BioWare, 2014
Windows, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 和 Xbox One
BioWare, 2014
Windows, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and One

《龙腾世纪(Dragon Age: Inquisition)》系列无疑是 BioWare 的旗舰产品之一,也被许多人认为是有史以来最强大的奇幻 RPG 设定之一。《龙腾世纪:审判》[2] 是该系列的第三部作品,发生在《龙腾世纪:起源(Dragon Age: Origin)》和《龙腾世纪 2(Dragon Age 2)》的故事之后——玩家甚至可以导入之前的存档,继承前两部作品当中的选择。
玩家能在角色创建界面看到所有熟悉的种族和职业[3] ,但与《起源》不同的是,种族和职业选择对序章没有影响。完成开场剧情后,玩家了解到他们将会领导一个新成立的组织:审判团(Inquisition)。你的主要目标是寻找裂隙(rift,允许恶魔进入现实世界的门户),并使用只有主角拥有的魔法关闭它们。
游戏中出现的各大派别对该系列来说并不新鲜,毕竟灰袍守护者(Grey Wardens)在《起源》中扮演了不可或缺的角色[4] 。龙腾世纪系列一向突出政治及其对游戏世界的影响,但该作首次将政治纳入了游戏的玩法之一。《审判》中一个比较令人满意的方面就是将新成立的审判团从一小群追随者发展为泰达斯(Thedas)大陆上一股强大的势力。
The Dragon Age series is undoubtedly one of BioWare's flagship franchises, and considered by many to be one of the stronger fantasy RPG settings ever created. Dragon Age: Inquistion is the third instalment of the series and takes place after the events of both Origins and Dragon Age 2 – you can even import your old save files, carrying choices you made in the two previous games.
Players will see all of the familiar races and classes available to choose from upon loading up the game but, unlike in Origins, their choice will have no impact upon the opening sequence. Upon finishing the introduction, players will learn that they are the leader of a newly formed faction: the Inquisition. Your main goal will be to seek out breaches (portals that allow demons to enter the world) and close them using a magic that only your hero possesses.
The faction aspect is not new to the series, as the Grey Wardens played an integral role in DA:O. The series has a history of highlighting politics and its impact on the world around you, however none have made it such an integral part of the game. One of the more satisfying aspects of DA:I is growing the newly formed Inquisition faction from a small band of followers into a true power in the land of Thedas.
除游戏本体外,BioWare 还制作了名为龙腾世纪传续(Dragon Age Keep)的网站,可以上传龙腾世纪前两作游戏的存档,设定《龙腾世纪:审判》的故事背景。即便你丢失了存档或者从未玩过前两作,也可以在网站上自行定制。[1]
Alongside DA:I, BioWare made the Dragon Age Keep, a website where you can import DA:O and DA2 save games to use in DA:I. Even if you lost the save files or never played the previous game, you can use the website to craft a custom world state.

《审判》里的战斗既能选择《龙腾 2》的实时类动作 RPG 模式,也能像《起源》一样采用俯视视角的实时+暂停(RTwP)策略模式。
Combat can be played in the real-time Action RPG-like mode of DA2, or in the tactical top-down RTwP mode of DA:O.
画质上,《审判》将该系列提升到了一个全新的水平。游戏采用 EA 的寒霜引擎(Frostbite Engine),尽管开发过程几经坎坷,还必须适配过时的主机,但游戏的角色模型、环境、战斗和技能特效都有很大的改进。偶尔忘掉强盗和恶魔,欣赏周围的风景也是非常好的游戏体验。
By exploring the massive zones and completing the countless hours of side-quests, you are rewarded with both influence and power, tools vital to the expansion of the Inquisition and unlocking new zones. As your Inquisition grows in reputation, choices that you make will affect how the story unfolds and how those around the world see you. Do you execute an enemy or simply banish him to join the Grey Wardens? These choices provide an impact on how the story plays out and provide significant replay value. Your choices, no matter how little they may seem, matter.
Graphically, DA:I takes the series to another level. The game uses EA's Frostbite Engine and, despite a rocky development process and still having to support last-gen hardware, it sports vastly improved player models, environment, combat and skill effects. Some of the most satisfying moments in the game will be taking a break from slaying bandits and fade the demons to simply appreciate the environment around you.
And there's certainly no shortage of environments to marvel at. Inquisition dwarfs both its predecessors – it's divided into multiple zones, with a single zone being nearly as large as all of DA:O. Each zone is unique and beautiful in its own right, and contain enough secrets, loot and battles to keep even the most experienced DA veterans busy for days.
The loot system in Inquisition is quite traditional, but where the game stands out from previous instalments is its greatly improved crafting system. This makes rewards from questing and looting more meaningful and provides depth that lasts throughout the entire game. No more will you have to wear the same armour for half of the game, as it is easy to both find and fashion upgrades. These upgrades provide noticeable differences in combat, allowing you to feel the growth in power of your character as you progress.
1 译者注:龙腾世纪的每一部作品和上一部玩家作出的重要选择以及上一部最后一个资料片剧情都有较大关联,尤其在《审判》中前两作玩家的选择会影响游戏内部分文本、对话乃至部分场景里出现的角色。这个网站需要用户用购买游戏时的 Origin 账号登录,之后可以选择前两作中主角的性别、种族、(身世)、恋爱对象,游戏关键剧情的走向(例如某个角色是否还活着)等等。之后玩家可以把设定好的故事背景导入本地,在《审判》的角色创建界面即可选择使用。即便不在网站上设定,游戏里也提供默认背景。
2 译者注:目前《龙腾世纪》系列仍然没有官方中文版,因此本文中的所有译名均参考民间汉化版翻译而成。
3 译者注:《龙腾世纪:起源》提供人类、精灵和矮人三个可选种族,根据种族和职业不同序章的场景和剧情也有所不同;《龙腾世纪 2》则只能选择人类。《龙腾世纪:审判》不仅恢复了《起源》的三个种族,还增加了第四个种族库纳利人(Qunary,可能和龙有一丢丢关系的牛头人),但开场都是一样的。
4 译者注:一代《起源》的主角就是加入了灰袍。事实上这本书也包含了一代和二代的介绍!
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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