BioWare, 2003
Windows, OS X 和 Xbox
BioWare, 2003
Windows, OS X and Xbox

旧共和国武士(Knights of the Old Republic)不仅是以《星球大战(Star Wars)》为背景的第一款 CRPG,也是 BioWare 发展历程中的转折点。在这一时期 BioWare 放弃了其开发 PC 游戏的初心,并开始更加偏爱主机化的游戏。这种转变也为操作,界面,战斗和关卡设计等方面带来了更深层次的改变和简化。
游戏设定在电影剧情的 4000 年前,这也是漫画《绝地传奇》(Tales of the Jedi)所描绘的时代。这一时期,共和国(Republic)正逐渐输掉与西斯帝国(Sith Empire)的战争,此时的西斯帝国被达斯·马拉克(Darth Malak)所领导。这个设定本已足够激动人心,但很不幸 BioWare 采用了《星球大战》电影中的视觉设计,而非漫画中那出色的粗犷风格。
玩家要扮演一名正在发掘自己的原力(the Force)天赋的共和国士兵,并踏上一段将要决定战争走向的旅程。尽管游戏剧情中的反转尤为出名,但我觉得 BioWare 还是低估了这一设计所蕴含的潜力,没有在游戏中对其进行充分挖掘。
Knights of the Old Republic not only is the first Star Wars CRPG, but is also a turning point for BioWare. It's the moment when it abandoned its PC roots in favour of more console-oriented games, which led to deep changes and simplifications – from the controls and UI to the combat and level design.
Thankfully, despite some rather awkward design choices, KotOR provides ample entertainment with its enjoyable story, teeming with a sense of adventure.
The game takes place roughly 4,000 years before the movies, an era documented in the Tales of the Jedi comics. Here, the Republic is slowly losing the war against the Sith Empire – led by Darth Malak. It's an exciting setting, but it's unfortunate that BioWare chose to use the modern Star Wars look seen in the movies, instead of the brilliant, rustic aesthetic of the comics.
The player, a Republic soldier who discovers in himself an affinity to use the Force, goes on a journey during which the fate of the war will be decided. The game is particularly famous for its plot twist, although I think BioWare has failed to realise the full potential of it, as it can feel underdeveloped.
《星球大战:旧共和国武士》最初只发售了 Xbox 版本,并且成为了当时卖的最快的主机游戏。5 个月之后游戏才被移植到了 PC 平台上。
SW:KotOR was first released for the Xbox. It was the fastest selling game for that console at the time. The PC port came out five months later.

Combat is real-time-with-pause and allows you to queue a set of actions for each character.
无论如何,游戏的情节与支线任务都非常出彩。无论是在内容上还是主题上,《旧共和国武士》中的冒险都完美地复刻了《星球大战》中的感觉。游戏提供了许多选择,使你可以在原力的光明面(Light Side)和黑暗面(Dark Side)之间来回徘徊,而这些选择最终将会导致外观和属性的变化。
在冒险中,玩家将集结九名同伴,和他们一同驾驶飞船乌木鹰号(Ebon Hawk)闯荡银河——尽管每次出门最多只能带两名队友。序幕和结局是线性的,但游戏的中间流程是开放的,玩家可以探访四个星球并以任何顺序完成任务。
在所有队员中,最有趣的要数一个年迈的前绝地武士,乔利 · 宾多(Jolee Bindo)。积极的态度、风趣、玩世不恭和智慧在他身上完美地融合,并使他成为了一个迷人的同伴。最受粉丝喜欢的刺杀机器人 HK-47 也很有趣,尽管在这第一部游戏里它显得有点“一招鲜”。但是最主要的反派角色,达斯·马拉克却显得有些空洞扁平,就像那种随处可见的卡通坏蛋一样。
战斗体验是《旧共和国武士》中的薄弱环节。它的“可暂停的即时制战斗”允许你给每个队员安排行动序列,但任何期待见到类似《博德之门 2(Baldur's Gate II)》中的复杂战斗和战术挑战的玩家都将对此感到非常失望。
Regardless, the plot and side-quests are great. KotOR delivers that overall feeling of a Star Wars adventure, both in content and themes, and does it gracefully, offering many choices which move you towards either the Light or Dark Side of the Force – ultimately resulting in a change of appearance and stats.
During his adventures, the player will gather nine companions, with whom he'll travel the galaxy aboard the starship Ebon Hawk – albeit only two of them can accompany him at a time. The prologue and the ending are linear, but the game opens up in between, giving players the opportunity to visit four planets and complete their quests in any order.
The game offers many interesting places, like the planet Manaan, whose inhabitants are getting wealthy from exporting medical resources to both sides of the war. Fearful of showing any sign which may be seen as a preference for either of them, they desperately try to stay neutral in the ongoing conflict. We'll also visit the Sith Academy on Korriban, where every student learns to betray another and those more advanced ones take courses in the fleeting art of double-crossing.
Among your party members, certainly the most interesting is the old, former Jedi, Jolee Bindo. His positive attitude, wit, cynicism and wisdom comes out as a perfect mixture for an engaging companion. A fan favourite, the Assassin droid HK-47 is also enjoyable, although in this first game he feels a little like a one-trick pony. However, the main bad guy, Darth Malak, rings hollow, like some expendable villain of the week.
Sadly, the combat is KotOR's weakest aspect. It features real-time-with-pause battles, which allow you to queue actions for each party member – but anyone expecting complexity or tactical challenge similar to Baldur's Gate II will be gravely disappointed.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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