Level Up Labs, 2012
Windows, Mac 和 Linux
Level Up Labs, 2012
Windows, Mac and Linux

守护者冒险:遗忘山谷(Defender’s Quest: Valley of the Forgotten)确实是一款优秀的游戏。这绝非是我平时会去玩那种的游戏类型;事实上,我之前从来就没玩过塔防类游戏。这款游戏真正吸引到我的是它的 RPG 要素,而且它也没有令我感到失望。故事将战斗和角色成长紧密结合,使其成为了一款出人意料的高品质游戏。
游戏相当简单:玩家必须要保护好主角并击败所有袭来的敌人,而这一目标需要通过将角色谨慎地安排在地图节点上才能实现。职业(class)系统和咒术魔法(magic spells)为游戏的玩法增添了一些战术深度。游戏中有六个不同的职业,每个职业都有着独特的技能,效果范围也不尽相同,所以谨慎用兵是决胜的关键。随着角色的升级,玩家需要在它们的技能树中花费点数来解锁新的技能或是升级现有的技能。阿兹拉虽然无法在战斗中移动,但是可以通过魔法来召唤队友、给他们升级或是使用各种法术来帮助消灭敌人,而运筹帷幄合理运用你的团队的能力来获得胜利(尤其是完美无缺的胜利)正是这战斗系统的真正魅力。
Defender's Quest is simply a great game. This is definitely not the type of game I would normally play. In fact, I had never played a tower defense game before or since. What really appealed to me about the game were the RPG elements, and it didn't fail to deliver. The story combines with the combat and character development to make a surprisingly inspired game.
There is an actual story to this game that drives everything forward. The main character, Azra, is infected by a plague and thrown into a pit from where she must escape. As the story unfolds, you'll discover the driving force behind the plague and seek to put an end to it. I really enjoyed the writing, and, while the humour was a bit offbeat, there were several occasions where I literally laughed out loud. There's the clichéd, somewhat dumb warrior (who has some priceless lines), a sarcastic archer, a noble knight, and a greedy egotistical dragon. It's a great mixture that allows for all kinds of comedic interactions.
The game is fairly straightforward: you have to protect your main character and defeat all the waves of attacking enemy forces. This is achieved through carefully positioning your characters at choke points on the map. Adding some tactical depth to the gameplay are the class system and magic spells. There are six different classes, which all have unique skills with varying areas of effect, so careful positioning is the key to victory. As characters level up, you spend points in their skill trees to unlock new abilities or improve existing ones. Azra is immobile during battles, but can spend mana to summon allies, upgrade them or, on various spells, to assist in eliminating the hostile hordes. Coming up with strategies to leverage your army's abilities towards victories – preferably flawless ones – is the real beauty of the combat system.
所有的地图都有四种难度等级(越高的难度越容易获得更好的奖励)可供选择,还有“新游戏+”(NG+)模式添加了一种用于高级道具的新型货币。游戏流程也出人意料的长,大约有 20 个小时。
相信我,就算这不是你平时会去玩的游戏类型,但你还是会折服于它的魅力。我爱死这款游戏了,甚至毫不犹豫地预购了《守护者冒险 2(Defender’s Quest II)》。
All the maps have four levels of difficulty to choose from (with the harder tiers obviously netting better rewards), and there's an NG+ mode that adds a new type of currency for the best items. The game is also surprisingly long, clocking around 20 hours.
Believe me, even if this isn't something you'd normally play, it is very capable of engulfing you with its charm. I loved it so much I didn't even hesitate to pre-order Defender's Quest II.

While the initial challenges are easy to complete, some later stages that may require you to come back stronger.

Besides the skill trees, there’s also a large number of items for you to equip your characters, including unique weapons and armour.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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