Origin Systems, 1983
Apple II, MS-DOS, C64, Amiga, NES, 等
Origin Systems, 1983
Apple II, MS-DOS, C64, Amiga, NES, etc

创世纪 3 与前几部作品有着重要的区别,玩家可以在系列中首次控制一支冒险者队伍。你所面对的敌人也是游戏史上最奇怪的敌人之一:蒙丹(Mondain)和米纳克斯(Minax)的半恶魔半机器后代,名为Exodus(出埃及记)。
这个生物威胁到了索萨利亚,需要你回到《创世纪 1(Ultima I)》的设定,不过我给你的建议是不要对这个地方太过依恋。
理查德・加里奥特(Richard Garriott)在程序员中享有盛誉的原因之一是由于他在不同游戏之间的技术改进水平。尽管《巫师(Wizardry)》系列在该系列的前五款游戏中都有微小的增量变化,但相比之下,从《阿卡拉贝斯(Akalabeth)》,《创世纪 1》,《创世纪 2(Ultima II)》,然后再到《创世纪 3(Ultima III)》的过渡令人震惊,尤其是在知道这些游戏都是由同一人编写的情况下。
Ultima III is an important departure from its predecessors, allowing players to control a party of adventurers for the first time in the series. The enemy you face is also one of the strangest in gaming history: the half-demon, half-machine offspring of Mondain and Minax called Exodus.
This creature threatens Sosaria, requiring you to return to the setting of Ultima I, though my advice to you is not to get too attached to the place.
One of the reasons Richard Garriott has a great reputation as a programmer is due to how well he handled technical improvements from game to game. While the Wizardry series saw small incremental changes through the first five games of the series, the transition from Akalabeth, Ultima I, Ultima II, and then Ultima III is startling, especially knowing that each of these games was coded by the same person.
Once more, the geographic area was expanded from the previous game. In sound, the game made another impressive jump with more rhythmic tunes that changed depending on the party's game location, which strongly pushed the mood.
那些想玩《出埃及记》的人可以尝试使用带有 Ultima 3 Upgrade mod 的 MS-DOS 版本,该版本增加了 VGA 图形,MIDI 声音和许多其他出色的改进。
Those who wish to play Exodus can try the MS-DOS version with the Ultima 3 Upgrade mod, which adds VGA graphics, MIDI sound and many other cool improvements.

你开始《出埃及记》,为你的团队创建四个角色。这是唯一允许这样做的 Ultima 游戏,也是最后一个以精灵和波比特等幻想种族为特色的游戏。
You start Exodus by creating four characters for your party. It's the only Ultima to allow this, and the last one to feature fantasy races like Elves and Bobbits.
在前两作中,战斗只不过是攻击站在您面前的敌人而已,但是《创世纪 3》将所有战斗转移到单独的战术战斗地图上。现在,您必须仔细考虑所有角色的位置和移动,大大扩展了你在战斗中的选择。除此之外,游戏还为魔法师和牧师增加了新的角色种族、等级和不同的法术组。
在战斗之外,这作游戏也要激烈得多。《创世纪 1》和《创世纪 2》中的太空战和大部分科幻元素被删除了,现在和 NPC 的对话变得更重要了,因为增加了对话树。游戏还加入了一个转折,在最后一场竞技中,比起战斗,需要更多的解谜。
虽然游戏盒中再次附赠了一张布制地图,但却提供了一个地图之外也能找到的新大陆,增加了一种奇妙感。同样的道理也适用于手册中没有包含的、需要解谜和探索才能发现的秘密咒语。《创世纪 2》的时间门又回来了,现在的正式名称是 Moongates,会允许依赖星球双卫星的相位进行旅行。
加里奥特认为,让角色能够与他/她的周围互动对于 CRPG 的体验至关重要,所以他试图改善角色可以做的事情。玩家可以在屏幕上拾取更多的物体并对其进行操作,从而为进一步设计谜题和解决问题提供了可能。
当然,所有这些改进都是全新编程代码的结果。加里奥特在《创世纪 2》发布后离开了 Sierra On-Line,声称他们不再支付他的版税,并成立了自己的游戏公司 – Origin Systems。如果想要他这个刚起步的公司生存下去,那么《创世纪 3》就必须大获成功才行。
In the previous two games, combat was simply a matter of attacking a foe standing in front of you, but Ultima III moves all battles to a separate, tactical combat map. Now you must carefully consider the position and movement of all your characters, greatly expanding your options in combat. On top of this, the game also adds new character races, classes and different spell groups for Wizards and Clerics.
Outside combat, the game is also much tighter. The space battles and most sci-fi elements of Ultima I and II were removed, and talking to NPCs is more important now, as conversation trees were added. The game also packs a twist, with a final encounter that requires more puzzle-solving than combat.
Although a cloth map was once again included with the game box, a new continent that could be found off the map was made available, adding a sense of wonder. The same could be said for a secret spell that was not included in the manual and required puzzle-solving and exploration to discover. The time gates of Ultima II were back, now officially called Moongates, and would allow travel dependent on phases of the planet's twin moons.
Garriott felt that allowing the character to be able to interact with his or her surroundings was vital to the CRPG experience, so he sought to improve upon the things that one could do. Players could pick up more objects and manipulate them on the screen, allowing for further puzzle design and problem-solving.
Of course, all of these improvements would be the result of brand-new programming code. Garriott had left Sierra On-Line after Ultima II was published, claiming that they stopped paying him his royalties, and started his own game company – Origin Systems. If his fledgling creation was to survive, then Ultima III would have to be a hit.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明