发行于互联网诞生之前的多人 RPG 真可谓奇珍异宝也。虽然这些游戏或多或少都有一些不足,但那种不再是孤零零一人玩游戏的快乐完全弥补了这些不足。
《雇佣枪手(Hired Guns)》即这样一款游戏,一款注重于羁绊和团队合作的游戏。这款实时的地牢探险游戏可以让最多 4 人一同聚集在一台电脑面前扮演一群执行绝密任务的雇佣兵。
为了向多人模式做出妥协,游戏的 RPG 元素显得很轻度。游戏里没有角色创建的过程:你只需要从 12 个雇佣兵模版里挑一个即可;除了装备、三个基本属性设置和仅有人类和机器人两个可选种族之外,游戏就没有别的 RPG 元素了。同时游戏里的经验值也仅仅只是用来当作记分榜而已。
真正使每个角色独一无二的是他们身上的装备。医疗兵带着回血剂和电击枪;战斗机器人手臂上装载着转管机枪;而神秘女郎则带着数量极多的超能放大器[1] ,即游戏里独特的“魔法”。这些有使用次数限制的道具可以当作武器使用,可以建桥,传送玩家,甚至用不同的方式改变游戏地形。这些道具在每一关中都发挥着至关重要的作用。
游戏有 3 种模式:训练模式、独立任务和长剧情模式。每一种模式的玩法归根结底就是寻找打开房门的钥匙、杀死坏人、解决周边环境的谜题以及找到出口,有时这些任务还会有时间限制。
为了更好地适应多人模式,游戏的界面调整得很精简:每一个玩家占用 25% 的屏幕,通过标签选择显示第一人称视角、物品栏、状态栏或者地图。用鼠标游玩本游戏会挺顺手的,当然比起键盘和控制杆的话还是要略显逊色。
Multiplayer RPGs released before the Internet came along are rare treasures. While they're often limited in some manner, they more than make up for it with the joy of not being alone in front of the computer.
Hired Guns is such a game, one that aims for those aspects of gaming: the companionship of friends and teamwork. This real-time dungeon crawler allows up to four players to squeeze in front of a single computer to control a band of mercenaries on a top-secret mission.
The game pays for its multiplayer focus by being a very “lite” RPG. There is no character creation process: players pick their merc(s) from the pool of 12 available characters, and besides included gear, three barebones stats and a Human/Droid race factor, there is nothing more to speak of in RPG terms. The XP only serves as a high score counter, nothing more.
What helps give each character an identity is their gear. The medic carries health kits and a stun gun, the combat droid lugs a mini-gun about and the mystery woman packs a plethora of psi-amps, the game's version of magic spells. These limited-use items do things like act as weapons, build bridges, teleport players and generally affect the terrain in various ways, and are often essential to completing each stage.
There are three game modes on offer: practice stages, single missions and the long story campaign. Gameplay in each one boils down to finding keys, killing baddies, solving environmental puzzles and reaching the exit, sometimes under a time limit.
In order to fit in the multiplayer the UI has been streamlined to a bare minimum: each character gets 25% of the screen, with tabs for their first-person view, inventory, stat page and map display. Playing with the mouse is surprisingly intuitive, but not so much with the keyboard and joystick.
上世纪 90 年代末期人们在尝试制作《雇佣枪手》的重制版,希望其能蜕变为一款多人任务驱动型 FPS。不过最后人们取消了这个计划,但游戏的 试玩版 现在依旧可以下载。
A reboot of Hired Guns was being made in the late 90s, as a multiplayer mission-based FPS. The game was cancelled, but a demo is still available for download.
《雇佣枪手》着实是那种“人越多越好玩”的游戏,你独自游玩的话要一个人控制 4 个角色,双人模式的话则每人控制 2 个角色,而 3-4 人模式则就只需要控制一个角色,这才是本游戏最舒适的玩法。
剧情模式很长,同时也很难,因此我强烈建议找几个朋友一起玩,就像我在 1995 年那样。这些经历即使过了这么久,回忆起来也倍感温馨。
Hired Guns is truly a case of “the more the merrier”; playing alone has you control four mercs at once, while 2-player mode splits them evenly and 3 and 4 players get only one merc each, which is where the game truly shines.
The campaign is long and challenging and I strongly advise tackling it with a couple of friends, just like I did in 1995, hence the fond memories I have of this game.

图为角色选择界面,展示了 12 个可玩角色的样貌。每一个角色都有其独特的数值和物品。
Character selection screen, showing one of the 12 playable mercenaries. Each comes with unique stats and inventory.

一张 4 人游戏中的截图,图中每个角色显示了一个不同的界面:第一人称视角、地图、状态和道具。
A four-player game where each character is accessing a different screen: first-person view, map, stat screen and inventory.
1 译者注:原创翻译,其来源于《幽浮 2》(XCOM 2)中同义词的释义。超能放大器原文为 Psi-amps,在《幽浮 2》里全称为 Psionic Amplifier,根据字面意义翻译即超能放大器。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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