Spiders, 2010
Windows, Xbox 360 和 PS3
Spiders, 2010
Windows, Xbox 360 and PS3

撰写关于中庸游戏的评测是件有着一定难度的事,若称之为史上最糟则显得不够有诚意,而对某些另类部分的赞赏又听起来不值得如此夸奖。《妖精:阿瓦隆传奇(Faery: Legends of Avalon)》便是其中的典型案例。
一款在童话王国中冒险的“JRPG-lite”便是对这款游戏最好的概述。游戏中许多习以为常的要素虽然不能让人提起兴头,但却极容易理解。在游戏中你将以二元性的善恶态度来处理任务和对话,邂逅一些新的伙伴,收集简易的装备并且在简单的类 JRPG 回合制对战中战斗。而上述行为的重点不在于其途径和理由,而是在于其场合。
故事情节围绕着一群不断壮大队伍的奇幻生物在诸如世界之树诺达希尔(Nordrassil)、闹鬼的飞翔荷兰人号(Flying Dutchman)、巨型甲虫背上的阿拉伯都市(Arabic city),当然还有标题中的阿瓦隆(Avalon)等奇异的地域的旅程展开。在这一切的基础之上,“飞行”这样一个简单的功能极大限度地拓展了探索要素。
身为一个被施加了魔法的小仙子的好处之一就是可以用翅膀在大陆上旅行。在任务和战斗进行中左右摇摆便是其主要的乐趣来源。一想到 RPG 游戏中 AB 两点间移动所花费的时间,你大概会觉得应该下更多的心思在怎样使之更有趣上。而《妖精:阿瓦隆传奇》正是少数尝试改变这一关键因素并且取得成功的游戏之一。
Middle-of-the-road games have a certain kind of difficulty attached to them it comes to writing reviews. Calling them the worst is disingenuous while lauding certain quirky aspects can sound like undeserving praise. Faery: Legends of Avalon is the quintessential example of this.
The game can best be described as a JRPG-lite about adventures in the fairy realm. There are plenty of generic elements that, while not exciting, are easily digestible: you'll engage in quests and dialogues with binary good/evil paths, meet a few new companions, collect simplistic gear and fight in straightforward turn-based JRPG-like battles. But the how and why is not of importance, but rather the where.
The plot revolves around an ever-increasing magical cast of beings that goes journeying in curious places – the World-Tree Nordrassil, the haunted Flying Dutchman, an Arabic city on top of a giant beetle and, of course, the titular Avalon. On top of all of this, there is a simple feature which adds tremendously to the exploration aspect: flying.
Being an enchanted fairy has its perks, one of them is being able to travel by wings across the land. There is a primal kinetic delight to zig-zag left and right while going about with questing and combat. Given how much of the time is spent on going from point A to B in RPGs, you would think more thought would be spent on how to make it more interesting. Faery: Legends of Avalon is one of the few games that actually tries to change this vital part and succeeds.
The only other feature worth mentioning is the visual aspect of the game's progression system. When the main character gains a level, they must choose between exclusive spells and abilities, each with different visual representations – horns, wings, tattoos, tails, auras, etc.
2008 年,曾为砍杀游戏《落银城(Silverfall,2007)》工作过的一群法国开发者成立了 Spiders 团队。
Spiders was founded in 2008 by a group of French developers who worked together in Silverfall (2007), a hack & slash RPG.
最后,尽管《妖精:阿瓦隆传奇》是一款时长在六到八小时的简单游戏,但它向玩家呈现的一些新内容已经超过了某些 RPG 游戏的十倍长度。
Thus the player might have a cat's tail, dragonfly wings and antennae on one playthrough, but looks entirely different in the next, adding a lot of personality.
The fact that Faery stands out so much reflects horribly on games. Mystery is one of the driving forces of fiction and the fact this title impresses so much in that department just shows how saturated with Tolkien-esque fantasy the industry is. But even in a world of gaming with endlessly diverse settings, I would still recommend Faery, even for a short while, just for its flying and visual level-up representation.
In the end, Faery: Legends of Avalon is a simple 6-8 hour game that shows players something new, and that's already more than can be said of some RPGs that are ten times as long.

战斗显然借鉴了 JRPG 游戏,并且非常的简单。你只需要学习何时使用物理攻击或是魔法即可。
Combat is clearly based on JRPGs, and extremely simple. You just need to learn when to use physical attacks or spells.

Your choice of skills also changes your appearance, such as the type of magic you pick deciding what kind of wings your character will have.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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