David White, 2003
Windows, Linux 和 Mac
David White, 2003
Windows, Linux and Mac

2003 年,David White 发布了初版《韦诺之战(The Battle for Westnoth[1] )》。受两款日本游戏《万兽之王(Master of Monsters)》和《梦幻模拟战(Warsong)》启发,White 的目标是制作一个免费且开源的回合制战略 RPG,要有简单的机制但玩法颇具深度。
In 2003, David White released the first version of The Battle for Westnoth. Inspired by two Japanese titles, Master of Monsters and Warsong, White's goal was to create a free and open-source turn-based strategy RPG with simple mechanics but deep gameplay.
Since then, the project received contributions from hundreds of people, improving and adding to all aspects of the game, from the engine, to musical scores, art and several fully fledged campaigns.
玩家可以访问 www.wesnoth.org 获取更多信息或免费下载《韦诺之战》
You can read more about The Battle for Wesnoth and freely download at www.wesnoth.org

Attacks in Wesnoth have a controversially high-percentage chance of missing, which forces you to adopt tactics constantly but might frustrate some players.

粉丝近期制作的战役,如 2018 年的《前路未卜(To Lands Unknown)》提供了新的资源、规则和任务类型,极大丰富了游戏内容。
Recent fan-made campaigns such as 2018’s To Lands Unknown greatly expand the game, adding new assets, rules and innovative mission types.
《韦诺之战》目前有 16 场“官方”战役,场景超过 200 个。这些剧情都发生在同一时间轴,但难度和玩家视角各不相同。例如,在《王座之承(Heir to the Throne)》中,你将扮演科纳德(Konrad),一个为自身性命和收付王国而战的年轻王子。《黑眼之子(Son of the Black-Eye)》难度较高但收益更大,玩家扮演半兽人酋长卡普尔(Kapou'e)。而在《双日之下(Under the Burning Suns)》中,玩家将前往韦诺(Wesnoth)的遥远未来,引导精灵伙伴前往新的家园,帮助他们在这片充满敌意的土地上艰难地生存下去。
《韦诺之战》下载方便,内容丰富,完全免费,还有庞大的志愿者社区支持。它是 CRPG 皇冠上的一颗明珠,也是所有回合制战略 RPG 和战略游戏爱好者的必玩之作。
The secret behind Wesnoth is its deceivingly simple gameplay. Units move in a hexagonal grid, can only attack adjacent enemies and the game has just one resource – money, which you gain each turn by controlling locations and use to recruit troops.
Depth comes from the underlying nuances. There are terrain bonuses, multiple types of attacks and damage, unique attributes and alignments effects affected by the time of day. Units level up and can graduate to advanced classes, and the player is generally able to carry these units across multiple scenarios in a campaign – provided they survive. Maps are well-designed and offer surprises, challenging limitations and optional objectives. It's an easy-to-learn game, but very challenging to master.
Wesnoth currently offers 16 “official” campaigns with over 200 scenarios, all set in the same timeline but varying in difficulty and player perspective. For example, In Heir to the Throne you take on the role of Konrad, a young prince fighting for his life and the restoration of his kingdom. In the difficult but rewarding Son of the Black-Eye campaign you play as Kapou'e, an Orc chieftain. And in Under the Burning Suns you travel to Wesnoth's far future and guide your Elvish cohorts to a new home as they struggle to survive the rigours and danger of a hostile land.
The game also has a very large and active multiplayer community and a truly immense collection of user-made content: original campaigns, custom factions, diverse multiplayer maps, etc. All these can be downloaded directly via the game's built-in browser, although some content might require special setups.
For its accessibility, content, price (free!) and support, The Battle for Wesnoth is a unique gem in the crown of CRPGs and a must-have for any fan of turn-based strategy RPGs or strategy titles in general.
1 译者注:游戏最初的名字叫 The Battle for Westnoth,后面则改成了 The Battle for Wesnoth;游戏中大陆的名字也从 Westnoth 改为了 Wesnoth。这是由于设定的逐步完善:在韦诺大陆上的居民来自西部(west)和北部(north),成为“Westnorth”,最终演变为Wesnoth。战役《韦诺的崛起(The Rise of Wesnoth)》中解释了该词来源。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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