Robert Alan Koeneke, 2006*
Windows, Linux 和 OS X
Robert Alan Koeneke, 2006*
Windows, Linux and OS X

Roguelike 游戏的一大魅力便是出自它的未知性——“随机生成”意味着没有一次的游戏体验会是重复的,“背板”行为不再可行,而会永久死亡的角色也阻止了玩家不经思考地反复试错。
A huge part of the roguelike’s appeal is its mystery: random generation means that no two games will be the same and makes memorisation infeasible while the permanent death of player characters discourages careless trial and error.
As a result, the player is expected to learn the game’s rules and adapt to different situations by both in-game preparation (levelling up, collecting items) and the knowledge of different strategies for dealing with the inevitable appearance of something he/she can’t face head-on. Failure to do so means their character is lost forever, with no option but to start again.
The trade-off here is that the larger games in this genre take an unimaginably large amount of failed attempts to figure out. In fact, this can be such a big time investment that learning games like NetHack or ADOM by yourself is simply not expected and the number of people who were able to finish them without reading spoilers, watching other people play or just asking more experienced players for advice is very, very low.
- 《地城探宝》的初始版本发布于 1995 年,但直到2006年,开发团队才开始开发《地城探宝:石头汤》这一分支版本。
*The original Crawl was released in 1995, but the Stone Soup development branch began only in 2006.

How many games allow you to play as a stealthy octopus assassin? Far from a mere gimmick, each of the many exotic races offers a unique playstyle.
《地城探宝:石头汤(Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup)》主要的设计理念之一便是在避免上述情况的同时维持游戏的随机性、复杂性和难度。为了达成这一目标,开发者让《地城探宝》里几乎不会出现立即死亡或是困难的谜题。
另一方面,他们极力反对任何形式地刷任务以及过度功利化的战斗决策,甚至取消了在商店里出售道具的功能。除了努力地把游戏拽到“困难但公平”的范畴内之外,《地城探宝》的开发者还对游戏添加了图形贴图和支持全鼠标操作的功能以让游戏尽可能地对用户友好(老玩家依旧可以选择使用 ASCII 模式游玩)。游戏中甚至还有一个“自动探索模式”最大限度地减少了玩家探遍地图时的乏味感。
《地城探宝》通常被认为是“hack-like”分支的 roguelike 游戏,它的灵感源自《迷宫骇客》中由特殊房间和多个分支地下城组成的连续关卡以及专注积累而非升级等等的内容。然而,它也具备着能让人联想到《摩瑞亚(Moria)》或是《安格班德(Angband)》的大型卷轴关卡,它的复杂性并不在于道具间的相互作用,而是建立角色所带来的无限可能性。
One of the main design principles of Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup is to avoid this while still keeping the game random, complex and difficult. To achieve this, the developers made Crawl almost completely free of instant deaths or difficult puzzles.
On the other hand, they're actively fighting against any sort of grinding and disproportionately powerful tactics – even going so far as to remove the ability to sell items in shops. In addition to trying to make the game fall into the “hard but fair” category, Crawl developers are also making their game as user-friendly as possible by including graphical tiles and full mouse support (old-fashioned fans can still opt to play the game in ASCII mode. There's even an automatic exploration mode supposed to reduce the tedium of uncovering everything on the map.
Crawl is generally considered to fall into the “hack-like” tradition of roguelike games: it's inspired by NetHack's persistent levels with special rooms, multiple dungeon branches, focus on preparation rather than levelling up, etc. However, it also features large, scrolling levels reminiscent of Moria or Angband and its complexity is not in the interactions between items but in countless possible character builds.
There's a large variety of races to choose from – 26 to be precise – and, while the standard ones differ mostly in stats, the more outlandish ones play completely differently, such as Ghouls who must devour corpses to avoid rotting or Formicid, humanoid ants that can dig through walls. There's even a race of sentient housecats that can't use weapons and armour but get additional lives after levelling up.
There's also a choice of class, although that affects only starting skills and equipment – different skills can be learned by using them and what started out as a warrior might end up being a mage.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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