Capcom, 1996
Windows, Arcade, PS3 和 Xbox 360
Capcom, 1996
Windows, Arcade, PS3 and Xbox 360

1991 年,Capcom 在街机上发布了《龙王(King of Dragons)》,这是一款横版清版(beat'em up)游戏。《龙王》将《战斧(Golden Axe, 1989)》中的野蛮人主题扩展成了一个成熟的、带有《高级龙与地下城(AD&D)》风格的背景设定。《龙王》最多允许三人同时游玩,玩家可以从战士(Fighter)、矮人(Dwarf)、精灵(Elf)、牧师(Cleric)和法师(Wizard)中选择使用的人物,同兽人、巨龙、豺狼人(gnoll)以及其他的幻想生物战斗。于此同时,玩家还可以升级,获得更多的生命值、护甲以及伤害。
《龙王》有些过分简化,不过 Capcom 在这个类型上做了更多的投入,然后在 1993 年发布了《龙与地下城:毁灭之塔(Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom)》。现在这是一款《龙与地下城》的官方游戏了。《毁灭之塔》允许最多四人同时游玩,玩家可以选择战士、牧师、精灵和矮人与标志性的生物作战,例如枭熊(Owlbear)、移位兽(Displacer Beast)和巫妖(Lich)。
游戏内容也获得了极大的增强,玩家可以格挡、反击、翻滚、冲刺、滑铲以及施展特殊攻击。精灵和牧师每次续关或进入新区域都能够释放有次数限制的法术,例如隐形术(Invisibility)、驱散不死生物(Turn Undead)、人类定身术(Hold Person)和魔法飞弹(Magic Missile)。法术次数在新的生命开始、续关或者进入新的区域时会恢复,玩家在升级的时候还可以学习更多的法术。
同时还有很多可以使用的道具,例如投掷匕首、+1 箭矢、魔法指环以及诸如速度之靴(Boots of Speed)和食人魔巨力手套(Gauntlets of Ogre Power)之类的强化物品。两个区域之间有商店,玩家可以在这里花费收集到的金币。有时候队伍还可以选择接下来要探索哪个区域。
《毁灭之塔》已经足够惊艳,而它的续作《暗黑秘影(Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara)[1] 》更是在前作模板的各个方面做了增强。角色获得了新的肉搏攻击方式,而且道具系统允许玩家装备不同的武器、护甲和物品。《暗黑秘影》还加入了两个新的可用人物:法师是一尊玻璃大炮,能够使用强力的法术,例如流星爆(Meteor Swarm)和律令死亡(Power Word Kill);盗贼则是敏捷的战士,可以撬开锁住的箱子,解除陷阱,施展二段跳。甚至画面都更加优秀,新的美术资源展示出了一种风格独特的外观。
Back in 1991, Capcom released King of Dragons, a side-scrolling beat ‘em up arcade game. It expanded the barbarian theme of Golden Axe (1989) into a full-blown AD&D-like setting, allowing up to three players to choose between a Fighter, Dwarf, Elf, Cleric or Wizard and battle orcs, dragons, gnolls and other fantasy creatures, as well as level up, gaining more hit points, armour and damage.
While KoD was simplistic, Capcom invested in the formula and released Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom in 1993. Now an official D&D title, it allowed for up to four players and featured a Fighter, Cleric, Elf and Dwarf battling against iconic creatures such as Owlbears, Displacer Beasts and a Lich.
The gameplay was greatly improved, allowing players to block, riposte, roll, dash, slide and perform special attacks. The Elf and the Cleric could cast a limited number of spells each life/continue/area, such as Invisibility, Turn Undead, Hold Person and Magic Missile, with more being learned as they level up.
Multiple items were available, such as throwing daggers, +1 arrows, magical rings and power-ups like the Boots of Speed or the Gauntlets of Ogre Power. Players could spend the gold they collected in shops between each area, and occasionally the party was able to choose where they wanted to explore next.
Tower of Doom was already impressive, but its sequel, Shadow over Mystara, improved the formula in every way. New melee attacks were possible and an inventory allowed you to equip different weapons, armour and items. Two more heroes were added the Wizard is a glass cannon with powerful spells like Meteor Swarm and Power Word Kill, while the Thief is a nimble fighter, able to pick locked chests, disarm traps and double-jump. Even the graphics are better, as the new art assets sport a unique, stylised look.
利用 OpenBOR 引擎,爱好者们给《暗黑秘影》创作了很多续作,例如《骑士与巨龙(Knights and Dragons)》和《龙与地下城:魔神崛起(D&D: The Rise of Warduke)》。这两个游戏都是优秀的开放世界清版 RPG。
Using the OpenBOR engine, fans created sequels to SoM, such as Knights and Dragons and D&D: The Rise of Warduke two amazing open-world beat'em up RPGs.
尽管这个系列是清版游戏,但你可以感受到开发者对于 RPG 的热情。2013 年,《龙与地下城:秘影历代记(密斯塔拉编年史 / Chronicles of Mystara)》捆绑包把两作游戏移植到了 PC 平台,街机游戏爱好者绝不能错过。
Moreover, the game is packed with well-hidden secrets. The Elf can guide the party through a forest side-path, the Cleric can uncurse mysterious blades, body parts of defeated monsters can be used to craft equipment and so on. It's a delightful game to explore.
Although they are beat ‘em ups, you can feel the developer's passion for RPGs. Both the D&D games were ported to PCs as the Chronicles of Mystara bundle in 2013 and are a must-play for arcade fans.

The inventory is a great addition to the beat'em up formula, as you hunt for hidden equipment and adapt yourself for each challenge.

Each of the six characters has an alternate sprite set, which comes with different spells and items, effectively offering twelve unique characters.
1 译者注:密斯塔拉(Mystara)是 80 年代到 90 年代期间《龙与地下城》和《高级龙与地下城》的一个默认世界设定。
2 译者注:精灵图(sprite),也称为雪碧图或者拼合图。在计算机图形学中,当一个二维图像被整合进更大的场景时,把这个小的图像称为精灵图。在 2D 游戏中,画面中很多元素会长时间存在,只是位置等少量信息会快速变化,因此早期游戏中使用精灵图来降低重新绘制画面的开销。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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