第一次听人说起《魔幻战士(Sudeki [1] )》时,我觉得它像是关于玩家刻板印象的玩笑:微软(Microsoft)想要为 Xbox 用户提供一款大型 RPG,Climax Studios 便推出了这款 FPS 与 JRPG 的混合型作品。
虽说当年被大肆宣传成是革命性的游戏,可如今看来,已被人遗忘的《魔幻战士》不过是一款普通的动作 RPG 罢了。游戏中有四个年轻的主角:冒失骑士塔尔(Tal),魔法使公主艾莉许(Ailish),狂暴女猎人布琪(Buki)和用枪的科学家艾尔柯(Elco)。
The first time I heard about Sudeki, it sounded like a joke on gamer stereotypes: Microsoft wanted a big RPG for the Xbox audience, so Climax Studios made them a FPS/JRPG hybrid.
Heavily advertised as a revolutionary title, this now-forgotten game is actually a modest Action RPG starring four young characters: Tal, a reckless knight; Ailish, a princess with magical powers; Buki, a bestial huntress and Elco, a gun-wielding scientist.
《魔幻战士》最初在 2004 年登陆 Xbox 平台,2005 年登陆 PC。
Sudeki was first released for the Xbox in 2004, then ported to PCs in 2005.

The ranged characters battle in first-person, while melee ones fight in third-person. Each hero also has access to unique skills and powers.

Each level-up, you can increase one of your stats or learn a new skill. You can also add runes to your equipment, giving it new abilities.
游戏的亮点是独具一格的战斗:玩家的战斗回合中,虽然一次只能选中一个角色,但可以不停地在可操作角色中切换。换到近战角色时,就像在玩第三人称动作 RPG,掌握好时机进行攻击就能形成连段。而切到远程角色时,画风一转,又变成了第一人称射击游戏,玩家可使用许多不同伤害、射程与射速的武器。
但可惜的是,游戏地图很小,还是线性流程,没什么真正的探索空间。每张地图都不过是一条长长的走廊,宝箱就堆在两旁,或许你还会碰到一个憨头憨脑的 NPC ,外加上许多明显的“战斗区域”:走进去,门关上,几个与你等级相近的敌人蹦出来,击败他们,门开了。重复以上过程,游戏就通关了。
这挺让人失望的,这种失望的情绪贯穿整个游戏。《魔幻战士》有许多有趣的设计,比如:两套战斗系统,法术技能,特殊召唤系统,装备升级,大型 BOSS 战,解谜环节等等。但是这些内容都缺乏深度,很快便索然无味。
所幸游戏没有故意拖延时长,整个流程控制在了 10-12 小时之间。于是,虽然游戏有在一直向前推进,但同时也凸显了单薄的故事剧情和干瘪的人物刻画。
虽然剧情是《魔幻战士》的短板,它的画面在初代 Xbox 的游戏中可算得上是佼佼者。人物角色或许带点诡异的“欧美风日漫”形象,不过整体画风都色彩丰富,令人赏心悦目。游戏中的风景独美,搭配上制作精良的音乐,两者相辅相成,创造出一个独特的游戏世界。可这个世界太小了,充满限制,相当遗憾。
和《神鬼寓言(Fable)》系列相似,《魔幻战士》诞生于许多 Xbox 玩家初涉 CPRG 的时代。虽然对 CPRG 的老玩家们来说,它内容过于简单,可玩性不足,可依然能为普通玩家带来一段轻松愉快的冒险之旅。
The game's defining feature is its unusual combat. During battles you control one character at a time, but can instantly swap between them. The melee fighters play like a third-person Action RPG, timing attacks to create combos. The ranged characters, however, play like a first-person shooter, with multiple weapons that vary in damage, range and firing speed.
Outside combat, each hero also has an ability used to solve puzzles: Tal pushes crates, Ailish dispels illusions, Buki climbs certain walls and Elco has a jetpack.
Sadly, the game's world is very small and linear, with no real exploration. Areas are just long corridors filled with loot barrels and maybe one dull NPC, plus many obvious “combat arenas”: you enter them, the doors close and some level-scaled enemies spawn. Kill them all and the door opens. Rinse and repeat.
It feels underwhelming; a feeling that permeates the game as a whole. Sudeki has a nice list of features – two combat systems, magic skills, special summons, equipment upgrades, large boss battles, secrets, etc. – but they all lack in depth and quickly grow stale.
Luckily the game doesn't overstay its welcome, lasting only about 10-12 hours. This keeps things always moving, but also accentuates how paper-thin the plot is and how one-dimensional its heroes are.
If the writing is poor, the visuals are among the best the original Xbox produced. Characters may have an uncanny “Western anime” look, but everything else has a pleasing, colourful art style. The landscapes are especially pretty, and the soundtrack does a great job at giving personality to the world. It's a shame that it's such a small and limited world.
Much like Fable, Sudeki comes from a time when many Xbox owners were just discovering RPGs. It's accessible, simplistic and definitely not made for CRPG veterans, yet can still offer a fun little adventure.
1 译者注:日语单词“素敵”的罗马音,意思是漂亮、很好的。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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