Obsidian Entertainment, 2010
Windows, PS3 和 Xbox 360
Obsidian Entertainment, 2010
Windows, PS3 and Xbox 360

我最喜欢的就是看玩家们争论到底是《辐射 3》还是《辐射:新维加斯》(Fallout: New Vegas,以下简称《新维加斯》)做得更为优秀,毕竟这也算得上“黄金时代”的标志。当然,这两款在两年内相继问世的游戏都算得上是很优秀的作品,他们将同一个系列中相似的想法以不同的方式呈现,从而满足了不同玩家的口味。另外,从长期游玩来看,即使是在浩瀚如烟的 RPG 类型游戏中,这两部作品也能带给玩家非常满意的体验。不仅如此,玩家们的争论会时时刻刻提醒我有《新维加斯》这么一款优秀的游戏存在。对我来说,《新维加斯》就是我的温柔乡,它令我心情激昂,一切烦恼烟消云散。我认为《辐射 3》已经是当时最好的 RPG 游戏之一了,而《新维加斯》则无疑是它同期游戏中最为优秀的一作。
毋庸置疑,在整整一代的主机 RPG 中,《新维加斯》在选项和后果的联系上保持了最高标准,世界设定与游戏体验结合的天衣无缝,剧本写作幽默生趣而又引人深思,角色升级和发展的历程也足够来劲,游戏的整体氛围和基调更让人愉悦……游戏的优点数不胜数。
Bethesda 的技术(营造了一个庞大、细节丰富的开放世界,且在与玩家互动层面上细致入微)和 Obsidian 的剧本写作(一部复杂且具备互动性的政治戏剧)相结合,这简直是梦幻般的团队协作,诞下了现代 RPG 中游戏素质最高的作品。
People will never stop bickering over whether Fallout 3 is better than New Vegas, and I love that. It's a sign of prosperous times, really. After all they're both excellent games that came out within two years of each other, they both spin the same idea and same franchise to cater to specific tastes, and they both provide some of the most satisfying long-term gameplay in the genre. Plus, that debate always reminds me that New Vegas actually exists, which makes me far too giddy to get bitter about anything. Because, while I think Fallout 3 is one of the better RPGs of this generation, I think Fallout: New Vegas is the very best game of its generation!
I don't even have to question myself. Out of an entire console generation of RPGs, Fallout: New Vegas had the highest standards in choices and consequences, world-building that was most relevant to gameplay, the funniest and most thoughtful writing, the most impactful levelling and character progression, the most pleasant tone and atmosphere. The list goes on.
It's a dream-team collaboration between Bethesda's tech (a massively detailed open-ended world with a meticulous level of player interaction) and Obsidian's writing (a complicated interactive political drama) that combined the best qualities of the best modern RPGs.
开发《新维加斯》的一部分项目成员之前曾在《范布伦(Van Buren)》项目组之中工作过,该作曾经计划为《辐射》系列的第三部正传,后来被 Interplay 公司取消。《新维加斯》中的大量内容都来源于该项目组,包括凯撒军团、胡佛大坝战役以及火人。
Part of the team that worked on New Vegas had worked on Van Burren, Interplay's cancelled third Fallout. Many ideas from that game were salvaged, including Caesar's Legion, the Hoover Dam battle and the Burned Man.

大量的可用物品和丰富的内容营造了一款令人满意的复杂 RPG 游戏。
A vast amount of content and usable items create a satisfying, complicated RPG.
上述的这些优点,最终让《新维加斯》中的莫哈维废土更加现代、成熟且大胆。比起《权力的游戏(Game of Thrones)》,这作的观感更像是《疯狂的麦克斯 2(Road Warrior)》。
玩家所扮演的角色不再是挣扎求生的拾荒者,而是一名正在送货的有薪水的快递员。这片荒漠遍布着输电线路和输油管道、农场以及繁忙的贸易线路。《辐射 3》中荒诞无稽的幻想摇身一变,成为新维加斯中细节详尽的经济体,而经济体所带来的生产力则为争夺它的派系们带来了实际的利益。
And it certainly also helped that the Mojave Wasteland presented in Fallout: New Vegas was more contemporary, mature and bold. It evoked more Game of Thrones than Road Warrior.
The Mojave Wasteland wasn't really a wasteland. The people around New Vegas have schools, jobs, clean water, food, clinics and a few functioning governments whose conflicts drive the action of the story. New Vegas itself is a vacation spot for wealthy retired folks coming in from out of state, and that doesn't feel post-apocalyptic.
Your character isn't a lone scavenger grasping for survival; he's a gainfully employed courier trying to make a delivery. This desert wasteland is covered in power lines and plumbing pipelines, farms and busy trade routes. The nonsensical fantasy of Fallout 3 was turned into a fully detailed economy for New Vegas, and the productivity of its economy gave actual stakes to the factions vying over it.
Faction play is the star of the show, really. There are an overwhelming number of possibilities for each faction to intersect in and out of each other's storylines in different ways. Faction quests criss-cross into other faction quests, the order in which you take them can affect your possibility of taking others, and the motivations and narrative wrappers surrounding those quests always related to the complexities of the world's economy. The three biggest factions at play all fight with a reasonable and realistic amount of self-interest. You can see where they're coming from. Even Caesar's Legion, who had to have been the villains.
And what great villains they were! Caesar's Legion had an ever-expanding medieval empire that revelled in slavery, torture, sadism and warfare. And what made them truly terrifying is that they weren't moustache-twirlers.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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