Silmarils, 1992
Amiga, Atari ST 和 MS-DOS
Silmarils, 1992
Amiga, Atari ST and MS-DOS

第一眼看上去,《无限之门(Ishar: Legend of the Fortress)》像是《魔眼杀机(Eye of the Beholder)》系列取得成功后涌现出的众多游戏中的一部,幸运的是,它远远不止于此。富有 Amiga 平台开发经验的法国游戏工作室 Silmarils 给这款游戏注入了许多新想法。
你孤身一人在肯多利亚(Kendoria)的中心开始旅程,这是一个幅员辽阔的国家,也有一些死气沉沉。和那些让你在地牢里行动的游戏不同,在《无限之门》中,大部分时间都是在室外度过的。游戏除了大地图以外没有别的指引,目标也非常简单:到达伊沙尔[1] (Ishar)城堡并杀死邪恶的魔法师克罗格(Khrog[2] )。作为《阿尔博雷阿的水晶(Crystals of Arborea)》的续作,游玩《无限之门》不需要你去补前作,而且还加入了许多有趣的情节。
At first glance, Ishar appears to be one of the many games spawned by the success of the Eye of the Beholder series. Fortunately, it's much more than that. Silmarils, a French veteran of the Amiga scene, introduced many original ideas to the formula.
You start all alone in the middle of Kendoria, a vast kingdom, a bit lost too. Contrary to many dungeon crawlers, Ishar let you spend most of your time outside: no indications except a big map and a simple objective: reach the fortress of Ishar to kill the evil sorcerer Khrog. A direct sequel to Crystals of Arborea, Ishar doesn't require any former knowledge of the series but offers interesting cameos.
Ishar is probably the ultimate capitalist dream since you must pay for everything. Recruiting up to four other characters? Pay. Getting precious food and water to avoid starvation? Pay. Train your characters to grow stronger? Pay. You merely want to save? PAY. While disturbing at first, the system quickly becomes a nice way to make dire choices at every step of the adventure.
If you find Ishar too punishing, fan-made patches exist to remove the need to pay each time you save the game.

这个友善的人是你遇到的第一个 NPC,他很愿意加入你的队伍……然后卷跑你的东西。
This friendly man is the first NPC you'll meet. He's eager to join your party... and run away with your items.
战斗是实时的,这意味着需要大量的微操。魔法很有用,但由于多数职业都有其特殊的法术,你不用太专注于魔法。由于用来治疗和恢复魔法的药水很贵,使用魔法代价很高。游戏将带有“古典奇幻”色彩[3] 的动物寓言风格表现得淋漓尽致,而且怪物普遍设计得都很棒。《无限之门》战斗部分的一个很酷的特点是,玩家可以自行创建战斗阵型,比如你可以将法师放在防御力更强的战士身后。尽管画面有一些粗糙,但攻击和施法是完全动画化的。令人奇怪的是,敌人不会追击你,但想到这款游戏已经很难了,这个设定也算是能让人喘口气。
对地图比例的把控或许是游戏最出色的设计之一。肯多利亚幅员辽阔,穿过这片大陆需要花费一定的时间,当你穿过一片又一片的沼泽、森林和开阔的平原时,你就会发现画地图的重要性。Silmarlis 长期专注于 Amiga 平台的开发,他们擅长制作美丽又丰富的自然风景,让漫长的旅途变得有趣。对于一款 CRPG 来说很奇怪的是,游戏中只有为数不多的地下城,但每一个都让人印象深刻。游戏的大部分时间都在室外度过,这使得地下城场景显得幽闭和危险,因为你再也无法躲着敌人走了。而文明社会则体现在分散的村庄和一座大城市中。
小偷和强盗的存在使城镇危机四伏,但对疲倦的冒险者来说,城镇也是绝佳的休息场所。旅馆、铁匠铺和各种各样的商店是招募新人、训练队伍和打听传闻的好去处。除了主线剧情以外,通过特定的 NPC 还可以开启各种各样的支线任务。举个例子,其中一个人会让你和前传《阿尔博雷阿的水晶》的英雄们相见。
Combat is in real time, meaning a lot of micromanagement on your end. Magic is useful and, since most classes get specific spells, you don't need to focus too much on it. Still it can be extra costly thanks to expensive potions to cure your characters and refill your magic. The very “high fantasy”-looking bestiary is well endowed and the general monster design very nice. A cool feature regarding combat in Ishar is the possibility to create a tactical formation for your group, protecting your spellcasters behind your more resilient warriors, for example. While a bit crude, attacks and spells are entirely animated. Curiously, enemies don't chase you but, since the game is really hard, that's a relief.
The sense of scale is probably one of the things that Ishar does best. Kendoria is a vast land and navigating through its wilderness takes some time. Cartography becomes vital as you step through miles and miles of marshes, forests and open plains. Silmarils has worked a long time on Amiga and excels in creating beautiful lush nature that make long strolls enjoyable. Strangely enough for a CRPG, there is only a handful of underground dungeons but each one is memorable. Spending most of the game outside makes dungeons feel claustrophobic and deadly since you can't avoid enemies anymore. Civilisation is also present through scattered villages and one gigantic city.
Adventure and dangers dwell within towns with packs of thieves and bandits, but those places also offer rest for our weary adventurers. Inns, smiths and various shops are a good way to recruit fresh blood, train your merry band or hear rumours. Additionally to the main plot, various side-quests are available through specific NPCs. For example, one of them allows you to even cross the path of the former heroes of Crystals of Arborea, the prequel to Ishar.
1 译者注:“Ishar”在游戏中虚构的精灵语里意为“未知”。
2 译者注:这里可能是作者笔误了,应为 Krogh。
3 译者注:古典奇幻(High fantasy),是奇幻小说的一种体裁,通常以架空世界或平行世界为背景,例如,《魔戒》。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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