Danny Ledonne, 2005
Danny Ledonne, 2005

1999 年 4 月 20 日,高三生 Eric Harris 伙同 Dylan Klebold 进入哥伦拜恩高中实行校园枪击,期间杀害了十二名学生和一名教师,另有二十一人受伤,两名凶手随后自杀身亡。
全美面对于这场惨剧一片哗然,随后便开始疯狂寻找事发的诱因,或者说罪魁祸首是谁?不管是枪支、抑郁症、霸凌、哥特文化、Marylin Manson[1] 还是暴力电子游戏都在其列,这俩男孩还都是《毁灭战士(Doom)》的狂热玩家。
所以当独立电影制作人 Danny Ledonne 匿名发布《哥伦拜恩超级大屠杀 RPG!(Super Columbine Massacre RPG!,简称“SCMRPG!”)》,这样一款可以扮演 Eric 和 Dylan 的免费游戏时,不难想象公众是何等的愤怒。
这款游戏初次发布于 2005 年 4 月 20 日,也就是枪击案发后的第六年,当时并没有引起多少关注。然而大约在一年后,Gamasutra 等游戏网站开始对这款游戏进行报道,很快它便得到了主流媒体的关注,最终游戏的下载量突破了七十万次。Danny Ledonne 身为该游戏的主笔身份随后被曝光,所以他决定站出来为自己的作品正名。
On April 20, 1999, senior students Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold entered Columbine High School and began a school shooting, killing 12 students and one teacher, plus wounding 21 other victims. The two killers then committed suicide.
The United States was shocked by this tragedy, and the aftermath was a frantic search for reasons – and/or someone to blame –, be it guns, depression, bullying, Goth culture, Marylin Manson or violent video games – both boys were avid Doom players.
So, it's easy to imagine the public outrage when independent film-maker Danny Ledonne anonymously released Super Columbine Massacre RPG!, a free game where you play as Eric and Dylan.
First released on April 20, 2005, six years after the shootings, the game initially flew under the radar. However, about a year later it was reported on by gaming websites like Gamasutra, and soon the mainstream press was all over it, and the game eventually reached over 700,000 downloads. Danny Ledonne's identity as the game's author was then leaked, and so he decided to come out and stand up for his creation.
The game was released for free, together with a forum dedicated to debating the Columbine shootings.

Flashback scenes provide background to the boys’ lives, experiences and frustrations. Each flashback of suffering relived raises their level as killers.
作为一款用《RPG 制作大师 2003(RPG Maker 2003)》制作的业余游戏,《哥伦拜恩超级大屠杀 RPG!》将十六位机时代的“精灵图”和数字化处理过的惨剧现场照片混合使用,让虚拟与现实令人不安地交织在一起。游戏一上来便是 Eric 和 Dylan 在进行案发前的准备,先是溜进校园安置炸弹,然后在类似于 JRPG 形式的战斗中射杀数十名受害者。上述的战斗几乎是完全倒向我方的,因为当你选择用枪或是炸弹杀死受害者时,他们大多数人只会因身处恐惧中而畏缩不前。
虽然《哥伦拜恩超级大屠杀 RPG!》是一款残酷的游戏,但其中的暴力元素却以一种扯淡且幼稚的方式呈现。比方说类似“Dylan 做出了黑客帝国同款躲避动作”[2] 这样的台词,还有一堆愚蠢地吹嘘。当男孩们自杀后,游戏会进入一场梦幻般的关卡——他们会前往地狱与来自《毁灭战士》中数不尽的怪物们厮杀,而且该段流程之长能让再嗜杀的玩家都会感到疲惫并质疑其目的性。
当你探索校园时,你会进一步了解当天的惨剧,同时也会引出这俩男孩所经历过的种种沮丧、焦虑乃至有关霸凌的回忆。游戏采用纪录片的形式,以一种意外的切入点深度展示了他们生活的真实情况。像是 Eric 是怎样被开出治疗社交焦虑的处方药,又是怎样被拒绝加入海军陆战队的,或是他是如何在枪击前遇到他在学校里的“死敌”,然后原谅他并放他回家的。
所有的细节为了解这出惨剧提供了一种独特的视角。《哥伦拜恩超级大屠杀 RPG!》经常以为淡化枪击案而饱受批评,但事实上它让整场枪击事件变得人性化。它让玩家站在这俩男孩的立场上,并短暂地提供了一丝他们行为背后的真相,然后把他们视作为那一天惨剧的牺牲者,而不是俩怪物。
当然了,也不是所有人都同意这说话,比如 Jack Thompson 这类社会活动家就表示,这款游戏是在公然宣扬类似的行为并且会培养出新的杀手。
An amateur game created on RPG Maker 2003, Super Columbine Massacre RPG! blends 16-bit era sprites with digitalized photos of the tragedy, in a disturbing fusion of fiction and reality. The game begins with Eric and Dylan preparing themselves, sneaking into school to plant bombs and then executing the shooting, killing dozens of victims in JRPG-like battles. Said battles are almost entirely one-sided, with the victims mostly just cowering in fear, while you select a gun or bomb to kill them.
While a brutal game, violence in SCMRPG! is presented in a pointless, juvenile way, with lines like “Dylan dodges Matrix style” and other silly boasts. After the boys' suicide, there's a dream-like section where they go to Hell and fight hordes of Doom monsters, padded out to such length that even the bloodthirsty players will tire and question its purpose.
As you explore the school, you'll relieve the events of that tragic day, as well as trigger flashbacks of the frustration, anxiety and bullying that the two boys lived. There's a surprising and well-researched depth here, with the game taking a documentary-like approach and showing real facts of their lives, like how Eric was prescribed drugs for his social anxiety and those prevented him from joining the Marines, or how he ran into a school “rival” before starting the shootings, forgave him and told him to go home.
All these details provide a unique perspective into the tragedy. SCMRPG! was often criticised for trivialising the shootings, but in fact it humanises it. It places players in the shoes of the boys and offers a glimpse of why did they did it – and then lists them among the tragic losses that day, not as monsters.
Not everyone agrees, of course, with activists like Jack Thompson saying the game blatantly promotes similar actions, training new killers.
1 译者注:Marilyn Manson(玛丽莲 · 曼森),以乐队主唱命名的著名工业金属乐队,其作品歌词多以批判宗教、社会等现实问题,充斥着大量关于性爱、黑暗和脏话等金属摇滚元素。
2 译者注:电影《黑客帝国》中通过慢动作的 CG 特效展现出各种夸张的躲避动作,是影视作品里运用了子弹时间(bullet time)这一类型特效中最为出名的例子之一。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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