaining monsters of the underground is interesting and rewarding; killing them feels terrible, and the rest of the cast won't let you forget.
The game even reserves a special kind of hell for any player who would go out of their way to kill everyone “just to see all of the game's content...”
While the game's art is rather simple, the music is outstanding. It's a memorable and catchy mix of chiptunes and piano, weaving various themes throughout its tracks in many different styles. Having made the game all by himself, Toby Fox manages to fully utilise every visual, audio and technical aspect available to convey the desired narrative and tone.
Knowing more beforehand would spoil the fun. Undertale is not a long game – you'll beat it in about five hours – but it's an immensely clever game, full of surprises and worth replaying. It's a worthy successor to its clear influence, the Mother/Earthbound series, and I can't wait to see what kind of games will inherit Undertale's influence after its stunning success.
1 译者注:也被称为 8 bit 音乐,是一种电子音乐形式,形成于 1980 年代。它利用老式电脑,电动游戏机和街机等的音乐芯片制作。
2 译者注:《地球冒险》的日版名为 MOTHER,美版名为 Earthbound。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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