Funatics Development, 2002
Funatics Development, 2002

你想象过《雷神之锤(Quake)》和《宝可梦(Pokémon)》相结合是什么样子吗?我赌你没有。你或许也没听说过《精灵夜想曲(ZanZarah: The Hidden Portal)》;一款讲述一个小女孩在仙境冒险的德国小众游戏。上述的两件事有什么共同点吗?那可多了去了。
然而一切还不止于此。《精灵夜想曲》中有超过 70 种魔法生物——包括动物、龙和恶魔——它们分为 12 种属性:火、水、自然、飞行、石、冰、混沌、能量、灵能、金属、暗和光。它们的攻击有相克关系,和《宝可梦》一样,你需要在传统的御三家中选择一只作为你的初始精灵,它们甚至在达到一定等级后会进化。
但接下来出现了很大的区别:和《宝可梦》不同,战斗不是回合制的,而是在精心布局的竞技场中进行 FPS 式的战斗,在扫射、闪避和飞行的过程中向敌人发射魔法冲击波!
游戏中没有枪,但每只精灵可以装备四个技能——两个主动,两个被动。游戏共有 120 种技能,它们的效果、伤害、射速和法力池都各不相同。施放技能前需要充能——有一些可以快速释放,有一些则很慢——但充能太多就会产生反作用。这些都让战斗变得十分有趣,你要根据竞技场的布局或是敌人的种类来找到最佳的搭配方案。
Have you ever imagined a cross between Quake and Pokémon? I bet not. And you probably also never heard of ZanZarah, an obscure German game about a teenage girl visiting a land of fairies. What these things have in common? Well, everything.
In ZanZarah you play as Amy, who goes from London to a magical land of fairies, elves and wonder. This enchanted world is threatened by an ancient evil, your arrival was foretold by a prophecy, and all that. Your quest here is to explore the land, help the locals and gather a party of magical creatures to save the world. To recruit these creatures you must first weaken one in combat and then throw a special ball to capture it. That sounds very familiar, no?
And it doesn't stop there. ZanZarah offers over 70 magical creatures – including animals, dragons and demons – spread into 12 types: Fire, Water, Nature, Air, Stone, Ice, Chaos, Energy, Psi, Metal, Dark and Light. Their attacks have the classic effective/non-effective relationships, and in true Pokémon fashion you also get to choose your initial fairy from three types. They even evolve after reaching a certain level.
But here's the big twist: unlike Pokémon, you won't battle in turn-based combat, but rather in FPS arenas with elaborate layouts, firing magic blasts at enemies while strafing, dodging and flying!
There are no guns, but each fairy can equip up to four different spells – two offensive and two passive. The game features 120 spells with a wide range of effects, damage, fire rate and mana pool. Spells must be charged before firing – some allow for quick bursts, others are very slow – but charge too much and it will backfire. All of this keeps battles interesting, as you'll have to figure out the best loadout to use depending on the arena layout or the enemy type you face.
游戏的原声音乐可以在游戏网站 上免费下载。
ZanZarah's soundtrack is freely available for download at the game's website
最重要的是,游戏的音乐非常棒,它由 King Einstein[1] 创作,战斗时的音乐非常激昂,探索时的音乐非常迷人,游戏的主题曲是由 Karina Gretere[2] 演唱的动人歌曲。
《精灵夜想曲》是一款非常小众的游戏,难以在如今的电脑上运行[3] ,将 FPS 竞技场战斗和精灵收集混合在一起实在有些奇怪,很难弄清楚它的目标玩家群体到底是什么。但不管怎么说,那些决定尝试游玩这款游戏的玩家一定会从中找到乐趣。
To crown everything, the soundtrack is great. Composed by King Einstein, the combat music is exciting, the exploration music is charming and the main theme is a nice melody sung by Karina Gretere.
ZanZarah is a very obscure game, somewhat hard to run on modern computers, and its mix of FPS arena combat and fairies is so odd that is hard to say what audience it's aimed at. Regardless, whoever decides to give it a try is likely to find something to enjoy.

Wild fairies can suddenly appear while you explore the colourful world, and locals may give quests or challenge you to a duel.

Your party can hold up to five fairies, and each can have four spells equipped, that have varying requirements and affinities. Some fairies can also equip spells from multiple elements.
1 译者注,King Einstein,原名 Lars Hammer,德国作曲家,1994 年进入游戏行业,《精灵夜想曲》是其最后的游戏作品。
2 译者注,拉脱维亚裔英国女歌手,代表作“Amber and Fly”(2014)等。
3 译者注:游戏于 2015 年在 Steam 平台上重新发行。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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