Looking Glass Studios and Irrational Games, 1999
Windows, Mac 和 Linux
Looking Glass Studios and Irrational Games, 1999
Windows, Mac and Linux

谁能忘记《网络奇兵 2(System Shock 2)》的游玩经历呢?谁能忘掉那些在灯光昏暗的走廊里徘徊的,挥舞着水管的无脑变异怪物?怪异的生物增生和血迹涂满了墙壁与天花板,描绘出一副邪恶渎神的光景。计算机终端,旋转的安全摄像机,以及背景中舰船引擎无休无止的低鸣声共同构成了一首恐怖的交响乐。机械助产妇一边照顾着“小宝宝”,一边喋喋不休地念着慈母般亲昵话语。故障的礼仪机器人极其礼貌,却又咄咄逼人。被部分活体解剖的猴子反抗捉住它们的人。你心中涌起了一种怪异的感觉:你所处的这个环境正是你最致命的敌人。有谁能忘掉这样的游玩——不,是体验!——经历呢?
1994 年的《网络奇兵(System Shock)》是否可以归类为 RPG 还有争议。不过有一个事实不会改变:在《毁灭战士》(Doom)及类似的游戏把内容局限在走出迷宫,寻找钥匙和开枪射击的这个时代里,《网络奇兵》却推出了一套复杂(或者说晦涩)的交互界面,它允许玩家跳跃,蹲伏,在拐角探头观察,阅读日志以及管理庞杂的道具。
Who could forget playing System Shock 2? Who could ever forget the mindless, pipe-wielding mutants patrolling dimly lit hallways. The ungodly sight of blood and bizarre biological growths covering walls and ceilings while a horrific symphony of terror created by computer terminals, whirring security cameras and the ship's relentlessly droning engines plays in the background. The cyborg midwives tending to their “little ones” while rattling off motherly stock phrases of affection. The exceedingly polite, if somewhat pushy and accident-prone protocol droids, or the partially vivisected monkeys rising up against their captors. The creeping feeling that the very environment you inhabit is your mortal enemy. How could anyone possibly forget playing – no, experiencing! – that?
Whether the 1994 System Shock can be considered an RPG is up for debate. The fact remains that, in an age where games like Doom limited its content to navigating mazes, finding keys and shooting stuff, System Shock featured a complex (if convoluted) UI that allowed the player to jump, crouch, peek around corners, jack into cyberspace, read logs and manage an extensive inventory.
根据发行商的要求,《网络奇兵 2》有一个多人合作模式。但是需要注意的是,开发者多次指出这个游戏最适合单人体验。
By demand of the publisher, SS2 has a multiplayer co-op mode. But beware, the developers stated many times that it's a game best experienced alone.

Besides shooting, you'll also have to hack, repair, modify and even research stuff you find.
可悲的是,《网络奇兵》广受好评,但销量惨淡。这款超前时代多年的作品并没有获得相应的回报,而这也成为了 Looking Glass 此后难以摆脱的一种命运。
不过《网络奇兵》在多年间吸引了一批狂热的追随者。在这群狂热爱好者中有一位名为 Ken Levine 的年轻人,他的公司,Irrational Games,拿到了开发续作的许可。SHODAN 这个狡诈的异常 AI 在第一部游戏中出色地扮演了主要反派,现在迎来了光荣且正当的回归。
《网络奇兵 2》的预算极为有限,开发办公室差不多就是 Looking Glass 的杂物间。两家公司间存在着一种稳定的共生关系。首先,Irrational 能够使用黑暗引擎(Dark Engine),这一引擎最初的应用是在 1998 年的经典潜行游戏《神偷》(Thief)。《网络奇兵 2》最终也吸收了很多《神偷》的长处:关卡错综复杂而且庞大,玩家可以躲藏在关卡中的阴影里;不同的表面可能产生出不同大小的声音,有可能会惊动到临近的敌人。
将《网络奇兵 2》和前作真正区分开的是复杂的角色系统,这造就了一个将 FPS 与 RPG 平等地结合起来的游戏。在游戏初期,玩家需要从三个职业中选出一个:带满枪支的陆战队员,天生具有超能力的 OSA 特工或者是技术高超的海军黑客。在游戏流程中,玩家可以任意定制自己的角色:可以增加属性值,选择专长,训练必要技能来装备或者修理更强大的物品,寻找植入物,或者学习 35 种可选的超能力——比如临时增强自身状态,射出精神力飞弹,甚至是传送能力。
Sadly, in what would become a pattern for Looking Glass, releasing a product that was years ahead of its time didn't pay off. System Shock obtained wide critical acclaim, but sold poorly.
However, the game managed to develop a cult following over the years. Among the select group of aficionados was a young Ken Levine. His company, Irrational Games, was granted the rights to work on a sequel, allowing for a proper, triumphant return of SHODAN, the devious rogue AI that had so masterfully served as the first game's main adversary.
Developed on a shoestring budget in an office that can be aptly described as Looking Glass's broom closet, there was constant symbiosis between the two companies. First and foremost, Irrational had access to the Dark Engine, which would first come to use in the 1998 stealth classic Thief. As a result, System Shock 2 shares many of its strengths with the original Thief: the player is able to hide in the shadows of the large, intricately designed levels, with different surfaces generating different levels of noise, potentially alerting nearby enemies.
What truly separates SS2 from its predecessor is the use of a complex character system, resulting in a game that is both FPS and RPG in equal measure. Early on, the player chooses one of three classes: the gun-toting marine, the psionically-endowed OSA agent or the tech-savvy navy hacker. Throughout the game the player can customise his character however he chooses: improving his attributes, selecting traits, training the skills required to equip and repair more powerful items, finding implants or learning any of the 35 available psi powers, that range from temporarily buffing stats to firing mental projectiles and even the ability to teleport yourself.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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