EasyGameStation, 2007*
EasyGameStation, 2007*

渴望成为冒险家的莱蒙格拉斯先生在某天离开了家乡。然而《露赛提娅:道具屋经营妙方(Recettear: An Item Shop’s Tale)》讲的可不是他的冒险事迹,而是他留下的一堆烂摊子。更准确地说是他失踪后留下的巨额债务,而他的女儿露赛提娅现在不得不替他来偿还。露赛提娅是一个不经世事的天真小女孩,为了在一个月内还清所有债务,她承担下了经营杂货店的任务。
基于这样一个特殊的前提条件,《露赛提娅:道具屋经营妙方》让玩家来担任一家小商店的老板,而你的商店位于一座经典的 RPG 城镇中,在那里冒险家遍地走,地下城环绕四周。你的工作是经营店铺,采购并转售商品以赚取利润。
游戏流程中玩家会遇到各种各样的冒险者,在与他们建立友谊后可以雇佣他们帮你探索地下城。探索地下城时,游戏就会变成一个等距视角的动作 RPG,在这里你将要在随机生成的关卡中进行探索、击败敌人并收集财宝。包括制作强力武器的原材料在内,许多物品只能在地下城中才找得到——你可以送给你的冒险者,也可以高价出售。地下城中的敌人不多并且很快就变得重复,但每五关一次的 Boss 战都还是很有趣的。
One day Mr. Lemongrass left home, eager to become an adventurer. However, Recettear isn't about his heroic deeds, but rather his collateral damage. More to the point, it's about the huge debt he left after vanishing that must now be paid by his daughter, Recette. She's a naive young girl that never worked a day in her life, and has inherited the task of opening an item shop and making enough money to repay the whole debt in one month.
With this very unique premise, Recettear places the player as owner of a small shop in a typical RPG town, full of adventurers and surrounded by dungeons. Your job is to run the shop, purchasing items and reselling them for a profit.
At its core it's a very simple system, but has many nuances that add to the experience. For example, if you feature only expensive items and decoration, your shop will be considered too fancy, attracting fewer customers. There are also special events, such as days when certain types of items are in high demand.
Over the course of the game you'll meet various adventurers. After gaining their friendship you can hire them to explore a dungeon for you. Once you do, the game changes into an isometric Action RPG, where you explore randomly generated levels, defeat enemies and collect treasure. Many items can only be found inside dungeons, including ingredients to craft powerful weapons – that you can either give to your adventurers or sell at a high price. The dungeons have few enemies and can quickly get repetitive, but at least the boss fights every five levels are interesting.
Since there's limited time to pay the debt you'll have to manage your schedule, setting time to run the shop, buy supplies, explore dungeons and talk to the townsfolk. Sadly, the latter is underused, rarely resulting in anything besides one-note stories and jokes.
《露赛提娅:道具屋经营妙方》首次发布于 2007 年的第 73 届同人志即卖会(Comic Market,简称“Comiket”或“CM”),随后在 2010 年由 Carpe Fulgur 翻译为英文版。它通常被认为是引领日本游戏登录 Steam 的先驱之一。
*Recettear was first released at the 73rd Comiket in 2007, and then localised into English by Carpe Fulgur in 2010. It's often credited as one of the pioneers in bringing Japanese games to Steam.
《露赛提娅:道具屋经营妙方》通关后还有新的内容,包括额外的地下城和 Boss 战、两个“新游戏+”模式以及地狱般的生存模式。生存模式中,你必须每周偿还越积越多的债款,竭尽所能让商店尽可能地长久经营下去。当然了,也不是每个人都有动力去成为大资本家,或是有耐性去探索一百层深的地下城的,但游戏的主体流程短小精悍、轻松愉快,并且与其他的 RPG 相比,本作有着相当不错的游戏节奏。
Recettear also features post-game content, with extra dungeons and boss battles, two New Game+ modes and the hellish Survival Mode, where each week you must pay increasingly high debts, trying your best to keep the shop open as long as you can. Of course, not everyone will have the urge to master capitalism, or the patience to explore dungeons with 100 floors, but the main story is short, light-hearted and a nice change of pace from other RPGs.

The combat is very simple but every adventurer plays differently, and some floors have special conditions.

A poor adventurer asks for an expensive item. Do you lower the price to equip him better, or do you prioritise your profit?
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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