Black Isle Studios, 1999
Windows, Mac 和 Linux
Black Isle Studios, 1999
Windows, Mac and Linux

大部分幻想 RPG 遵循一个久经考验,而且结果大致正确的公式:剥除掉所有“幻想”的东西,然后扎根于熟悉而乏味的“现实”中。可悲的是,许多人梦寐以求一眼就认得出的辨识度,但这往往也意味着转眼间就会被遗忘。在一切变得彻底老套之前,我们还要拯救一个看一眼就能猜到展开的平庸世界多少次?我们看到出现在地平线上的城镇时,为什么想到的不再是一片充满奇遇和异域风俗的土地?而我们想到的只有卖掉战利品,装满补给,然后继续踏上无聊的任务旅途。
我们再来看看《异域镇魂曲(Planescape: Torment)》。你在停尸间(Mortuary)中醒来,是个字面意义上的死人。一个反重力骷髅头和你搭话,现在你明白了自己并非身处于幻想版的堪萨斯州。这里的规则完全不同,而你对此没有一点头绪。熟悉的精灵和兽人在哪里——他们不是优秀叙事的基础吗?为什么没有蠢蠢欲动的远古邪恶?给你派发重要任务的和善领主在哪里?为什么你的角色不是个风度翩翩,命中注定要做下一番伟业的少年英雄,反而是一个满身伤疤,吸满了甲醛,还带着不朽诅咒的尸体?
Most fantasy RPGs follow the tried and allegedly true formula, which strips them of anything “fantastic” and grounds them in the dull “reality” of the familiar. Sadly, the much coveted instant recognition usually means instantly forgettable. How many times should we save an utterly predictable and generic world before it gets really old? Why is that when we see a town on the horizon, it's not a place of wonder and strange customs, but a place to restock on a FEDEX quest and trade in your loot?
Now compare it to Planescape: Torment. You wake up in a mortuary. Dead. A gravity-defying skull starts chatting with you, making it clear that you aren't in fantasy Kansas anymore. The rules are completely different and you have no idea what they are yet. Where are the familiar elves and orcs – the foundation of quality storytelling? Why isn't an ancient evil stirring? Where is a kind lord of the realm to send you on a mission of great importance? Why isn't your character a dashing young hero, destined to be awesome, but a scarred, formaldehyde-soaked corpse, cursed with immortality?
《异度风景(Planescape)》是一个荣获大奖的《高级龙与地下城(AD&D)》世界设定,由 David “Zeb” Cook 撰写,出版于 1994 年。其中设定了宇宙间的派系,多种位面以及一切的交汇之地——万门之都,印记城(Sigil, the City of Doors)。
Planescape is an award-winning AD&D setting written by David “Zeb” Cook and published in 1994. It deals with cosmic factions, multiple planes of existence and the city where they all meet Sigil, the City of Doors.

The RTwP combat is the weakest aspect of the game, but the unique spells and the exotic monsters help keep it interesting.
你循着道路来到一间酒吧:这块陌生土地上的唯一熟悉之处。最先进入视线的是一个着火的人浮在半空中(而且他还活着)——作为对话配图这实在是十分奇异。有个面孔丑陋的恶魔正在喝酒,他像老朋友一样和你打招呼。酒保漫不经心地提醒你,你的眼睛还在他这里——对,就在你面前,像个酱蛋[1] 一样漂在罐子里——如果你有钱的话就可以买回来。
你把眼睛买了下来,并不是因为你需要它,而是因为这和寻常 RPG 中的商品比起来实在是令人“眼”界一新,而且你也想知道你到底能拿自己前一个分身的眼睛做些什么事情。于是你看到了一个选项:把你身上一个好得不能再好的眼球挖出来,换上这个腌过的眼球。吓一跳吧,但为什么不做呢?
总而言之,《异域镇魂曲》是一款文笔优异的 RPG 游戏,在剧本方面无可挑剔。
You open the door. Zombies are crawling everywhere, yet it's not a zombie apocalypse. The zombies mind their own business; in fact, they are nothing but indentured workers whose bodies were sold to the Dustmen, one of the many colourful factions in the game. You can attack the zombies if you're a creature of habit, but you can also walk around, studying the undead, and even get very unusual items from them.
When you finally manage to leave the Mortuary, you find yourself in a most unusual city. It's a city of doors, filled with hidden portals that can take you anywhere, assuming you have the right key – which can be anything from a jewel to literally junk.
You make your way to a bar: a familiar place in this strange land. The very first thing you see is a burning (yet still alive) man floating in mid-air – a rather unusual conversation piece of decor. Some ugly looking demons are having a drink, greeting you as an old friend. The bartender casually informs you that he still has your eye – it's right there, floating in a jar like a pickled egg – and if you have some coins you can have it back.
You buy the eye, not because you need it, but because it's so shockingly different from the usual selection of RPG goodies, wondering what the hell one does with an eye that belonged to your earlier incarnation. Guess what, you get an option to rip out one of your current, perfectly good eyeballs and replace it with the pickled one, because why not?
Somehow it works and your old memories start pouring in. At this point you're absolutely lost. You, the player, are a stranger in a strange land and that's a rare and precious moment in gaming.
Overall, Planescape: Torment is a beautifully written RPG that shines in every single area that involves writing.
1 译者注:pickled egg,一种美国酒吧食物。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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