Don Worth, 1978
Apple II (PC Booter, Atari 8-bit)*
Don Worth, 1978
Apple II (PC Booter, Atari 8-bit)*

有所谓的老游戏,也有所谓的古老的游戏。《苹果园之下》(Apple Manor)就是款古老的游戏。它诞生于 1978 年,是第一款,或者说是最早一款家用电脑上的 RPG 游戏。是的,个人电脑的历史可以追溯到这么久远。
它的磁带版只需要 16K 内存就可以运行,而磁碟版,也就是我拥有的版本,则需要 32K 或以上的内存。当你深入地牢时,关卡会即时创建。怪物仅限下面五种:绿色史莱姆,幽灵,巨魔,紫虫和红龙。但是,随着你的深入,他们会越来越强大。
《苹果园之下》(BAM )还支持自定义设置。玩家可以选择每层地牢的房间数量(4-7个,取决于你的内存大小)、难度以及你是希望显示成黑白画面还是彩色画面。使用彩色画面时,游戏里的每样事物都会表现为不同的色块。
There are old games, and there are ancient games. Beneath Apple Manor is ancient. Arriving in 1978, it was the first, or one of the very first, RPG-like games for home computers. Yes, personal computing goes back that far.
It could run in as little as 16K RAM (tape version) or in 32K+ (disk version, which I had). Levels were created on the fly as you went deeper in the dungeon. Monsters were limited to five: green slime, ghost, troll, purple worm, and red dragon. However, they increased in power the further down you went.
Each had its own type of nastiness. Slimes could dissolve armour. Trolls regenerated. Ghosts reduced your Strength permanently. Worms could kill you in one hit, as could Dragons, who had tough hides.
BAM could be customised, too. You chose the number of rooms per level (4-7, depending on RAM), the difficulty factor, and whether you wanted black-and-white or colour graphics. With colour, everything was a different coloured block.
*1982年,BAM 以特别版本重新发布,拥有了更精致的画面,多平台的移植版本以及保存功能(使得游戏可以分成几次来玩)。
*BAM was re-released in a Special Edition in 1982, with fancier graphics, multiple ports and the ability to save the game to play in multiple sessions.
我个人更喜欢以ASCII 字符显示的黑白画面,怪物(以及玩家)都用字母来表示,宝藏则使用$ 符号。
抵达楼梯口时,你可以用 10 点经验来换取 1 点属性值,将其永久提升。黄金可以用来购买武器和盔甲的升级。最重要的是,你还可以在那里购买脑部扫描(“brain scan”)。它可以用来保存你的角色存档。
I much preferred the ASCII black-and-white, where the monsters (and player, too) were represented by letters and treasure by $.
You had four stats: Strength, Dexterity, Body and Intelligence. Fighting depleted Strength, so a breather after combat was necessary to restore it. Likewise, movement reduced Dexterity and spellcasting lowered Intelligence. Resting brought those back up, but only a Heal spell could restore hit points. This was not a game of fast movement and rapid-fire combat – caution was needed.
Experience was earned by killing monsters and bringing treasure back to the main staircase – the starting point of each level (it wasn't marked on the map, either, so you'd better remember its location).
There you traded points at 10 XP for 1 stat point, increasing it permanently. Gold could buy upgrades to weapons and armour. Most important of all, there you could purchase a "brain scan". It was your character save.

我的角色 (Y) 发现的百宝箱 ($) 正在尝试从被诅咒的粘液中跑出 (S)。
My character (Y) found a treasure chest ($) while trying to run from a slime (S). It was cursed.

Commands were all over the keyboard, and each action depleted one of your attributes.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明