Stormfront Studios, 1991
MS-DOS, Amiga 和 C64
Stormfront Studios, 1991
MS-DOS, Amiga and C64

异域二部曲[1] 同样隶属于 SSI 著名的金盒子游戏系列,但人们一般要把该系列的其他游戏都玩过一遍后才会转向它们。这一游玩顺序其实有点弄反了,因为第一部《异域之门(Gateway to the Savage Frontier)》可以算是整个金盒子系列的集大成入门之作了。
游戏开始时难度很低,但很快你就要踏上一段史诗级的寻宝之旅,不仅内容丰富,而且有着十足的 AD&D 探险风格。
游戏的主线基本就是带你充分领略异域的风光。“异域”是遗忘之地(the Forgotten Realms)的一片区域,你造访的每一座城市都会开启一段迷你分支冒险,最终迎来圆满的大结局。对我来说,这便是游戏最有吸引力的地方。本作游戏并没有野心勃勃地搞出什么复杂的机制和故事,但它完美把握了 RPG 游戏的乐趣所在,由简入深,长线发展。
《异域之门》已经体现出了 Stormfront Studios 能够充分运用金盒子引擎来制作游戏的能力,不过他们要到续作《异域宝藏(Treasure of the Savage Frontier, 1992)》才真正开始大展身手。续作中,制作者们纷纷展现出了编写代码的看家本领,大大改善了本系列的诸多游戏机制。
不过,《异域宝藏》游戏机制最有名的“升级”和《创世纪世界:野蛮人帝国(Worlds of Ultima: The Savage Empire)》一样:增加了爱情要素。
The Savage Frontier duology is another entry in SSI's fabled Gold Box series, usually one people play only after they've gone through every other Gold Box game. This is kind of backwards, as the first game, Gateway to the Savage Frontier, is probably the best entry point to them overall.
Difficulty is pretty low at first, but after that you get an epic scavenger hunt that offers a lot of content and just hits all the right AD&D adventure buttons.
The game is basically a grand tour of the Savage Frontier, a region of the Forgotten Realms, with each of the cities you visit acting as a mini-adventure, until you reach the big and satisfying finale. For me, that was the biggest draw of the game. It's not overly ambitious in terms of complex mechanics or storytelling, but it really captures the fun of a long-running RPG campaign that starts small and slowly ups the ante.
While Gateway showed that Stormfront Studios had a good grasp of the Gold Box engine, it's really the second game, Treasures of the Savage Frontier (1992), where they came into their own. It's where they really stretched their coding muscles and improved a lot of the series' various gameplay elements.
Treasures enhances the overworld map with weather effects (conveyed by text messages), different movement speeds and increased encounter rates based on the terrain type. Only roads and waterways are safe. The further along you get in the game, seasons change, with graphical changes to the overland map and inside cities. There are rudimentary side quests, while some of battles become more dynamic, with enemies getting reinforcements if you don't beat the main force fast enough.
Still, the most famous “improvement” to the gameplay is that, like Worlds of Ultima: The Savage Empire before it, Treasures contains a romance plot.
Stormfront Studios 给 SSI 做了三款金盒子游戏:两部《异域(Savage Frontier)》系列以及一部新的《无冬之夜(Neverwinter Nights, 1991)》,后者是世界第一款有图像的多人线上 RPG 游戏。
Stormfront Studios made three Gold Box games for SSI: the two Savage Frontier games and the original Neverwinter Nights (1991), the world's first multiplayer online RPG with graphics.
“爱情要素”指的可不只是挑逗暗示,如果一对热恋中的爱侣中有一人被杀,那么另一人则会进入暴怒状态,持续到这场战斗结束。游戏后期,如果你的队伍不支持 NPC 的爱情关系,他们还会离队,同时主要角色会获得一些战斗减益。
More than just titillation, if one of the smitten partners gets killed, the other goes into a rage until the end of the fight. And later on, if the party doesn't support the romance, you lose the NPC and your main character has decreased combat effectiveness.
While often overlooked, the two Savage Frontier games offer the chance of following your adventurers through a long and varied campaign, with a big climax that makes it all the more fun to play.

The large overworld map is one of Gateway's defining features, and was expanded in Treasures, with weather effects such as snow slowing your characters down.

Treasures of the Savage Frontier has two romanceable NPCs. Which one you gets depends on your lead character's gender, and they can directly impact gameplay.
1 译者注:指《异域之门》与其续作《异域宝藏》(Treasure of the Savage Frontier)。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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